Author Topic: No surprise Hugo Chavez wants Obama or Hillary to be next US President  (Read 4541 times)

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Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain

Tues March 25, 2008

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a socialist and fierce U.S. critic, warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Chavez said he hopes the United States and Venezuela can work better together when his ideological foe, U.S. President George W. Bush, leaves the White House next year, but he said McCain seemed "warlike."

"Sometimes one says, 'worse than Bush is impossible,' but we don't know," Chavez told foreign correspondents. "McCain also seems to be a man of war."

Chavez -- who has called Bush "the devil", "a donkey" and 'Mr Danger" -- accuses the United States of having imperial designs in Latin America and says the White House has plotted his overthrow.

McCain calls Chavez a dictator who wants to emulate retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Although Venezuela remains a key supplier of oil to the United States, relations have steadily deteriorated since Bush took office in 2001.

Chavez is an outspoken critic of the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and has accused Washington of stirring unrest in Tibet to destabilize China.

He said on Tuesday that he had better communication with the administration of former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

"Independently of who wins the elections, we are hopeful and it is within our plans to enter an era of better relations with the U.S. government," he said. "At the least one would hope for the level of relations we had with ex-President Clinton."

He did not mention Democratic hopefuls Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. Both are cautious about Chavez, although Obama has said he could meet him.

Chavez, who holds office until 2013, aims to unite Latin America through socialism and promotes trade plans opposed to U.S. dominance in the region.

(Reporting by Saul Hudson; Writing by Frank Jack Daniel)
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 11:17:03 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Chavez said he hopes the United States and Venezuela can work better together when his ideological foe, U.S. President George W. Bush, leaves the White House next year, but he said McCain seemed "warlike."

Where in the article does Chavez say that he thinks relations would worsen?  All he says is that McCain "seemed warlike".

He did not mention Democratic hopefuls Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Yet another misleading thread title from you?

Pure drivel, unadulterated crap.


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Yet another misleading thread title from you?

Another? Another mischarcterization by you.

How is the title mis-leading?

The actual title chosen by the Reuters author even says:
"Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain"

Wow it sounds like Hugo Chavez really supports a McCain win doesn't it?

Truthfully Fatman is there any doubt in your mind if Hugo Chavez could vote
who he would vote for if the choice were Obama/Clinton vs. McCain.

Hugo Chavez speaks glowingly of the Clinton years which Hillary now claims she
was a big part of and Hugo Chavez speaks in negative terms about John McCain.

Is it that far fetched to deduct he would rather see the democrats elected?

HUGO CHAVEZ: "Sometimes one says, 'worse than Bush is impossible,' but we don't know,"
Chavez told foreign correspondents. "McCain also seems to be a man of war."

HUGO CHAVEZ: relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Yeah it really sounds like Hugo Chavez is hoping McCain wins?

The race will be between Obama/Clinton & McCain and all he does is speak in negative terms
about McCain but then you pretend it is "crap" or far fetched to assume he does not wish
to see McCain win?

Come on be honest. It isn't a reach.

Pure drivel, unadulterated crap.

The titles I choose are my deductions about the information I read.
People can read articles and come to different conclusions.
After reading this article there is no doubt in my mind who Hugo Chavez hopes wins the US election.
IMO I would think 75% of the people reading the article would come to the same conclusion.

It's funny rather than respond to the information in the article posted
you would rather demonize over subject lines which are nothing more or less
than my personal conclusions about something I just read.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 11:16:33 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Another? Another mischarcterization by you.

How so?  I don't believe that I'm the one guilty of mischaracterization here.

How is the title mis-leading?

Because it says something the article doesn't.  At no point does Chavez endorse Clinton or Obama, in fact the article points out that he didn't even mention them.  You're pretending that you know what Chavez wants, when he hasn't said what he wants one way or another.  And how is it "No surprise"?

The actual title chosen by the Reuters author even says:
"Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain"

And the Reuters author is incorrect in basing his article title on something that Chavez, according to the article, didn't say.  Didn't your mother ever ask you the question about people jumping off of the bridge?

