Did you get that Ami? Bush started wars, which MADE the #'s go up, but was fought with less troops. Makes perfect sense, right?
Listen v e r y s l o w l y now. Pay careful attention. We want to avoid overloading your circuitry.
(1) It takes more troops to fight a war than not to fight one
(2) To invade Iraq and not make a total mess of things, Gen. Shinsecki claimed that twice as many soldiers were needed.
(3) Rumsfeld, convinced of his superior strategic acumen, convinced the administration to invade with fewer troops than required, but this number was still more than the number that were on hand in the previous administration.
(4) Due to Rumsfeld's bad advice, and additional execrable advice from the Neocons,the Iraq War resulted in Bin Laden getting away in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq turning into a huge bloody mess.
You could mention which of these do not make sense to you now that you have c a r e f u l l y studied them. Think of this as a verbal Rorschach test.