<<If a Racist wants to vote for the cause of White supremicy , he will be hard put to find a canadate on any ballot anywhere in this country where his vote will be sought.>>
Well, that is a problem for the poor racist, the politicians make promises to him that they won't keep. It's enough to shake one's faith in human nature.
I was reading an interview with Lee Watsisname, the guy who dreamed up the Willie Horton ads, and he said something pretty interesting, basically that back in the day, racist politics was pretty simple, it was "Nigger, nigger, nigger." Then the day came when nobody could say "Nigger, nigger, nigger," they had to talk in code words like "states' rights" and "bussing" and "affirmative action." So gradually, according to this guy, the debate became more and more abstract. It moved past states' rights and bussing to even more abstract levels. Well, this was taken as a sign of progress, and I agree with that assessment.
The racists are on the wrong side of history, their idea is dying over time, but it will take a long time for it to completely die out and as long as it is still a force, albeit a diminishing one in American society, and particularly in the South, politicians will try to harness it. Particularly when the country is so evenly divided, the racists can be the swing vote that decides the election.
I don't think the numerical strength of the racist vote is as important as its ability to decide closely fought elections. And I really believe that the Republicans with their coded and not-so-coded messages are doing everything they can to capture that vote. The Democrats' hands are tied in going after the same racist votes simply because the large presence of blacks in the Democratikc camp doesn't give them the latitude even to speak in racist code.