The problem we have in politics today, Kimba, especially in DC, is everything is now ideologically driven. When folks like Schumer, head of the Senate Dems, make it publically clear their intention of fillibustering any Judicial nominee that isn't at the minimum an ideological moderate, where is the GOP to go? For the history of this country, the President got to chose his appointtees. If they had a failure of conduct, then they weren't supported. But never was their a litmus test on ideolgy, that the Democrats introduced with Judge Bork. And its steamrolled from there
Yes, the GOP has started to play that game now, but it seems always to be the Dems upping the ideology as the means to an end. There is no willingness to compromise. That's what Obama brought to the forefront.....his way, or the highway. He didn't bother to try and find middle ground the way Bill Clinton did. And the Democrats have embraced that tactic now.