For one libertarians believe in property rights and anarchists don't.
Libertarians don't necessarily have problems with police or the courts that protect individual rights.
Anarchists do.
What came first the Atheist or the Anarchist?
Everyone in the world for all of humanity's existence is and was born both an atheist and an anarchist.
When born without help a baby will surely die. After being born and raised by its parents a child becomes what he becomes, not necessarily an Atheist or Anarchist but either good or evil.
Some people proudly crap on a police car, grinning, whilst flashing the peace sign, other people choose a different path in life. A more positive and happy path. I think Anarchists are a combination of angry, lazy, confused, and misguided people that pretty much think about nobody but themselves. They either grow up and change for the better or end up dying unhappy, lonely, divorced, and eventually their children turn away from them because they want happiness or worse they become just as unhappy and dysfunctional as their parents, thus, the cycle keeps repeating itself.
Instead of blaming everybody for your problems Anarchists need to look no further than themselves. That is the one narcissistic thing they do is NOT blame themselves for their poor situation, yet again that's narcissistic after all.