Is there a rule that I have to respond? Because if there is, I'm breaking it.
There is no such rule as far as I am concerned. Every posting is voluntary and is done in a spirit of generosity more often than not.
If Lanya thinks that something she has found is interesting , and it is not so opprobrious that the membership cannot stand it , then she can use her own judgment in displaying it to the rest of us. Why not?
Ahem, Plane, please keep in mind this supposed "attack" upon Lanya has nothing to do with the op-eds that Lanya does or doesn't post. It has always been her talent for running away from direct questions, and efforts to understand her position(s), as it relates to this non existant rule of responding. Just wanted to keep this in perspective. I too enjoy her postings of these 1 sided op-eds alledging/implying mass election fraud by the GOP, how they stole another election for Bush, how the Fairness Doctrine is perfectly reasonable, and how diabolicaly evil Bush & Cheney really are. It gets just as entertaining when she's unable to defend those positions
I get you , I don't share the same set of convictions as Lanya either.
If you can make it clear that you don't mean to be unfriendly to Lanya's person and that you respect her humanity , then the opinions become fair game for skewering.
No less than yours or mine.
But I disagree that there is any onus to reply .
Many threads just have to be dropped , without solution to all the adressed problems ,elese the thread would be absolutely endless.
I give the last post on some threads , but this is not a victory , nor even much of an accomplishment , unless the points I have made are pertenent and cogent and convinceng and complete.
I have never worked out a points system for winning these contests , I suppose a panel of voters or judges could be used , do we really want this?
As it is the liberals win all the points that he Liberals beleive and the Conservatives win all the points that the conservatives beleive and the Libertarans win each point that they beleive.
It is a Win ,Win, Win situation.