Sounds to me like tax cuts got us in this position. If you cut income and keep on spending, you get in trouble. We're in trouble. We have to raise taxes, and cut spending.
Well you are half right.
Cutting spending would definately help , and I would agree with the professor that cutting should be across the board and spare no one , every exception will harm some one more than another and so each exception will be unfair .
The simplest means of spending cut is a freeze , instead of a new budget , we should have no more spending than last years , and spread it the same way, if this could be done for several years it would have the effect of a gradually increaseing cut.
Don't worry about my pay , if I can't get a cost of liveing raise , I can still get a promotion or another job.
Raiseing taxes , on corporations , on the rich or poor , on the middle class or the upper crust, all has the effect of reduceing the productivity of the economy.
If taxes are raised enough to make 20% of our economy ,government, this is like a company makeing 20% of its payroll management.
Imagine the disaster resulting from a tax rate of 100%?
Can you see that that would be a mistake?
Now you can see that a tax rate of 99% might also be a mistake ?
Keep going in that direction , what amount of our productive economy should be diverted from production for taxes for the optimum amount of government and the optimum amount of real economy?