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« on: January 08, 2016, 05:19:17 PM »
An excellent Romatic Drama movie a while back, was about a widowed Democrat President, who was both trying to function as President, while attemptint to woo an enviormental lobbiest.  The movie of course is "The President", starring Michael Douglas, and the always goregeous Annette Bening.  Without going into critiquing the move (since I found it very enjoyable despite how the Democrat president trashed the 2nd amendment in the big speech at the end), there was a point in that speech, that rang so that being President was partly about character.  It was all about character

Now, being a politician, especially in DC, appears to require a stripping of one's character.  At least that's what it appears, when you witness politician after politician placate constituencies & coddle their donors.  You see it in all parties, and just appears to fester, cycle ater election cycle.  The reason I bring this up, is its rare to see someone who is truly sincere in their beliefs in actions.  What's a little less rare it to be witness to politicans that literally have no character.  Most politicians have "some", even Obama.  Despite his lying beyond belief whenever he's pusing a high priority agenda item, he did make it clear from the beginning his intentions of "changing how they do things in Washington".  We have "new normals", that require us to consider piss poor economic growth and anemic GDP #'s as the new norm, and no longer something that's to be criticized

Then you have Mrs Clinton.....who is that rare jewel that appears to have absolutely no character, what-so-ever.  Yes, she'll get the nomination.  Too many have spent too much and invested too much that she not be their go-to girl.  But even worse than her husband, is someone who will say anything, do anything, take anything, to climb that political ladder.  Her incompotence as SoS, leading to the events of what happened in Bengazi opened that onion.  And as she began to run for president, layer after layer demonstrated even more fowl smelling actions, exemplified by the entire e-mail debacle.  Literally everything she has said about her improper e-mail scheme has been a now-confirmed lie.  We all know why she kept it on a private server, in clear disregard to Obama & company indicating her need to function on the Government server, like everyone else, and it had nothing to do with "convenience". 

Point being she has made lying such an intimate part of her rhetoric, that she doesn't grasp how time is catching up.  Very soon, she will no longer be able to hide behind her and her sychophants trying to claim all this "took place so long ago".  The trick of course was for her and the State Dept to drag everything out as long as it could to try and then make that claim about how everything was so long ago.  Toe tag liberals & hard core Dems might buy it, but moderates & Independents?  Nope.  I still expec that Obama/Democrat controlled Justice Dept will rule that they've done a "thorough investigation", and conclude that Clinton didn't "actively" try to do anything illegal....move along

Then again, if she does get a Democrat in control of the Justice Dept.....Biden might want to reconsder about jumping in, to give Sanders some competition
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Re: Character
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2016, 11:38:33 PM »
  I never heard of Bernie Sanders until recently, lately I have found him interesting.

  He isn't trying to get my vote , we don't agree on enough.

   But on issues of competency and integrity he seems to have a long solid history.

   Character is the main quality that defends a person from the stressful , corrosive , corrupting  atmosphere the President lives in.

   So on the issues Hillary and Bernie are equally at odds to me , but I would be more comfortable with Bernie Sanders as president , quite a bit.


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Re: Character
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2016, 11:54:52 PM »
Precisely.....he appears to have at least some character.  He's up front with who he is, and is ideology (as twisted as it is.  What does he claim to be again?.....a Democratic Socialist?)

Point being, and the history points to this, from how she treated those in Whitewater, to the covering for her Husband's sexual assaults, to the VRWC garbage, to her massive efforts at lying about both Benghazi & her e-mail, punctuated with that last little bit of how unprofessional she is with her own secret service detail, demonstrates just how empty of Character she is

And yet, that's what the Dems are going to put up as their nominee. 

And I would NOT be surprised that even if she were indicted by the Justice dept, she'd still believe she's entitled to both the nomination and the Presidency.  And that both the DNC & her sycophants would still claim how viable and credible she would be as President.  Wouldn't surprise me a bit them supporting someone actively indicted on Federal charges
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Re: Character
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 08:24:42 PM »
And I would NOT be surprised that even if she were indicted by the Justice dept, she'd still believe she's entitled to both the nomination and the Presidency.  And that both the DNC & her sycophants would still claim how viable and credible she would be as President.  Wouldn't surprise me a bit them supporting someone actively indicted on Federal charges

Hmmmm......upon further edification, my original prediction of the Justice Dept "investigation" could be in error.  I had referenced that when all was said and done the Justice Dept, (Democrat appointed) would ultimately conclude that while what Clinton did with her sever and e-mailings, specific to classified State Dept materials, while "inappropriate", was not done maliciously or with any unlawful intent......officially nothing to see here.....move along

