<<And yet again we're back to picking 1 soundbite from 1 politician, (Lott's case he apologized exponentially more than Byrd is claimed to have done),>>
Except that it's NOT one sound-bite. Lott had made a similar remark about the nation's tragic loss of a Strom Thurmond Presidency years before but it had not attracted the same amount of media attention. Lott has a lot of other racist baggage, but you'll have to get off your ass and look for it yourself if you don't take my word for it. That last bit of stupidity (denying Byrd's apology which common sense alone would tell you he must have made) when a 30-second Google search would have solved the problem, kind of soured me on acting as your fucking research assistant. Lott, I recall, opposed the Martin Luther King holiday and viciously attacked the character and accomplishments of the late civil rights leader. He's a racist pig and on the basis of what I said here, it's a life-long pattern, NOT "one soundbite." The fact that you are defending the little shit only proves the tolerance the Republicans have for racism.
<<and a debatably questionable commercial, and then the cherry on top "plenty of others" (blatant stuff). You see Tee, your warped reality and definition of "blatant stuff" wouldn't even get you an interview for the KKK, much less the claim of being racist.>>
Debatedly questionable? What is "debatable" about darkening the guy's skin colour? What's "debatable" about symphonic type background music for their white guy and jungle drums for his black opponent? You're just full of shit when you claim that's not racist.
Macacawitz I won't even go into. Seems like NOBODY is denying any more that the guy is racist, there's just too much dirt piled up on him.
Plus on s'excuse, plus on s'accuse. (The more you excuse yourself, the more you condemn yourself) You are digging yourself in deeper and deeper with every post you send.