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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2010, 11:26:50 AM »
I doubt this would be a severe problem is that every single military leader in the U.S.
who oppose gays in the military cannot and have not said gays should not serve because
of ability or conduct.

yeah and maybe there hasn't been a problem because what we've had in place has worked

you bring up conduct but have
not brought any examples from gulf war,vietnam,korea,bosnia

see above answer

you don`t want them serving

it's not so much I dont want them serving
in fact I would just as soon see them on the front lines as anybody else
but i can not see a way how it makes any sense from an economic or practical sense

but is it a good idea to deny an ablebody & willing group of people.

depends....if it makes no economical or practical sense...
then yes I think it is a good idea to deny
the military is not a place for social experiments for political correctness
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2010, 11:28:34 AM »
wtc had quite afew dead muslims

they were not the targets
so what?
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2010, 11:35:30 AM »

Commander: Well, Top, the new policy is in effect. From now on it's "Don't Ask,
but You can Tell." It's up to us to try and make the new policy work.

First Sergeant: Should be no problem, sir. After all, I can't see where being gay
would affect anyone's duty performance.

Commander: That's the attitude! I'll leave it in your hands to make it work.

(One week later)

Airman Jones: Sir, I've got a problem.

First Sergeant: What's up, Jones?

Airman Jones: It's my roommate. He's Airman Thompson.

First Sergeant: So?

Airman Jones: Well, he's gay, Sir. He told me so.

First Sergeant: We briefed you on the new policy. Gay service people are no
different from anyone else. Airman Thompson does just as good a job as you do.

Airman Jones: Yes sir, but he keeps staring at me when I shower or change clothes
and stuff. It's really creeping me out.

First Sergeant: I can see how that might bother you. I'll have a talk with him.

(Later, that same day)

First Sergeant: Airman Thompson, we've got a problem.

Airman Thompson: Yes sir?

First Sergeant: Your roommate claims that you keep staring at him when he undresses.
He feels uncomfortable with this.

Airman Thompson: Oh, no sir! I'm not looking at him. He's not even my type.

First Sergeant: Okay. Just do me and your roommate a favor. When he undresses,
make sure you look in another direction. Give his privacy rights a little break, okay?

Airman Thompson: Sure sir! No problem.

(Five days later)

First Sergeant: We've got a problem, Jones. Your NCOIC says this is the 2nd time
you've been late for work this week. What's going on?

Airman Jones: I'm sorry sir, but I can't sleep at night. Now, every time I even reach
for my zipper, Airman Thompson stares at me and gives me a "wolf-whistle." I don't know
what I'm going to do. I'm about ready to smack him.

First Sergeant: No. No. You can't do that. I'll have another talk with him. Don't you
even think about harming him. Got it?

Airman Jones: <glumly> Yes, sir.


First Sergeant: Thompson, your roommate claims you've been staring and whistling at him.
That's sexual harassment, and we won't tolerate it. Understand?

Airman Thompson: I haven't been looking or whistling! He's just lying because he doesn't
like homosexuals! Most people in the military don't like us, and they'll lie in a heartbeat!

First Sergeant: Look, you're not the only one that I'm having a problem with in implementing
this policy. How about if I move you into a room all by yourself?

Airman Thompson: Sure!

(Two weeks later)

Commander: First Sergeant, we've just received an Inspector General Complaint.
It claims that you've given all the homosexuals in the squadron a private room?

First Sergeant: Yes, sir. There were some serious problems developing between them
and their heterosexual roommates. I thought it best to get them split up before someone got hurt.

Commander: I understand, but we can't give them special privileges. We don't have enough
space to give everyone a single room, and you can't single out the homosexuals as getting a benefit
that isn't available to the others. Now, fix it!

First Sergeant: Yes, sir.

(One week later)

Airman Pizaz: Airman Tippy is my girlfriend.

First Sergeant: That's nice. What can I do for you.

Airman Pizaz: Well, she wants to room with me.

First Sergeant: (spitting coffee) You know we can't room a male and female together
in the barracks.

Airman Pizaz: Why not? You roomed Airman Thompson and Airman Eckers together.

First Sergeant: So?

Airman Pizaz: Come on, Shirt! Everyone knows they're going together. If Thompson gets
to room with his boyfriend, how come I can't room with my girlfriend?

First Sergeant: Well.....I guess that makes sense. Okay, I'll approve it.

(Two weeks later)

Commander: (Storming into office, blowing steam out of his ears) What in the Hell are
you doing, First Sergeant?

First Sergeant: Sir?

Commander: (Face turning blue) The Wing has just received a slew of Congressional
Complaints about you from concerned parents! It appears as if you are allowing their young
sons and daughters to shack up in my barracks. Is that true?

First Sergeant: Well, yes Sir....but.....

Commander: (Having a kiniption) No buts!!!!!!! Not in my Air Force!!!!!! People don't shack
up in Military Barracks!! Is that clear???

First Sergeant: Yes Sir.

Commander: (Jumping up and down) Fix this, now!!!

First Sergeant: (Thinking) How in the World do I fix this?

(After much thought)

I know! I'll room male homosexuals with female heterosexuals, and female homosexuals with
male heterosexuals!

(One week later)

Commander: (Blood pressure rising like a steam boiler) First Sergeant, what in the blazes
is going on in my squadron?

First Sergeant: Sir?

Commander: Every single male in the barracks now claims he's homosexual, and wants
to move in with a heterosexual female!

