Ok, before xo starts spewing all over this, I saw this video a few days ago, and had my wife also watch it. We are both medical professionals, and have spent years working with people with Parkinsons. In fact, her mother passed away a little over a year ago, due to the ongoing progression of her Parkinsons'. Point being, we can be considered experts in this area
The physician in the video makes it clear, that this is simply his educated opinion, based on his many years of experience as a physician. He has no access to any of her records, and has never examined her physically. We have to be honest here, it's his educated opinion, with a biased slant, since he also references his distinct opposition to her, as a candidate for President as well
Now that we have the disclaimers addressed, my wife, who is more an expert on Parkinsons that myself, and loathes both Obama & Clinton, couldn't completely support the Physician's conclusions.
Parkinson's manifests itsef in 2 disinct ways.
1) Tremors of extremities, when not doing something functional. The worse the Parkinsons the more difficult it is to keep the tremors from occuring with medication. That can explain how she's trying to keep her hands busy by making specific gestures, or keeping a hand pressed on her chest. So, yea, its possible that's what's happending, but it doesn't translate into what we generally see in Parkinsons' patients
2) Freezing of movements.....as in literally, a person stops, and needs some stimulus to get kickstarted again. Generally occurs at rest, either sitting or standing, but can occur under stress. This was the one area, that my wife & I both noted, when she literally froze on stage, and one of her handlers quickly came over to provide tactile stim to her back, and speak softly into her ear, to try and get her started again. THAT's what we need to keep an eye on
So, bottom line, could she have Parkinsons?...yes. Does she?... not enough evidence for anything conclusive, outside of these educated guesses. Yes, the coughing is pretty intense, and definately more egregious than simply allergies. I'd agree its more of a saliva/swallow issue, but can't connect it to Parkinsons....yet