I wonder if it has occurred to anyone, that the outbreaks of infection in our food supply might be caused by the immense uncontrolled immigration taking place. For decades, there have been running jokes about dysentery, not drinking the water, and a whole collection of other ills associated with Mexico. In truth, whatever substance these old stories and jokes may have, when you permit huge numbers of people in, from what is essentially a third world country, you also invite in their diseases, and their interpretation of hygiene and public health. I think that it is more than a coincidence that these problems started in the produce and meat industries in which illegals are so heavily represented. Of course, it would be racist to speak of this, so nobody does. They will no more look towards illegal Mexicans as a possible source of disease, than they do towards middle easterners as a possible source of terrorism.
All of this is, of course, in addition to the huge load that illegals put on the medical and welfare systems of this country, not to mention the extra load placed upon the prison and law enforcement resources. Why do we want to do this? I have a high regard for the United States, and for it's culture (what's left of it), and do not see any advantage to transforming it into a third world country, by reintroducing problems which we have already solved a century ago. Since our alleged representatives seem unwilling to deal with this problem, we may as well begin to get used to living by third world standards. So we need to lock our doors against the increasing criminal element, not talk to the police, expect to be robbed and dominated by our government, and look forward to increasing poverty and insecurity. We also need to remember to cook all food thoroughly, and not drink the water.
I am almost glad that the World War Two veterans are, as a generation, dying off. As much as we could use people of their mettle, I am ashamed to have them see what is being done to the country for which they sacrificed so much. It seems that, unlike them, my generation is largely unwilling to fight for our country, or even to care for it. It may be that the old generation will be the last whole generation, outside of separate individuals, to be considered as traditionally American.
Depending upon what history you read, and what definitions you use Valens, Flavius Aetius, Jovian, and Theodosius, as well as others, have all been referred to as the Last Roman. What is interesting about this is that many of those so named lived decades, or even centuries before the official fall of Rome. Certainly, they are only the last Romans in retrospect, and did not perceive themselves as such. I wonder if the last American has been born yet, and if not, how far in the future does his birth lie?
You have my sympathies, by the way, and I hope that something can be done about your neck, and sinuses. I suppose that they have checked you for Lyme, and other such things. It is cheering that nothing bad was found when your head was examined. In the meantime, I always look forward to browsing your site, and appreciate that you are continuing to update. It may be, that the last American is out there somewhere reading your column.
Of interest: Of 32 emergency rooms in LA County, all but 11 seem to have closed. No private hospital can afford to have an emergency room. If you are wealthy and worried, you need to leave California.
But we are all politically correct. Or, we had better be, anyway!