Sure, my Irish ancestors bought a plantation in Lowndes County GA after some English ancestors drove some Choctaw relatives off the land. They got it real cheap.
They were thieves, agents of thieves and the beneficiaries of thieves. After the Civil War, they left GA and went off to Texas. No one seems to know what they did with the plantation. The courthouse and all the records suspiciously burned down.
The thing is that in the 1820's a there was no international organization that prohibited such shameless theft to occur, The Supremne Court told Andrew Jackson that he was violating the Constitution, but he pointed out that he had an army, while the Supreme Court had none,
In 1945, the United Nations was founded in part to end colonialism after the Germans, Japanese and Italians attempted to colonize parts of Europe, Asia and Africa that has been declared off limits. In 1947 Israel and Palestine were brought into being by the one and same UN, so it is not like the Israelis thought that colonizing Palestinians land was okay. They refused to give back what they had grabbed and then grabbed some more, Now they are in the process of grabbing it all, one little bit at a time. Netanyahu claims he favors a two state solution, but he has done everything to prevent it.