What a bunch of blather, for nothing. Indeed, Barack himself does not claim his personal saga as "unique," merely induplicitable in any other country. That leaves a lot of room for US-immigration success stories comparable to his, and, as a matter of acceptable hyperbole in political discourse touting America's strengths (among them, strength from diversity), a nod to American "exceptionalism" in its best possible sense: the melting pot, the meeting ground, the place, ultimatelly, where value is the most precious calling card. Beyond that, Barack is in fact unique, a man one generation removed from Africa who is a genuine phenomenon, at least in my experienced life, a president of the Harvard Law Review, a bona fide charismatic and creative political thinker and actor, who happens to be, at age 45, a leadingg viable contender for the Presidency of the United States.
Hillary is exceptional as well. So is Al Gore whether or not he gets into the race. And the list doesn't stop there: this promises to be one of the most, if nnot the most, talented Democratic fields ever to seek the US presidency.