There's a myth about the peaceful ways of Buddhists. Yes, they are against violence. Yes they are mindful of their words and actions. However, they are encouraged to nip in the bud inappropriate actions and words of others that directly influence their fellow man in a negative fashion. The far right in this country is at it's core a negative influence. I would be one piss poor Buddhist if I gave the far right a pass.
Now, who is the far right? Well it's kinda like what someone once said about pornography. You know it when you see it. I know the far right when I see it.
P.S. BTW, those on the far right are not fellow Americans. They, as far as I'm concerned, aren't Americans at all.
P.P.S CU, no need to send me that HOLIDAY gift. I have an extensive Buddhist library that covers from floor to ceiling a 19' long wall. And I've read every book in it.