To those Republicans who continue to deny in the face of all common sense and historical fact that the Southern Strategy was an attempt by Republicans to capture white racist votes,
get over it. Ken Mehlman has already
apologized for it!!!! - -
Washington Post - - July 14, 2005 (Mehlman speech to NAACP)
Catch up with the rest of your party.
For those who doubted my word that Trent Lott had more racist baggage than his simple lamentation over the nation's short-sighted rejection of Strom Thurmond's Presidential run, here is more:
- from the Wikipedia article on Lott, <<Lott also maintained an affilation with the
Council of Conservative Citizens, which is described as a hate group by the ADL, NAACP and SPLC.>>
And in case you don't want to take the word of the ADL, NAACP and SPLC as to whether or not the CCC is or is not a hate group, here's a little excerpt from their newsletter, courtesy World Socialist Web Site:
<<To this day the CCC's newsletter continues to reprint Trent Lott's column, without objection from the senator, side-by-side with editorials denouncing interracial marriage as a genocidal attack on the white race, attacking welfare programs as a conspiracy to enrich the Jews, and opposing immigration as a threat to the "European derived descendants of the founders of the American nation.">> Lott counselled Ronald Reagan to kick off his 1980 Presidential campaign with a states' rights speech from
Philadelphia, Mississippi (site of the murder by Neshoba County Sheriff's officers of the three civil rights workers Cheney, Goodman and Schwerner) and to help racist
Bob Jones University get Federal tax breaks restored despite its racist policies.
(TIME Magazine -,8599,399921,00.html)
I'm getting a little tired of researching the internet just to prove what I (and probably every other informed citizen) already know, just to satisfy some fucking moron who would challenge me if I said the sun rises in the east. Unlike most of my conservative interlocutors,
I know what the fuck I am talking about and my time is too important to waste tracking down what should be common knowledge. When I say something is so, 99 times out of a hundred it is so. So in the future I will not be wasting any more of my time researching to order. Anyone who wants to challenge anything I say, go find a source and prove me wrong. (Believe it or not, I'll
thank you for it.) Otherwise you can take what I say or leave it.