Look at yourself.
"Bleat bleat bleat media whine whine whine Hillary pout pout pout media Hillary media wahhhhhh....!"
If Trump hadn't fucked up, what would there be for the media to pile onto? Never mind what Hillary did, or Bill, or Obama, there has been plenty of coverage of missing emails, Benghazi, slut interns and Obamacare despite your protests to the contrary, and none of that erases the fact that the Almighty Donald himself screwed the pooch. Glass houses, stones, ring a bell? You may not be touting The Donald as the second coming of the Messiah, but you're right there crying "Media! Hillary!" in an attempt to deflect attention from his gaffes.
Whether you, personally, support him or not is of no consequence to me. The Republican party did, over, what, 16 other candidates that were better qualified in experience and temperament, not to mention morals. The party turned the nomination over to a candidate with no common sense or decency and an inflated ego. As far as I'm concerned, they've lost me. If that's what the party has come to, they're welcome to it.
Maybe XO will show up so you'll have someone to argue with.