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Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« on: March 13, 2008, 01:10:57 PM »

Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11

Obama's Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Has a History of What Even Obama's Campaign Aides Say Is 'Inflammatory Rhetoric'

Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."

Is Obama's Pastor a Liability? The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's south side, has a long history of what even Obama's campaign aides concede is "inflammatory rhetoric," including the assertion that the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own "terrorism."

In a campaign appearance earlier this month, Sen. Obama said, "I don't think my church is actually particularly controversial." He said Rev. Wright "is like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with," telling a Jewish group that everyone has someone like that in their family.

Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope."

An ABC News review of dozens of Rev. Wright's sermons, offered for sale by the church, found repeated denunciations of the U.S. based on what he described as his reading of the Gospels and the treatment of black Americans.

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."

In addition to damning America, he told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001 that the United States had brought on al Qaeda's attacks because of its own terrorism.

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.

"We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost," he told his congregation.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 01:12:41 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 01:31:11 PM »
Can you just imagine if Obama were a Republican candidate, and this was not just their pastor, but a mentor?  The left and MSM would eat him alive

Alas, this is a Democrat candidate, and as such, does not require such.  As it is so often in vaildating the pervasive left leaning bias, it's not what's reported, it's what's not reported   :-\
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 01:53:23 PM »

very true SIRS

check out this video:

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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 02:23:51 PM »
I don't see a problem with what his pastor has said. He's speaking from his religious viewpoint. Do you really think that Christ would bless many of the actions that this country has taken?
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 02:47:39 PM »
I see a HUGE problem....well, if it were a Republican.  Let's focus on what this is about, Js....the Pastor, as no one is citing America as being this beacon of perfection.  This pastor's comments, all well and good under the 1st amendment, are racist at its core. 

Now, he has a perfect right to his opinion regarding America and whites, but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.  And for Obama to still be a devoted member of his church (there must be a few others in the neighborhood, you'd think), with this pastor as an apparent mentor WOULD be a death nail for any Presidential aspirations, ........ if this were a Republican Candidate.  But he's not, he's a Democrat, and so it's perfectly cool to have a racist pastor, who hates America
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 02:57:25 PM »
I don't see a problem with what his pastor has said.

JS that is no surprise, of course you don't
You are a liberal, blame America first kind of guy
And I don't mean that in a mean way, thats just your opinion
The point isn't that liberals are going to have a problem with what he says
Thats stuff right out of the Michael Moore playbook.
The point is.....lets see if the American People agree with this pastor.
Are the American people going to buy into "God Damn America"?
I doubt it....

He's speaking from his religious viewpoint
so was Koresh
so are the Mullahs
so was Mullah Omar as his Taliban executed women in football stadiums
so was Jim Jones

Do you really think that Christ would bless many of the actions that this country has taken?

To answer you question......
Which in and of itself is outrageous and proves my earlier "Blame America First" point is...YES.
I hope you meant to say "all" or "some".
But yes I think that Christ would bless "many" of the actions of this country.
For your information or what you & Michael Tee choose to believe "it ain't all bad".
In fact there are many great things this country has done.
Of course there are actions imo Christ would not bless.
But I think Christ would have problems with the actions of just about every country.

Whats funny/ here is this guy "damning America", but thats the same country that
is about to elect the black candidate he supports! If Obama is elected
most of his support will come from whites. "Damn white America they be those
donating and voting for Obama by the millions to be President of this damn whitey America!".  ::)

« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 05:47:52 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2008, 05:58:06 PM »
I see a HUGE problem....well, if it were a Republican.  Let's focus on what this is about, Js....the Pastor, as no one is citing America as being this beacon of perfection.  This pastor's comments, all well and good under the 1st amendment, are racist at its core. 

Now, he has a perfect right to his opinion regarding America and whites, but that doesn't make him any less of a racist.  And for Obama to still be a devoted member of his church (there must be a few others in the neighborhood, you'd think), with this pastor as an apparent mentor WOULD be a death nail for any Presidential aspirations, ........ if this were a Republican Candidate.  But he's not, he's a Democrat, and so it's perfectly cool to have a racist pastor, who hates America

Let's see what the pastor said (according to the article) that was so monstrous.

We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye

What is not factual about that statement? Now you can defend the atomic bombs with the standard cost/benefit analysis that more troops would have died in an inevitable invasion of Japan. That's the standard response. Yet, from a Christian religious standpoint, it was a direct attack targetted at civilians. Nuclear weapons are weapons of terror, designed entirely to produce fear and obliterate populations. I'm not saying that anyone here has to agree with what the pastor is saying (and note that he's not being elected to anything) but what is he saying that is incorrect?

We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost.

Again, what is factually incorrect? He did not invent this notion. The CIA calls it "blowback" and coined the term decades ago. The Biblical equivalent is "you reap what you sow."

The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."

The Government has (and it is documented) imported illegal drugs from Latin and Central America. This was linked to the Contras as a revenue source as well as to Manuel Noriega when he was in our good graces. The justice system has been a major issue in the African-American community for many decades and it is perceived as being grossly unfair and very racist.

I can't see where this pastor is being a racist. Nor can I see where he's dealing in falsehoods.
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2008, 06:14:58 PM »
JS that is no surprise, of course you don't
You are a liberal, blame America first kind of guy
And I don't mean that in a mean way, thats just your opinion
The point isn't that liberals are going to have a problem with what he says
Thats stuff right out of the Michael Moore playbook.
The point is.....lets see if the American People agree with this pastor.
Are the American people going to buy into "God Damn America"?
I doubt it....