Wow it sounds like Hugo Chavez really supports a McCain win doesn't it?

No.  Nor does it sound like Hugo Chavez really supports a Clinton or Obama win, contrary to your statement in the title.  Just because Chavez doesn't like McCain does not equate with him liking Clinton or Obama more.  There's no way to know, from this article, because as the article states, he didn't mention Clinton or Obama.

Truthfully Fatman is there any doubt in your mind if Hugo Chavez could vote
who he would vote for if the choice were Obama/Clinton vs. McCain.

As Mr. Chavez is a resident of Venezuela, he can't vote, so it is irrelevant.  But yes, there is doubt in my mind, because as he didn't mention Obama or Clinton, how do I know that he doesn't support Ron Paul, Ross Perot, or Ralph Nader?

Hugo Chavez speaks glowingly of the Clinton years which Hillary now claims she
was a big part of and Hugo Chavez speaks in negative terms about John McCain.

"At the least one would hope for the level of relations we had with ex-President Clinton."  That's not exactly glowing, simply a measure to which he would like to bring diplomatic relations.  Do you deny that most of our diplomatic relations were better with Clinton than they are now?  Further, in regard to Hillary's claims, you've been busy dismissing her claims of experience, but now you want to use them to further your own point.  Which is it?  Is she experienced, and thus linked to Chavez, or inexperienced and thus not linked?  You can't have it both ways.

Is it that far fetched to deduct he would rather see the democrats elected?

Judging by the article, yes.

HUGO CHAVEZ: "Sometimes one says, 'worse than Bush is impossible,' but we don't know,"
Chavez told foreign correspondents. "McCain also seems to be a man of war."

Hugo Chavez:  "Independently of who wins the elections, we are hopeful and it is within our plans to enter an era of better relations with the U.S. government,".  If you had read the whole thing instead of just bolding the line below this one, you might have caught it.  Judging by this statement, Chavez is willing to work with whomever is elected President to better relations.  He doesn't say "If Clinton or Obama wins the elections", he says "Independently of who wins the elections".

HUGO CHAVEZ: relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Where does the article quote Chavez as saying this?  Or this an interpretation on the part of the reporter?

Yeah it really sounds like Hugo Chavez is hoping McCain wins?

Again, even if Chavez dislikes McCain, that does not equate into Hillary/Obama support.  The world is not black and white, and it's dishonest of you to pretend that you know what he "wants" when he doesn't mention either of the other candidates by name, nor does he endorse any candidate.  By the way, there are more than three candidates for the Presidency you know.

The race will be between Obama/Clinton & McCain and all he does is speak in negative terms
about McCain but then you pretend it is "crap" or far fetched to assume he does not wish
to see McCain win?

Ummmmm yeah, about that.  It is crap, because he doesn't say that he wishes to see McCain lose.  If he had said that, in a quotable form, then it wouldn't be crap.  But because some reporter interpreted it that way does not make it true, nor does it make you an omniscient mindreading psychic who automatically knows what he wants.

Come on be honest. It isn't a reach.

It might not be a reach, but it is irrelevant.  What is relevant is you assuming by flawed logic something that Chavez supposedly "wants", though he has made no statement affirming your belief.  You continue that flawed logic into your thread title.  Hell, even the National Enquirer has headlines that are less of a leap of logic than yours.

The titles I choose are my deductions about the information I read.

Then change your thinking process, you tend to post thread titles that don't have anything to do with the article, but have everything to do with your perceptions.

People can read articles and come to different conclusions.


After reading this article there is no doubt in my mind who Hugo Chavez hopes wins the US election.

Then perhaps you should work on your critical thinking skills and reading for context skills, because in the article Chavez doesn't state who he supports, only a lukewarm dislike toward McCain.  That's a leap of logic.  I fail to see why the article is relevant at all, as Chavez is unable to vote in the US elections.  It is an unclever ploy by you to try and give Chavez's endorsement to Democrats by supposition, which he does not give.

IMO I would think 75% of the people reading the article would come to the same conclusion.

