Author Topic: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN  (Read 2551 times)

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Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:30:01 AM »
Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
At least 93,000 people have been killed in Syria since the start of the conflict, according to latest United Nations figures.
This represents a rise of more than 30,000 since the UN last issued figures covering the period to November 2012.
At least 5,000 people have been dying in Syria every month since last July, the UN's human rights body says.
But it says these statistics are an underestimate as it believes many deaths have not been unreported.
Over 80% of those killed were men, but the UN's Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says it has also documented the deaths of more than 1,700 children under the age of 10.
There were "cases of individual children being tortured and executed, and entire families, including babies, being massacred - which, along with this devastatingly high death toll, is a terrible reminder of just how vicious this conflict has become," said OHCHR head Navi Pillay.
"This extremely high rate of killings, month after month, reflects the drastically deteriorating pattern of the conflict over the past year," she added.
The revised toll came the day after a separate global UN report called the number of deaths among Syrian children "unbearable".
The study said government forces and rebels were using boys and girls as "suicide bombers or human shields".
Children in Syria were suffering "maybe the heaviest toll" of anywhere in the world, said UN special representative Leila Zerrougui, who presented the findings.
"They are killed, they are maimed, they are recruited, they are detained, they are tortured", she told journalists in New York.
The report accused Syrian troops of torturing children suspected of having links to rebel groups.
But it said armed opposition groups, including the Free Syrian Army, were also using children, both in combat and in support roles such as transporting supplies and loading cartridges.
Ceasefire call
OHCHR'S report said the biggest numbers of documented killings throughout the conflict have been recorded in the governorates of rural Damascus (17,800 deaths), Homs (16,400), and Aleppo (11,900).
The sharpest increases in deaths since November 2012 were recorded in the governorates which surround Damascus and Aleppo with 6,200 and 4,800 new documented deaths respectively.
OHCHR called for an immediate ceasefire "before tens of thousands more people are killed or injured".
Ms Pillay said that "states with influence could, if they act collectively, do a lot more to bring the conflict to a swift end, thereby saving countless more lives".
"Civilians are bearing the brunt of widespread, violent and often indiscriminate attacks which are devastating whole swathes of major towns and cities, as well as outlying villages," Ms Pillay said.
"Government forces are shelling and launching aerial attacks on urban areas day in and day out, and are also using strategic missiles and cluster and thermobaric bombs.
"Opposition forces have also shelled residential areas, albeit using less fire-power, and there have been multiple bombings resulting in casualties in the heart of cities, especially Damascus," she went on.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 10:16:38 AM »
Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN

BSB this is very sad
but who Plane implies....maybe that's the plan
Syria is in shambles
the hatred level between Muslims there may be at an all-time high
rebuilding there will be slow and take decades
will there really be a "winner"?

be warned the video below is extremely graphic
so dont watch if you are faint hearted

but it shows the horrors that are happening in this war
this kind of brutality will not be healed when the war "ends"
Syria internal hatred will last a long time after the last bullet is fired

Captured Syrian soldiers are brutally beaten by FSA (18+ Warning)
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 11:04:27 AM »

« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 11:29:56 AM by noname »


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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 11:16:38 AM »
Consider how long it has taken the US, a country in which vendettas between religious sects are NOT part of the culture, to get over the Civil War.

The death toll is not planned. It is not any part of "the plan". It is what always happens in such conflicts.

There is never a winner in any civil war. There is a conqueror, and there are are sullen conquered people.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2013, 01:31:30 PM »
The death toll is not planned.
It is not any part of "the plan".
It is what always happens in such conflicts.

I doubt the Syrian civil war is totally spontaneous,
there is just too much "outside" interference.
The outsiders that pull the strings on this event
had to know the death toll would be high.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2013, 02:35:05 PM »
The Syrian civil war was started by Syrians and is almost being fought by Syrians. Just like the US Civil War.

It was not "totally spontaneous": it began with demonstrations, which Assad brutally suppressed, and escalated from there. That is a matter of record.

All sorts of other people were on one side or the other in the US Civil War. British abolitionists. British cotton growers in India, British mill owners in England.

But it was mostly Americans being stupid that started it, and once a civil war has begun, it is very hard to stop it.

You should really like the idea of Syrians starting it, since it is a sure thing that those who did were nearly all Muslims. The Christians, Druzes, and Armenians certainly had little part in it, but they will probably suffer the most from it.

Assad's father made it clear that he would kill everyone that crossed him, and his son seemed intent on doing the same.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 02:56:07 PM »
The Syrian civil war was started by Syrians and is almost being fought by Syrians.
Just like the US Civil War.

