Methnks thou doest protest too much?
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Is there any work you won't defile? (that's a joke!)
I wasnt sure you were a lady
I really don't think that the governments war on poverty has been effective under any administration
Irrelevant to the point, but noted.
An I don't thik that the "Chrismass Carol" story endorses better sort of poorhouse , it is about personal involvement and careing by the individual , that is, a conservative position.
First of all, caring by an individual is not a position of one political philosophy over any other. I'm guessing Adam cared for Eve and vice versa, so let's not be quite so arrogant.
Secondly, to claim that viewpoint Plane you have to ignore Charles Dickens life and history as well as the text of "A Christmas Carol", plus the context of the times in the United Kingdom itself. You may do that of course, but it is revisionism on your part of a very classic work of literature. I'm beginning to wonder if you've ever read it or another work by Dickens. Regardless, if you need revisionism to make your conservatism feel better - then hey, it is your bizarre little world. I'd advise for a more open mind and a look at the historical background, which is really quite interesting.
By the way, Dickens often fought for changes in Government policy. One of which was the overturning of the Sabbath laws.
The Christmass Carol is about takeing compassion on ones self this is a well known diffrence in Liberalism as it si practiced now and the way it was in Dickens day.
If "A Christmass Carol " had been written by a modern Liberal Scrooge wold have been sued by a heroic laywer , or a government agency would have given Cratchet a minimum wage , which would majcly allow him to enjoy a high standard of liveing..
Liberals today are something like the caricter of Scrooge ealy in the story , hard to seaparate from their own money .
I don't doubt taht Dickens lobbied for changes in government policys , every good conservative should be pulling for th government to get off thr neck of the people.
Got any examples of Dickins lobbing for public houseing , minimum wage or some other rediculously Liberal thing?