A substantial majority of the people are against the war in Iraq, 70% is the number that I remember.  Percentages only matter in elections and popularity contests.  They do nothing to reinforce your opinion.  At one point 99.9% of people thought the world was flat, and that you would fall off if you sailed too far.  If I posited that the world was flat, and used that % to back me up, that would be kind of stupid wouldn't it?

It's funny rather than respond to the information in the article posted
you would rather demonize over subject lines

Playing the victim again?  I haven't "demonized" you, I've only made mild criticism of your thread title.  If you can't handle criticism, then you're in the wrong place pal.  As far as the information in the article, it can be summed up as follows:  Chavez dislikes current US policy.  Chavez doesn't lik George Bush.  Chavez mildy dislikes John McCain.  Chavez would like to see better relations between Venezuela and the US.

Now what am I supposed to comment on about that?  That's really not that much information, all told.  The article is conspicuous in its lack of information, rather than the information that it gives.

which are nothing more or less
than my personal conclusions about something I just read.

Then you leap to odd and misinformed conclusions.


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I think it is ridiculous to not deduct Hugo Chavez does not want
to see McCain elected from an article entitled:
"Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain"

How so? 

You stated "another misleading title thread".
My title threads are not misleading, they in fact accurate of my conclusions.

Because it says something the article doesn't. 

IMO it says exactly what can logically be deducted from the article's content.

At no point does Chavez endorse Clinton or Obama,

Thats like saying that because Hillary at no point has endorsed Obama
that she might vote for Ron Paul if she loses the nomination.

in fact the article points out that he didn't even mention them.

If someone says I can't stand the Patriots before the Superbowl and
how it could be bad if the Patriots win, then one can logically
deduct that the person is highly likely to be for the Giants.
In other words it's not "some crazy reach".

You're pretending that you know what Chavez wants,
when he hasn't said what he wants one way or another.

see above (Patriots/Giants)

And how is it "No surprise"?

IMO enemies of the United States prefer the democrats.

And the Reuters author is incorrect in basing his article title on something that Chavez, according to the article, didn't say.  

Well I suppose I am in good company when the Reuters author deducts
the obvious conclusion that I do. The author is wrong about his own article
and Fatman knows better. LOL

Didn't your mother ever ask you the question about people jumping off of the bridge?

I really don't want to bring my Mother into this discussion.

or does it sound like Hugo Chavez really supports a Clinton or Obama win, contrary to your statement in the title. 

Yeah all he does is praise the Clinton years that Hillary has made a central part
of her campaign.

Just because Chavez doesn't like McCain does not equate with him liking Clinton or Obama more. 
There's no way to know, from this article, because as the article states, he didn't mention Clinton
or Obama

Yeah he liked Clinton, so it would be a real reach to say he would prefer Hillary Clinton now.  ::)

As Mr. Chavez is a resident of Venezuela, he can't vote, so it is irrelevant. 

It is not irrelevant to me if enemies of the United States prefer certain candidates
to win us elections.

But yes, there is doubt in my mind, because as he didn't mention Obama or Clinton, how do I know that he doesn't support Ron Paul, Ross Perot, or Ralph Nader?

Yeah sure Fatman Hugo Chavez is a huge Ron Paul supporter.
Ron Paul isn't even going to be on the ballot.
Now that is what's called a "reach" of any honest logic.

Do you deny that most of our diplomatic relations were better with Clinton than they are now? 

Now we finally get the truth about your reaction to this thread.
Thank you.

As far as better relations?
I don't want "better relations" if the cost is not doing whats best for the United States.
For example, I want to bomb Iran.
Most of the world seems to want to negotiate with the Mullahs.
I don't. I don't think it will work.
So I would do what I think is best for the US and the cost would be "better relations".
In my opinion there are more important things than being "well liked by everyone".

Further, in regard to Hillary's claims, you've been busy dismissing her claims of experience,

Yes because it is in fact true, she has very little experience running anything.

but now you want to use them to further your own point. 

I think she has very little experience.
Chavez like the Clinton years.
Chavez obviously would prefer to return to those policies
There is no contradiction.