First Sergeant: Well, Sir, I guess the studies were wrong. Maybe it is possible for one
to change their sexual orientation.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2010, 03:31:44 PM »
yeah and maybe there hasn't been a problem because what we've had in place has worked

maybe not

remember it`s the military not gay organization thats bringing this on.
that means something noticable is going on in the military to get this situation.

it was brought up afew years ago that discharging a gay soldier tend to be abit costly since alot of them are more wiiling to take advance training than the average soldier.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2010, 04:11:06 PM »
"remember it`s the military not gay organization thats bringing this on"

Wrong....the military would prefer not to have to deal with such BS
It is politicians & lawsuits funded by pro-homo agendas & pro homo interest groups that bring this on.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2010, 05:34:40 PM »
The military is not a place for social experiments for political correctness
It seems like it was when the integrated the military. The LEAST segregated workplace in the US is the military, so it seems to have worked.

You dialogue is a comedy routine, not reality, by the way.

Ha, ha!
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2010, 05:59:34 PM »
It seems like it was when the integrated the military.

That was not a social experiment and it is insulting, demeaning
and possibly racist to equate the homo agenda to the pain and
suffering associated with slavery.

The LEAST segregated workplace in the US is the military

I doubt that the US Military is any less segregated than the NFL
HUD, APPLE Computers, and a host of other work organizations.

You dialogue is a comedy routine, not reality, by the way.

It very well reflects the non-sense the military will have to put up with
if you and others that support forcing the homo agenda upon other
Americans is successful. Attempts by pro-homo agenda groups seeking
a society stamp of approval for un-natural reckless sex many times involving
human fecal matter really does not belong in the military or in national security

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2010, 06:00:58 PM »
The more i think about it, the less comfortable i am with institutionalizing second class citizenship.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2010, 06:28:03 PM »
The more i think about it, the less comfortable i am with institutionalizing second class citizenship.

They (homos) are in fact "second class citizens" in some areas.
None of us would be here if not for heterosexuals. Nada...none.
Heterosexuals have in fact created mankind & human history....for that they have no equal.
Sure not all hetros have reproduced, but they are part of the group that has.
Natural reproduction has always and will always be through heterosexuals.
Societies all over the world throughout human history have placed the heterosexual relationship
between a man and woman that creates mankind in a very special place and rightfully so.
So in that regard homos can never "play the whole game"...they are unequal as a group.
They can live in peace, freedom, attain wealth, create/invent material things..etc
But homos unlike hetros as a group can not create a human being naturally.
They are not and can not be equal to the ideal.....never.
Although they seek to pretend otherwise thru forceful political legal agendas.
And even if they succeed in forcing their agenda on people thru ramroding gvt decrees...
They will never in reality be equal.

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2010, 06:54:34 PM »
come to think about it, I know alot of gays who have (non-adopted) kids. so saying homosexual lifestyle does not produce kids may not be true.

I`ll not go into detail how this is , but lets just say the human population will not be too hampered by homosexuality.

actually I don`t any gay couple who adopts.

I don`t know about the equality part. but they sure do have the best looking & trendiest neighborhood(castro)

meaning san francisco has not been hurt by having gays here (money wise)

sanctuary city status is another matter


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2010, 07:34:07 PM »
"hmm come to think about it, I know alot of gays who have (non-adopted) kids.
so saying homosexual lifestyle does not produce kids may not be true"

uh Kimba those would be known as bi-sexuals, & more specific those children were created
when that particular bi-sexual was having hetrosexual intercourse...unless some unnatural
medical procedure was used.....homosexual sex between two humans has never and will never
produce a human being.

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2010, 07:47:05 PM »
The more i think about it, the less comfortable i am with institutionalizing second class citizenship.

They (homos) are in fact "second class citizens" in some areas.
None of us would be here if not for heterosexuals. Nada...none.
Heterosexuals have in fact created mankind & human history....for that they have no equal.
Sure not all hetros have reproduced, but they are part of the group that has.
Natural reproduction has always and will always be through heterosexuals.
Societies all over the world throughout human history have placed the heterosexual relationship
between a man and woman that creates mankind in a very special place and rightfully so.
So in that regard homos can never "play the whole game"...they are unequal as a group.
They can live in peace, freedom, attain wealth, create/invent material things..etc
But homos unlike hetros as a group can not create a human being naturally.
They are not and can not be equal to the ideal.....never.
Although they seek to pretend otherwise thru forceful political legal agendas.
And even if they succeed in forcing their agenda on people thru ramroding gvt decrees...
They will never in reality be equal.

Does the constitution mention anything about sexual preference in regards to US citizenship?


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2010, 07:59:55 PM »
nope these are from formerly closeted gays .

infact quite afew outed gays in high position had families.

and some simply just arrainged a girl or guy to make this possible.

gay sex doesn`t produce children,but gays are not physically limited to gay sex.

remember the majority of gays were raised straight, so afew of would of had a hetero relationship.

I remember a highly decorated female admiral who came out of the closet ,whose also a grandma.
I believe she help developed fortran


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2010, 09:51:05 PM »
kimba....I think we are on the same page....i

yes a bisexual can have hetrosexual sex and produce a child
yes a homo could have hetrosexual sex to produce a child
but only hetrosexual sex can produce a child naturally
a homo can have hetro sex to produce a human being
but a hetro can not have homo sex and produce a damn thing
hetro has and does create mankind
thus it least in my mind and others an elevated status
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2010, 04:26:45 PM »
They will never in reality be equal.
They can be equal in civil rights, and THAT is the issue here.

No two people on Earth are exactly equal, though identical twins come far closer.

On a planet with more people than it can feed sustainably, not everyone needs to reproduce, and it is good that many do not.
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