Can you site sources that show thousands of foreigners were sent to fight in the US Civil War?
And were decisive in the US Civil War's outcome?
There are thousands of Hezbollah combat troops on the ground in Syria.
In fact Senior US officials have said Iranians are on the ground fighting in Syria as well.
There are thousands of non-Syrian Sunni Arabs fighting on the rebel side.
You can keep living in the fantasy world that Syria is some simple civil war
and not the geo-political chess game it really is.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2013, 04:29:07 PM »
Syria is a complicated country, and their civil war is quite complicated. The world has changed since 1860 and no war anywhere is likely to be simple.

National boundaries do not mean the same thing in the Arab world.  The Brits and the French took Iraq and Syria from the Ottomans, the French separated Lebanon so the Christians would be in the majority. The Brits took Iraq as a "petroleum reserve".

You should be happy that Hezbollah is fighting in Syria. In Syria, more will get killed. If they stayed in Lebanon, more would live.

There were Americans, French, German leftists and Russians fighting for the Republic in the Spanish Civil War. There were German Nazis and Italians fighting with the Fascists.

You want to set up rules for the Syrians to fight, and then condemn then because they break the rules. YOUR rules. That is just silly. No one is going to play by the rules, any rules, if it means defeat to do so. It will be most fortunate if gas and bio warfare are not used.

My main concern is that Americans should not be sent to fight in Syria with any faction, because the one sure thing is that the US cannot win a Syrian civil war.

The President is wise to not put American boots on the ground there, because, as I said, Syria will end up with an anti-Israeli government no matter what.

And guys like YOU will blame him for it.

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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2013, 05:28:49 PM »
The President is wise to not put American boots on the ground there, because, as I said, Syria will end up with an anti-Israeli government no matter what.

SIRS strawman alert!
Who has stated they want American boots on the ground in Syria?

You are one weird dude.
You keep repeating who ever wins in Syria will hate Isreal.
You have a major-hard-on to gleefully keep stating this.
Like Israel will somehow be worse off
Thats what you want...because you hate Israel
But once again you miss the point because of your hatred.
More Strawmen!
No one thinks an Israeli ally will emerge in Syria.
Who in the hell ever stated that or thinks that? NOBODY!
The point is Syria an Israeli enemy will lie in shambles....
reduced to rubble....a complete SHITHOLE
and when an enemy that was once strong
is now in shambles....that's good for Isreal
tons of IslamoNazis focused on killing each other instead of Israel is a plus for Israel
I know you hate anything possible positive for Israel
But that is the reality.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2013, 05:54:01 PM »
There's no conspiracy here. It's a civil war that was birthed by the Syrians, and will be ended by Syrians. As in all wars, civil or otherwise, there are those who aren't directly involved but who still have an interest in their outcome.



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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2013, 06:28:16 PM »
I do not hate Israel. But Israel grabbed a chunk of Syria, and no Syrian is happy with that.  Would the US be pleased with any government of Mexico that grabbed off 30 Texas counties or so?

If any Syrian government comes to power, that government will demand the return of Golan, as they must, and Israel will pump out the propaganda as always.

So Obama will not look like he is supporting any Syrian faction, because he will not want to be badmouthed by the Israelis.

You are not very bright if you do not understand this.

THAT is the reality.

And BSB is 100% correct. the civil war was begun by Syrians and will be ended by Syrians, even though some others are aiding and abetting their favorite Syrians.

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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2013, 06:32:44 PM »
  If the war was strictly Syrian , both sides would be entirely out of ammo right now.


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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2013, 06:42:17 PM »
"If the war was strictly Syrian , both sides would be entirely out of ammo right now."

What the fuck does that mean? The Chinese and Russians supplied the North Vietnamese with AK 47s, and ammunition, and everything else. But if you asked Uncle Ho whose war it was what do think he would have said? He would have said our country, our blood, our war.

Pull your head out of your ass Plane.



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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2013, 06:48:04 PM »
The Chinese Revolution was also fought with weapons from everywhere: the US, Japan, Russia. So what? Who won?

Not the Russians, not the Japanese, not the US.

Who ended up running Spain after the Spanish Civil War?

The Spanish Falangists, of course.
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Re: Syria conflict: At least 93,000 killed, says UN
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2013, 07:28:34 PM »
ridiculous analogies
there are thousands of Hizbollah & Iranian units fighting in Syria
this will not be decided by Syrians
in fact it's already been decided by outsiders entry into the so called "civil war"
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987