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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2006, 08:32:44 PM »
Nah, that was just a troll.

Thought so.

Hoping for some "conservative" to produce the list of Democratic pervs so I can point out how short it is in comparison to the list of Republican pervs.

And if it's not?
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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2006, 09:32:58 PM »
<<And if it's not?>>  [if the list of Democratic perverts isn't much much shorter than the list of Republican pervs?]

Then the country has no hope in hell of being governed by anybody other than a bunch of fucking perverts.


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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2006, 11:44:57 PM »
a "circling of the wagons," as I understand the phrase, means a group circles together around one of its wounded or disabled members to protect it from outside attack. where the hell is this "circle of protection"?  Everywhere I look he's being condemned up and down the political spectrum.  Please, show me who's defending his actions.  That's the question I seem to keep asking that fails to get answered

Tony Snow (minimizing the seriousness of the offence by characterizing it as "a few naughty e-mails;"

The "e-mails" were NOTHING compared to the im's.  And the GOP told Foley to knock it off, when they got wind of those e-mails.  It was the IM's that became the smoking gun, and as soon as that was brought to light and validated, you saw immediate condemnation.  Still no "circling"

Drudge, blaming it on the victims

Drudge = GOP??  Since when??

Reynolds, blaming the parents' lack of prosecutorial zeal for the half-assed "investigation" which left Foley free to continue his predations

So, parents have nothing to do with this?  You, the "Get Government out of my home" hard nosed lib is now citing that the Government didn't do enough to make the parents do more??  Under "desperation" in the dictionary is likely a reference to the last 2 examples" of yours. 

Let me give you what would be scenarios for actually "circling the wagons".  Circling would have been NO ATTEMPT at an investigation, or at minimum impeding it.  Circling would have told the parents to go pound sand.  Circling would have been what the Dems did with Rep. Studds & then President Clinton

An implosion (collapse under pressure from the outside in) is different concept from a circling of the wagons, and implies people outside the central core of the party attacking the insiders, and I guess examples of this would be the Washington Times and Bay Buchanan going after Hastert

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, be it the Wash Times or Bay.  Does it make them correct.  I could site a whole host of other publications and folks "outside the central core" who have no desire to see Hastert resign.  Point being that the FACTS demonstrate no cover up, no attempt to cover up, & immediate demand for resignation once the explicit nature of Foley's actions were known.  Not just by conservative consituents, but by the GOP leadership as well.  Everything that the Dems DIDN'T do when it was one of their guys, I might add.  There's your Hypocrisy 

« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 01:16:18 AM by sirs »
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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2006, 11:58:44 PM »
Remember that Monica did not want to testify at all, and Starr and his henchmen had to threaten her with incarceration to make her talk. And of course, Monica had committed no crime and was an adult.

I think that if this was serious enough to cause this congressman to resign, there is a lot more than we have heard so far.

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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2006, 12:16:21 AM »
Remember that Monica did not want to testify at all, and Starr and his henchmen had to threaten her with incarceration to make her talk. And of course, Monica had committed no crime and was an adult.  I think that if this was serious enough to cause this congressman to resign, there is a lot more than we have heard so far.

And this has what to do with the tea in China??  Foley didn't even have sex with this page.  Rep. Studds DID, and that page was underage as well.  Was he driven out of the party?  Was he condemned by his party?  Studds was RELECTED........5X.  HE'S GETTING A PENSION NOW, THAT WE PAY FOR
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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2006, 01:06:35 AM »
In this case, Foley is the disabled wagon, and the other wagons (Republicans) flocking to his defence or circling him protectively are, as Lanya has already pointed out:

Case you missed it Mikey, Foley resigned days ago, at the GOP Leaderships urging.

Some circling of wagons.


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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2006, 01:42:18 AM »
Responding to Sirs « Reply #17 on: October 03, 2006, 10:44:57 PM »
Not only are they circling the wagons. They're putting the children OUT FRONT so the mean reporters won't ask adult questions on adult topics.  Very sleazy. 

 Beyond bizzarre -- now they're hiding behind children?

Harry Scull Jr./Buffalo News

A Buffalo News photographer shot this iconic photo that perfectly sums up the whole damn Foleygate scandal, which has rapidly moved beyond the "merely" sleazy, salacious and corrupt. Now it's an utterly surreal, blame-shifting mass abdication of all personal responsibility.

In an affair that's defined by the failure of adults to accept their responsibility to protect the young people in their charge, NY congressman Thomas M. Reynolds, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, topped everyone by surrounding himself with the children of supporters at a press conference called to defend his role as a House Republican leader. The New York Daily News blog reports:

    The Upstate media today is all about Tom Reynolds' bizarre press conference yesterday, at which he surrounded himself by small children. At one point, reporters asked if he could make the children leave so they could ask adult questions, and he refused.

Earth to Republican Party: Get a grip!
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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2006, 01:44:54 AM »
<<Case you missed it Mikey, Foley resigned days ago, at the GOP Leaderships urging.

<<Some circling of wagons. >>

The argument would be that the wagons had circled when the e-mails were disclosed to Hastert, as regards Foley.  No hard-edged investigation, nothing happened to the guy, and he was left free to prey upon the pages or not, as he saw fit.  Given the choice between raking up a lot of muck and possibly turning up something to the great discredit of the GOP, or just doing nothing and hoping that Foley would behave himself and nothing really bad would happen to the pages, the GOP leadership took the latter course.  THAT'S what "circling the wagons" means with regard to Foley.

NOBODY missed Foley's resignation.  At that point, the circling of the wagons had given up on Foley.  Nobody was protecting him anymore, the guy was positively radioactive.  The metaphor still applied to Hastert, who the wagons are still circled round.  Including YOUR wagon, BT.  They're gonna fight off any allegations that Hastert fucked up, failed to look into the e-mails energetically enough and/or preferred to leave the pages exposed to predators like Foley rather than dig up shit that might besmirch the GOP or cost it a seat in the House.


