<<In reality it is not giving land back if the people remain slaves on the land they are "given".
The people on the land the Soviets so called "gave back" were dominated by the Soviets.
<<So they didn't give shit back.
<<Just like if Israel gives back land but remains in total control you'd be screaming holy hell.>>
You're just talking out of your ass through sheer damned ignorance. The Soviet Union did not retain "total control" over any of its satellites. They all set their own policies, decided through their own communist parties how much private enterprise would remain, which businesses and services would be nationalized, who the leaders of the nation would be and what kind of infrastructure to invest in. Some resources (typically, the Hungarian uranium mines) were subject to war reparations agreements and whether the Hungarians liked it or not, those uranium-supply agreements were carved in stone by the Russians. They had not asked the Hungarians to sign up with Adolf Hitler, nor asked them to invade their Soviet Union, nor asked them to devastate it and kill millions of their citizens. So when the war was over and the Hungarians lost the war, they had to ship out their uranium whether they liked it or not.
Israel DID retain control over Gaza, controls its ports, makes them export through Israeli ports, controls the electricity and water which it can turn on and off at will. There was never any such control by the U.S.S.R. over the Eastern European communist countries.
If you are going to debate things, at least keep your facts in the real world. You are repeating Cold War propaganda as if it were fact. You sound ridiculous.
They weren't "slaves" on the land - - that's typical bullshit Cold War propaganda; I was in some of those communist countries - - well, one of them, East Germany, and they were no more slaves than you are.