Hillary Clinton failed Nigerian girlsMAJOR MISTAKE: Hillary Clinton missed a chance to deal a serious blow to Boko Haram and its leader,
Abubakar Shekau, when she did not place the group on the terror watch list when advised to by the FBI, CIA and others.
Saturday - May 10, 2014
By Adriana Cohen
Hillary Clinton missed another
3 a.m. phone call.
Not just in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, when our ambassador, Navy Seals and other personnel were brutally killed by Islamic terrorists.
Now we learn she missed the call to action in Nigeria, when as secretary of state she failed to put Boko Haram killers on the terror watch list despite urging from the FBI, CIA and other intelligence communities.
Even members of Congress wanted the Islamic militants, otherwise known as the "
Nigerian Taliban", on the watch list after years of heinous acts of terror, and now they're accused of kidnapping nearly 300 girls.
The world is finally outraged that Boko Haram could rip the girls away from their homes, or worse, sell them off as sex slaves or child brides.
The militants were already accused of persecuting countless Christians, many who may have been burned alive.
They also
took credit for the U.N. bombing in Nigeria in 2011.
Why didn't Clinton put Boko Haram on the watch list when she had the opportunity? It would have heightened global surveillance and crippled their funding.
Was it because it didn't fit with President Obama's "narrative" that we were winning the war on terrorism?
We remember all the speeches Obama made saying that al-Qaeda was "on the run" after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Then Benghazi happened, followed by the Boston Marathon bombings. And who was to blame?
America now knows full well that both Obama's narrative that terrorism was on its heels was not true in 2012, nor is it true today.
Distorting reality or refusing to designate an obvious terrorist organization is at minimum poor leadership and extremely dangerous for the schoolchildren in a living hell in Nigeria.
Clinton's poor judgment and failed responses in both Benghazi and Nigeria are continued evidence she's not fit to be commander in chief. America needs to elect a strong leader in 2016 who, first and foremost, tells the truth.
The next president must possess a clear cut and effective foreign policy. We don't need another "lead from behind" president that's weakening America and empowering our enemies around the world.