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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2006, 01:57:44 AM »
Lanya; Thomas M. Reynolds, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, topped everyone by surrounding himself with the children of supporters at a press conference called to defend his role as a House Republican leader

And yet, STILL NO EXAMPLES, of ANYONE DEFENDING WHAT FOLEY DID  In case you missed it the 1st time Lanya, that was my original question, that neither you nor Tee have been able to buttress

Tee; The argument would be that the wagons had circled when the e-mails were disclosed to Hastert, as regards Foley

How was telling Foley to knock it off, after seeing such e-mails "circling the wagons"??  How was upon learning of how explicit the IM's were, and demanding his resigniation, "circling the wagons"??
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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2006, 02:02:50 AM »
'Just an accident? We report, you decide.'

Screen shot is at link.

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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2006, 02:06:01 AM »
<< where the hell is this "circle of protection"?  Everywhere I look he's being condemned up and down the political spectrum.  Please, show me who's defending his actions.  That's the question I seem to keep asking that fails to get answered>>

Oh, it's been answered.  You just aren't listening.  But that's OK.  I'll answer it again.  When Hastert was told about the e-mails - - which might be "innocent" enough to the Republicans as they circle their wagons, now around Hastert - - he and his staff took no effective action to determine the threat level to the pages.  They kept it under wraps.  They didn't want to rock the boat.  The wagons - - Hastert and his people - - circled round Foley.  He was left undisturbed.  The pages were left at risk.

When matters reached the point where the GOP wagons could no longer afford to be seen as circling protectively round Foley, they threw him to the wolves pretty quickly, so that now, of course, he's completely on his own.  But you'd like to use that to obliterate the earlier protection that he [Foley] enjoyed when nothing was done in response to his e-mails.  When whatever pathetic response Hastert was able to muster left Folery unscathed and still free to molest and seduce.

<<MT:  Tony Snow (minimizing the seriousness of the offence by characterizing it as "a few naughty e-mails;">>

<<sirs:  The "e-mails" were NOTHING compared to the im's. >>

sirs, on the contrary. the e-mails were more than "a few naughty e-mails."  MUCH more.  Snow was minimizing some very disturbing and abnormal behaviour, where the lives of vulnerable adolescents hung in the balance.  "Naughty" is a humourous way of describing off-colour or risque material ("French" post-cards, sexy lingerie, etc.) that is almost always for adult consumption; and moreover, for adults who, basically, are healthy, normal individuals; there's nothing "naughty" about a pedophile targeting vulnerable children and youths.  It is despicable to try to whitewash that kind of predation as merely "naughty."  Tony Snow actually in his attempts to lightly pass over the horrible breach of trust that Foley, even in the e-mails, was committing, is TYPICAL of the amorality and sleaziness of the whole Bush administration.

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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2006, 02:16:37 AM »
Oh, man, you are just making this WAY too easy for me, sirs.

<<How was telling Foley to knock it off, after seeing such e-mails "circling the wagons"?? >>

They presented to Foley a completely inadequate response to what he was doing and to the danger that such a person represented to the pages who they were supposed to be looking out for. 

sirs, I can see you'd make one hell of a shepherd.  If a wolf were circling your flock, you'd probably yell out at him, "Shoo!" or "Knock it off" and then retire for the night into your cabin, certain that you had taken all reasonable precautions with respect to the flock that you were responsible for.  You are living proof of the INADEQUACY of the Republicans to look after anything or anybody, where they can't also line their own pockets at the same time.

 <<How was upon learning of how explicit the IM's were, and demanding his resigniation, "circling the wagons"??>>

Well, of course, at THAT point, the guy was radioactive.  By then he'd reached the point where circling the wagons was no longer an option.  The wagons now are circling to protect Hastert and his immediate staff.


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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2006, 03:08:28 AM »
Oh, man, you are just making this WAY too easy for me, sirs.

I'm trying to Tee, but you keep failing miserably.  Show me anyone who's defending Foley's acts.  It can't get any easier than that.  Show us anyone who says what Foley did is best left to the privacy of Foley, that what he does in his own private life is no one else's business. You know, what the Dems did with Representative Studds

If a wolf were circling your flock, you'd probably yell out at him, "Shoo!" or "Knock it off" and then retire for the night into your cabin, certain that you had taken all reasonable precautions with respect to the flock that you were responsible for

While in this world, when a supposedly responsible man says he'll do better, without a pattern to go by such as.....harrasing women while at various levels of executive leadership, like let say State AG, then Governor, and then President, the reasonable expectation is that the man we'll stay true to his word, unlike the wolf who doesn't know better, or an egregious womanizer who can't keep it in his pants

Well, of course, at THAT point, the guy was radioactive.  By then he'd reached the point where circling the wagons was no longer an option

Yet, THAT's what you, Brass, and Lanya keep implying is happening.  Must be more of that upside down Tee tactic of no facts/evidence is proof of such
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 04:21:55 AM by sirs »
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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2006, 04:26:22 AM »
"circling of the wagons," as I understand the phrase, means a group circles together around one of its wounded or disabled members to protect it from outside attack.  I think the original phrase came from Indian attacks on wagon trains, but I stand to be corrected.

Was it part of the "circle the wagons " procedure to toss the injured one to the outside of the circle?


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Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2006, 01:46:53 PM »

Case you missed it Mikey, Foley resigned days ago, at the GOP Leaderships urging.

Some circling of wagons.


But not before urging him to run again when he was thinking about not running again and KNOWING that he had inappropriate discussions with an underage page.

But that's just a little too non-technicality-laden for you apparently.