I'm a socialist, not a left-liberal. You'd be surprised at where we'd disagree. Otherwise you are making blanket charecterizations that are not useful.

so was Koresh
so are the Mullahs
so was Mullah Omar as his Taliban executed women in football stadiums
so was Jim Jones

Irrelevant. Unlike those that you mention, this pastor has not called for anyone to be hurt or hurt themselves. You are making false parallels.

Do you really think that Christ would bless many of the actions that this country has taken?

To answer you question......
Which in and of itself is outrageous and proves my earlier "Blame America First" point is...YES.
I hope you meant to say "all" or "some".
But yes I think that Christ would bless "many" of the actions of this country.
For your information or what you & Michael Tee choose to believe "it ain't all bad".
In fact there are many great things this country has done.
Of course there are actions imo Christ would not bless.
But I think Christ would have problems with the actions of just about every country.

It isn't an "outrageous" question in any way. It is a perfectly legitimate question for a Christian to ask. In fact, we know from the Bible that nations are judged by Christ Himself, and judged on how well they treat their poor and their prisoners. How can a question Christ asks ever be outrageous?

Whats funny/ here is this guy "damning America", but thats the same country that
is about to elect the black candidate he supports! If Obama is elected
most of his support will come from whites. "Damn white America they be those
donating and voting for Obama by the millions to be President of this damn whitey America!".  ::)

Speaking of racist comments...

I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2008, 06:19:47 PM »
Wright isn't running.

Obama is.

When Obama urges people to sing "god damn america" we might have a problem. Until then this is just  gotcha gaming.


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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2008, 06:29:31 PM »
I can't see where this pastor is being a racist. Nor can I see where he's dealing in falsehoods.

That's because I'm not being specific to just this 1 article.  I'm referencing the Pastor in his totality.  Quotes like:
"When [Obama's] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli [to visit Moammar Khadafy] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell."

2 years after 911, ?In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11. White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ?disappeared,? as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.?

Has said that Zionism has an element of "white racism."

His Church's Trumpeter Magazine (published and edited by Wright's daughter) last year presented to Louis Farrakhan, whom it said "truly epitomized greatness".  Wright himself has praised Farrakhan's "integrity and honesty."

And what are some of the things this "great man of integrity" has said?
- ?They call (Hezbollah) terrorists, I call them freedom fighters. No one asks why they would do such a thing. Why would they do such a thing? What has driven them to this point? That?s what the UN, the U.S. and Europe doesn?t want to deal with because the Zionists have control in England, in Europe, in the United States and around the world.?

- ?The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.?

- ?Hitler was a very great man. He wasn?t great for me as a Black man but he was a great German and he rose Germany up from the ashes of her defeat by the united force of all of Europe and America after the first World War.?

- ?Now, that nation of Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.?

- ?Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?? Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we?re the murderers; we look like we?re the gangsters, but we?re punk stuff.?

- ?This Koran says that the Jews have altered the word of God out of its place. They did not want the masters of the people to know what Jesus really said, what Moses really said, because then you wouldn?t have a yardstick to measure their deviations.?

- ?The Jews don?t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that?s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes.?

And let's not forget the Good Reverend's Black value system.  It's that Forest/Tree thing again, Js
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2008, 06:40:11 PM »
Wright isn't running.  Obama is.  When Obama urges people to sing "god damn america" we might have a problem. Until then this is just gotcha gaming.

He's a Democrat, so you're absolutely on the mark, Bt.  However, if Obama were running as a Republican, this would be 24/7 non-stop MSM "news".  And I think we both know that.  Look at all the guff Trent lott got for a simple birthday snafu comment.  Drove him right out of his leadership position.  Bush simply spoke at Bob Jones, and insitution that had changed its policies, but was roundly condemned by the left and NAACP.  Yes, it's politics as ususal, and yes, Obama is running, not Wright.  But most of us also acknowledge the pass that Democrats frequently get, that the GOP is routinely condemned for 
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2008, 06:47:55 PM »
The same thing is happening with McCain. Demands he denounce some Ohio preacher who said something someone took exception to.

I just think it's silly.


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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2008, 06:48:56 PM »
Remember, the left has a cow when Republicans speak at Bob Jones University. They didn't attend the university, their children don't attend, they don't make monetary contributions, they gave a speech there. That's it.

Barack Obama has a been a parishoner at this church for 20 years. He has supported it by attending regularly, he has supported it monetarily, and considers the pastor a mentor. This pastor and what he preaches is racist as hell. There can be no denying it. Obama's on going support can lead to only one conclusion, he believes what is preached there, therefore he is a racist himself.

Now remember this also, the left doesn't care. They came to Clinton's defense, they came to Spitzers defense, and they have come to this racist pastors defense. Why? Because they are democrats. that's all that matters. The ends ALWAYS justify the means.

After hearing more of what this racist pastor Wright has said, Obama should quit the race. Between his wife and his pastor, you'll never convince me he doesn't harbor the EXACT same views.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 06:51:18 PM by Rich »


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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2008, 06:53:16 PM »
The same thing is happening with McCain. Demands he denounce some Ohio preacher who said something someone took exception to.  I just think it's silly.

Is that preacher McCain's mentor?  His "spiritual advisor"?
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2008, 07:22:23 PM »
"The same thing is happening with McCain.
Demands he denounce some Ohio preacher who said something
someone took exception to"

No where near the same thing.
That guy was not McCain's preacher.
That guy didn't presided over McCain's wedding and baptize two McCain daughters
That guy was not a McCain mentor.
That guy was not mentioned by McCain in a debate as being a McCain advisor.
McCain doesn't even know the guy.
The guy claims he met McCain once at some political function.
And McCain immediately came out and denounced what the guy said.

Come on BT  ::) you don't need to pretend this is ok in order
to pacify the left that is threatening to quit 3DHS. Don't worry,
they ain't gonna quit, and if they do it will because they cant
defend the undefendable which is liberalism.

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