Which is it? 

She has never run anything.
And Chavez liked the Clinton years and obviously sees more of the same if she is elected.

Is she experienced, and thus linked to Chavez, or inexperienced and thus not linked? 
You can't have it both ways.

See above
You don't get it

If you had read the whole thing instead of just bolding the line below this one

Wrong again.
I did read the whole thing

you might have caught it.

I did catch it.
Chavez perfers Hillary/Obama but of course (duh) hopes no matter what happens relations improve.

Where does the article quote Chavez as saying this?  Or this an interpretation on the part of the reporter?

Like most articles the title and data in the article reflects what the author deducts from the information
or aticles would be nothing more than one long huge quote.

This is the game you play:

John says: George Bush is dumb
               George Bush is lazy
               George Bush is corrupt
               George Bush is mean

Bill says: John does not like George Bush

Fatman: No No No, John never ever specifally stated  "they did not like George Bush".


Again, even if Chavez dislikes McCain, that does not equate into Hillary/Obama support. 

Yes it does.

and it's dishonest of you to pretend that you know what he "wants"

Ok so now it's "dishonest" for me to have an opinion that is different from yours?
I do think I know exactly what Hugo Chavez wants in the US election.
Imo it is dishonest of you to not admit the obvious and pretend he could be
supporting Ron Paul. Yeah he could be supporting "the man in the moon".

It is crap, because he doesn't say that he wishes to see McCain lose.

No he just alludes to how terrible it may be if McCain wins?

If he had said that, in a quotable form, then it wouldn't be crap. 

See above: John/Bill analogy

But because some reporter interpreted it that way does not make it true,
nor does it make you an omniscient mindreading psychic who automatically
knows what he wants.

It makes it an honest logical deduction just like the "John/Bill" analogy.

It might not be a reach, but it is irrelevant. 

No it's not. Enemies opinions are relevant.

What is relevant is you assuming by flawed logic

It's not flawed logic.

something that Chavez supposedly "wants", though he has made no statement
affirming your belief.

Yes he has in this article.

You continue that flawed logic into your thread title.

Flawed logic? What like Hugo Chavez might just as likely support Rob Paul as he would Hillary?  ::)

Hell, even the National Enquirer has headlines that are less of a leap of logic than yours.

Only you would know, I don't read it.

Then change your thinking process

Oh ok, yeah I'll be just like Fatman.
I am not changing anything.

you tend to post thread titles that don't have anything to do with the article,
but have everything to do with your perceptions.

And you tend to be wrong about my thread titles, because they are dead on correct.

Then perhaps you should work on your critical thinking skills and reading for context skills,

Perhaps not because they are dead on in agreement with the Reuters author.

because in the article Chavez doesn't state who he supports,
only a lukewarm dislike toward McCain.  That's a leap of logic. 

Obviously not to myself nor the Reuters author.

I fail to see why the article is relevant at all

No you just pretend it is not relevant because you don't like the information.

as Chavez is unable to vote in the US elections 

As if Bin Laden was campaigning for Obama it "wouldn't be relevant"
because Bin Laden is "unable to vote in the US elections"? In other
words being unable to vote does not equate to not being relevant.
Don't think so? Well then see if convicted felons endorsing your
candidate would help bring in alot of votes.

It is an unclever ploy by you to try and give Chavez's endorsement
to Democrats by supposition, which he does not give.

It is not a ploy, it's an honest logical deduction that I arrive at
as well it appears the author does.

Playing the victim again?


If you can't handle criticism, then you're in the wrong place pal. 

Can't handle?
I relish it.
Because I rebutt it does not mean I am a victim.
You couldn't make me a victim of anything here or in person.

And another thing, I am not your "pal".

Chavez dislikes current US policy. Chavez doesn't lik George Bush.


Then you leap to odd and misinformed conclusions.

No I don't.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Of all the reasons to select a person to be president of the United States, basing the decision on who Hugo Chavez will dislike the most has top be among the most irrational.

What does the Sueur of Sark say? How about the Sultan of Swat? Have we heard from the Emir of Umm-Al-Qawain?

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Of all the reasons to select a person to be president of the United States, basing the decision on who Hugo Chavez will dislike the most has top be among the most irrational

XO it is one interesting factor as to who our enemies support, not the whole enchilada.
Hugo Chavez will support Obama/Hillary hoping for easier treatment.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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I think it is ridiculous to not deduct Hugo Chavez does not want
to see McCain elected from an article entitled:
"Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain"

Do you let newspaper and wire service reporters do your thinking for you, or do you not possess the common sense to think for yourself?  I could probably find an article stating that GW is a drooling retard, does that mean that it's factual?

IMO it says exactly what can logically be deducted from the article's content.

And I'm saying that your logic doesn't add up.  Let's use a hypothetical:  we'll call Chavez Hugo, McCain John, Mrs. Clinton Hillary, and Obama Barak.  Hugo does not like John.  Hillary is in an election against John.  So is Barak.  Hugo does not say he likes Hillary, or Obama.

How the hell can you pretend to know who he would hypothetically and irrelevantly vote for when he doesn't say it?  Oh, I see, you're ASS U ME ing, and I know that you know what that means, because you're always bringing it up when you think someone has misinterpreted your statements.  You're reaching a baseline of stupidity.

Thats like saying that because Hillary at no point has endorsed Obama
that she might vote for Ron Paul if she loses the nomination.

Do you know for a fact that she won't?  Didn't think so.

If someone says I can't stand the Patriots before the Superbowl and
how it could be bad if the Patriots win,

Chavez didn't say that he couldn't stand McCain.  He said that McCain "seems war like".  Or can't you tell two different things apart?  Maybe Chavez is demonizing McCain.

then one can logically
deduct that the person is highly likely to be for the Giants.
In other words it's not "some crazy reach".

I've never said it was a crazy reach.  Quit demonizing me.  What I said was that it was factually incorrect.  What you don't know in your hypothetical, is the person's feelings for the Giants.  You're pretending that you do, but if that person has made no statement regarding the Giants, then factually you're talking out of your ass.  You might want to learn what a logical deduction is, as opposed to a plain deduction.

see above (Patriots/Giants)

See above (reply to why Patriots/Giants hypothetical is flawed).

IMO enemies of the United States prefer the democrats.

I'll bet I can find some allies of the United States that prefer the democrats too.  Does that mean that it makes sense to say "No Surprise, the Canadians want Hillary/Obama As President"?  It's irrelevant, and the only reason you brought this article up was to somehow link the Democrats with some supposed and hypothetical endorsement by Chavez.  It's about as subtle as a bowling ball, and most people, especially in here, aren't dumb enough to fall for it.

Well I suppose I am in good company when the Reuters author deducts
the obvious conclusion that I do. The author is wrong about his own article
and Fatman knows better. LOL

You're supposing.  You're supposing that authors don't make mistakes.  You're supposing that I'm wrong, though I've pointed out that Chavez never made such a claim within the article.  You don't know jack shit, because the article doesn't tell you jack shit, so you suppose.  Maybe you should ask Richard Jewell if reporters are always right, or a host of other reporters who have been exposed as liars, frauds, and misinformed.  I trust the media about as much as the government, which is to say, not much at all.

I really don't want to bring my Mother into this discussion.

If everyone jumps off a bridge, does that mean you will too?

Yeah all he does is praise the Clinton years that Hillary has made a central part
of her campaign.

Ummm. Okay, he said that he would like relations to be what they were during the Clinton years.  He also said that he wanted to work with whoever was elected President to achieve that.  Somehow that's supposed to equal some unconditional praise of the Clinton years?

According to Chavez Frias, one defining moment in his movement from protest to alternative proposal was his first meeting with President Castro in Havana in December 1994.  This coincided with the Miami Summit of the Americas, at which U.S. President Bill Clinton famously (and fatuously) declared: "Now we can say that the dream of Simon Bolivar has come true in all the Americas."  That declaration, Chavez Frias said to today, "was a slap in the face of history, and a slap in the face for all of us who know our history and the ideals to which Bolivar devoted his life."

That doesn't sound like praise.


Yeah he liked Clinton, so it would be a real reach to say he would prefer Hillary Clinton now. 

See above.

It is not irrelevant to me if enemies of the United States prefer certain candidates
to win us elections.

Why is it relevant?  Do you allow the enemies of the United States to determine your voting patterns?  That's moronic.  And when did Chavez declare war on the US, and sponsor terrorism against the US?

Yeah sure Fatman Hugo Chavez is a huge Ron Paul supporter.

You have evidence that he isn't?  Paul is isolationist, I could see his policies meshing well with what Chavez wants.  You may want to think before you type sometimes.

Ron Paul isn't even going to be on the ballot.
Now that is what's called a "reach" of any honest logic.

People never vote for candidates who aren't on the ballot?  Those votes are never counted?  Logic is a system of absolutes, not perceived hypotheticals.  I've never referenced what's a reach and what isn't, with the exception of your thread title.  The "reach" of my statements aren't the issue.  What's at issue is your tendency to make statements that are absolutes, that aren't.

Now we finally get the truth about your reaction to this thread.
Thank you.

And what supposed truth would that be, and please stick to what I've said, not what I've supposedly said by your convoluted formula of what is logical and what isn't.  I did notice though, that you failed to answer the question, which isn't surprising given the amount of deflection that you seem to fall prey to in your "debates".

As far as better relations?
I don't want "better relations" if the cost is not doing whats best for the United States.
For example, I want to bomb Iran.
Most of the world seems to want to negotiate with the Mullahs.
I don't. I don't think it will work.
So I would do what I think is best for the US and the cost would be "better relations".
In my opinion there are more important things than being "well liked by everyone".

It's a damn good thing that you aren't President or running foreign policy, because it's ideas like these that are more dangerous than anything the Mullah's could come up with.  And here's a clue for you, if you find yourself not very well liked, you can expect severe consequences, economic, military, and political.  Anyone who knows anything about economics, military history, and politics, especially geopolitics, would tell you that.  And you say that XO has his head in the sand.  Now that's laughable.

Yes because it is in fact true, she has very little experience running anything.


I think she has very little experience.
Chavez like the Clinton years.
Chavez obviously would prefer to return to those policies
There is no contradiction.

There is a major contradiction.  On the one hand, you're saying that Clinton is inexperienced.  On the other, you're saying that she's experienced enough that Chavez would like to have her for President, because she would re institute those policies (why else would Chavez want her as Pres?).  You're saying that she's inexperienced, but then again she's experienced enough to push through what Chavez wants?  Which is it?

See above
You don't get it

I'm not the one who's not getting it here.  I'm not the one posting thread titles declaring something that the article doesn't state.

Wrong again.
I did read the whole thing

Evidently not, or you wouldn't have posted that thread title.

I did catch it.
Chavez perfers Hillary/Obama but of course (duh) hopes no matter what happens relations improve.

I don't see the duh factor here.  Quit demonizing me.  If Chavez was such an enemy of the US in general (as opposed to GW in part), why would he wish for normalized relations?  He has plenty of oil revenue, it's not like he needs the US to be his buddies.  So why would he wish for better relations?

Like most articles the title and data in the article reflects what the author deducts from the information
or aticles would be nothing more than one long huge quote.

Unlike most articles, it's a piss poor summary of the info inside, with no factual basis for the statement on your part that Chavez would prefer Obama or Hillary as President.

This is the game you play:

I don't play games, other than Civilization IV, Europa Universalis II, Medieval Total War II, pinochle, and hearts.

John says: George Bush is dumb
               George Bush is lazy
               George Bush is corrupt
               George Bush is mean

Bill says: John does not like George Bush

Fatman: No No No, John never ever specifally stated  "they did not like George Bush".

