<<Oh, you mean record tax generating Fed revenues? >>
Nobody told you, huh? They drowned in the record half-trill deficit.
<< Record Stock Market? >>
That's for the coupon-clippers and dividend collectors that your "President" serves. For the other 90% of the country, jobless and watching their savings dwindle away, or trying to make ends meet on the proceeds of part-time burger flipping (see next paragraph,) they can connect the dots: good jobs outsourced to third-world wage slaves = higher corporate profits = record share prices. It's good for somebody, but they know who.
<<Unemployment #'s still 4.6-4.7%? >>
Sure, low-paying service industry jobs keep down the unemployment figure while high-paying manufacturing and high-tech jobs go to Mexico and India. Americans working harder and longer to earn less and less. Don't worry, enough of them will know who to thank for this.
<<Record Housing ownership? >>
Sorta goes hand in hand with record population, doesn't it? Like, can you say "porous borders?"
<<No Terrosist attacks in this country since 911? >>
No, why bother to come all the way to America when you can kill all the fucking infidels you want to in your own back yard and earn a master's degree in transferable combat skills at the same time? But don't worry, sirs, your friends haven't forgotten all about you either. There's a whole new generation of them out there, recruited in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq thanks to your "President's" insane policies of provocation, who are planning the Next Big One on their own timetable, not Bush's or yours. Oh and BTW - - could you remind me again on whose watch 911 happened? REALLY?
<<Etc., etc., etc., etc. >>
It's the "etc., etc., etc." that bothers people the most. Losing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, third-rate piss-ant countries telling the mighty U.S.A. to go fuck itself and flipping it the bird because its military is stretched to the breaking point by an illegal war in Iraq, pissed-off allies insulted by years of Bush "diplomacy," abrogation of basic Constitutional rights, erosion of the church-state barrier (Terry Schiavo, stem cell research, Constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage,) blatant lying to the public (WMD, "Mission Accomplished," "just a few dead-enders,") torture, rape and murder of prisoners of war, open contempt for the "quaint and old-fashioned" Geneva Conventions, racism, scandal, Kenny Boy, Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Foley . . . well, you know, sirs, "etc. etc. etc." as they say.
<< Yea, those truths sure do hurt Bush, don't they. >>
Well, you said it, sirs. And I couldn't have put it better myself.
<<Speaking of living in a fantasy world, how's your pre-ordained weather?>>
Excuse me, WHO'S living in a fantasy world?