Obama had bupkiss to do with starting the Syrian Civil War. Juniorbush overthrew Iraq, Rumsfeld and Cheney fired all the Iraqi Army and the police (Sunnis, most of them) and that provoked an Iraqi religious war. Then Petreus had to arm the Sunnis in Western Iraq, former Baathists with military training , who then took the weapons away from the wimpy Shiite new Iraqi Army and thus Isis was born, and well armed with Humvees and all that good stuff our taxes paid for.
Assad is a bastard, but one who can be contained by normal means. He did not attempt any Syrian attacks on the Israeli border to regain the lands they snatched from him. Isis would be intractable bastards, and need to be done away with.
Why you think you are some effing expert on Syrian politics beats Hell outta me.