Well, it would appear, with improved scrutiny that the Federal Government takes the area of dealing with classified material VERY seriously.  Apparently a sailor was prosecuted for a selfie who took and sent to his girlfriend, in which in the background was an apparent top secret classified Submarine antenna.  The point being that the government need not prove that she intended to expose any secrets.  Simply the way she went about it was criminally negligent....IF we're going to apply the same legal standards

So, if the Justice Dept wants to continue to appear as if its being objective, in representing the people of this country, there would appear to be at least a federal indictment headed her way.  And not just 1

We shall see
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 05:17:40 PM by sirs »
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Re: Character
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2016, 11:56:01 PM »

Equally applied? That's a laugh.

During the Paris peace talks in 74 or 75, a photographer for a national news magazine was setting up his camera in the gallery of the auditorium where the talks were to be held. Henry Kissinger was standing in the center of the auditorium  reading some documents, so the photographer zoomed in with a telephoto lens to see how the shot looked. What he saw, and photographed over Unca Henry's shoulder, was a document that was clearly readable, and clearly marked TOP SECRET, followed by several access codewords, including one that indicated the document originated in the White House. 

The photo ran in the aforementioned news magazine, with the codewords and text suitably blurred but the TOP SECRET stamp clearly visible. It caused quite a stir, though no one - especially not Henry Kissinger - was ever prosecuted. Now if that had happened to a common crypto tech...
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Re: Character
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2016, 12:26:27 AM »
I would be nice to see some equal application, vs those who peddle money and power being able to get away with something that prosecutes a mere sailor.  1 egregious act before doesn't give far worse acts later on a pass

Good to see you hnumpah
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Re: Character
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2016, 12:02:24 AM »
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Re: Character
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2016, 09:44:24 AM »
Cruz is a weasel and has a deeply flawed character.
Rubio will do whatever the fatcats who own him want.
Trump is a demented egomaniac.

Bernie and Hillary are way more qualified than any of those schmucks.

Ugly Cuban, Prettyboy Cuban or egomaniac, that is the GOP.
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Re: Character
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2016, 10:22:08 AM »
And once again, we have the example put forth by the left, where up is down, wrong is right, and bad is good.  Of ALL the candidates running, Cruz and Sanders have the MOST character.  They're the only politicians that have consistently adhered to their principles, and supported the constituencies that elected them into office.  Just because you don't like how Cruz speaks, doesn't equate to bad character.  If that were the case, we could add a whole other level of flaw to Clinton, who's voice even repels dogs, with hearing problems.  And if being "ugly" is somehow a disqualifying factor, Sanders, and his deeply demented Doc Brown impersonation, would have had him thrown out long ago.  An ugly socialist and corrupt liberal....that is the Democrats

You see, we can name call all day long, and it means squat to what they're running on, or the policies they advocate.  So why?? 

And you have absolutely no leg to stand on condemning Rubio for "doing whatever the fatcats want him to do", when Clinton has been bought and payed for 10x over
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 01:14:24 PM by sirs »
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Re: Character
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2016, 09:27:54 PM »
Cruz is a weasel and has a deeply flawed character.
Rubio will do whatever the fatcats who own him want.
Trump is a demented egomaniac.

Which of these qualities does Hillary lack?
She has all of this , Fatcats who have made her wealthy, a flawed character that lies when the truth is plain, and an egomania so strong that the most powerful office in the world is hers by right .

And that is not all!

She also brings an ability to load scapegoats with her sins unmatched in the world .

Oh ! If only these powers could be harnessed for good.


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Re: Character
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2016, 11:07:06 PM »
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Re: Character
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2016, 09:25:52 AM »
Hillary is a far better person and far better qualified than these three clowns.
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Re: Character
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2016, 12:23:22 PM »
And once again, we get that stellar version of "debate" from the left......that being name call, declare victory, hit enter.  Ignore every fricken point brought up regarding the frightfully flawed Mrs Clinton, from her severe level of incomptence as an employee of the people to her wretched character, having been bought and paid for 10x over the top 3 GOP candidates combined.  Just claim "she's great", the GOP are clowns, and hit enter.     ::)

That might work of this were a debate amongst 2nd graders who are debating the likability of Mrs Swanson vs Mr Tompkins, but the level of debate this forum generally excels with, is that of mature adults, who forgo the name calling to address specific issues and points being made, be it in refuting or supporting, with how & why
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 06:21:26 PM by sirs »
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Re: Character
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2016, 06:02:45 PM »
   I think she makes promises liberally.


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Re: Character
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2016, 06:21:56 PM »
That's an understatement
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle