The problem with the whole global warming thing is the way it has been marketed. Nothing like dismissive us vs them tactics to rally the troops to your side. I know , lets alienate all the SUV and truck drivers and then expect them to feel shamed into joining your team.
Best way to get Joe six pack on your side is let him think that his factory will have to shut down in order to meet emission standards and then tell him by the way the guys who will get your job live in China or India and they are exempt from those same emission standards.
Why not tap into rural Americas love of the land by convincing them the way to slow global warming is by conserving energy and going back to living off the land and that includes things like solar and wind power.
Tap into their natural anti establishment mentality by urging them to get off the grid.
But no, these idiots wrap their rhetoric in soybean and tofu and expect everyone to jump, because they are better than us and certainly know better.
Yeah, life and death situations really just need good marketing. Look how well the Bush "administration" has done with the "terrorists want to kill you" campaign. It's simple and it strikes fear when played over and over again. What they've done so much better than these fucking dirty hippies is Bush and the gang immediately go out and squash anyone who comes out with any other information to the contrary of their marketing strategy.
Why don't these loser "global warmers" learn?
End of snark.
What you are failing to recognize, BT, is that these are scientists and when they see facts and they have OTHER scientists look at their facts to make sure that what they're seeing is, in fact, what they're seeing, they don't immediately think, "OK, now how are we going to get the public on board for this?" To them, it's evidence that demands change and is not subject to the whims of a childish mindset amongst those who don't study the subject every day.
That's how science works. It's not an arbitrary supposition or personal belief that they must convince everyone else is the correct opinion. It's fact. The sky is blue. The sun is so and so many millions of miles away. That's the difference between scientists and the Bush "administration" who has ulterior motives that must be protected when at odds with science. I'm really surprised that you don't see it this way.