Two things:  First, Chavez never claimed that McCain was dumb, lazy, corrupt, or mean.  He said that he "seemed to like war".  Seemed in this instance is a qualifier, and not a definitive statement.  Go back to an English class if you can't understand this.  Secondly, I would be correct in my statement.  That's why I choose to make qualifying statements and definitive statements, and use qualifiers and definitives in them.  But then again, I'm not the one posting thread titles with nothing to do with the thread.  People got in an uproar when Lanya posted an interpretation of a thread as its title.  But it's okay for you to do so?  Use some common sense.

Again, even if Chavez dislikes McCain, that does not equate into Hillary/Obama support. 

Yes it does.

No it doesn't.  The article never states if he disliked Hillary or Obama more.  It never stated that he liked them more.  You're drawing your own flawed conclusions.  As I said before, the article is conspicuous in the information that it doesn't contain.

Ok so now it's "dishonest" for me to have an opinion that is different from yours?

No, it's dishonest of you to post thread titles having nothing to do with the thread.  It's not like this is the first time, you're becoming well noted for it in here.  If you want to spew hyperbolic bullshit around, be prepared to back it up.  Things like "the author agrees with me", "that's my opinion", "quit demonizing me", etc, aren't backing it up.  They're making you come across as someone who can't hold their own.  And no, you're not kicking my ass.

I do think I know exactly what Hugo Chavez wants in the US election.

Finally, a qualifier.  You may think you know, but you haven't brought forth any information to support your theory.

Imo it is dishonest of you to not admit the obvious and pretend he could be
supporting Ron Paul.

Sometimes what seems obvious isn't.  Until I have further information, like a statement endorsing Obama or Clinton, or campaign contributions from Chavez to either of those candidates, I'm not going to "admit the obvious".  Doing so would mean that I'd be talking out of my ass, like someone else.

Yeah he could be supporting "the man in the moon".

You have evidence that he isn't?  This is what pisses me off about you:  you make these statements, then do nothing to back them up.  No sourcing, no qualifiers, and then when you're called on it, you deflect into absurdity and claim that people are demonizing you.  If I had said that Hugo supports the man in the moon, I would be expected to bring forth evidence of my claim.  That's why I said that Chavez may support Ross Perot, Ron Paul, or Ralph Nader.  I used the qualifier "may" because I don't know.  No more than you know that he supports Obama or Hillary.  You're drawing an inference that I think is flawed, and you've yet to demonstrate sufficient evidence in support of that inference.

No he just alludes to how terrible it may be if McCain wins?

Saying that a candidate seems to like war does not equate to how terrible it would be if that candidate won an election.  Just because you say so doesn't make it so.

See above: John/Bill analogy

Another deflection.  I've already displayed how your "John Bill analogy" is not relevant to what Chavez said.

It makes it an honest logical deduction just like the "John/Bill" analogy.

The only deduction, based on logic, in that analogy, is the hypothetical answer that I give.  You should read up on logic structure and forms before you start talking about honest logical deductions.

No it's not. Enemies opinions are relevant.

You have yet to demonstrate why that's the case.

It's not flawed logic.

Read up on logic, then get back to me.

Yes he has in this article.

Where?  Chavez says that McCain seems to like war.  You say that because Chavez says that, he must support Democrats.  There is no correlation between the statements, and certainly no causative relationship.

Flawed logic? What like Hugo Chavez might just as likely support Rob Paul as he would Hillary?

That's not logic.  That's a hypothetical posed to demonstrate how your logic is flawed.  You cannot draw a valid inference (in formal logic and deductive reasoning terms) when Chavez has made no statements about Hillary or Obama.  Flawed logic in your case being a definitive statement made without valid inference.

Yes he has in this article.

Again, where?  Just because you say it's so doesn't make it so.  You made the statement, the onus is on you to show me where the article states that.

Only you would know, I don't read it.

You should, it's highly entertaining.

Oh ok, yeah I'll be just like Fatman.

Wow, thanks!

I am not changing anything.

Then why are you here?

And you tend to be wrong about my thread titles, because they are dead on correct.

Uh, okay.   ::)  ::)  ::)

Perhaps not because they are dead on in agreement with the Reuters author.

Why does that mean that you don't need to work on your critical thinking skills?  In your statement:  IMO enemies of the United States prefer the democrats, you give the impression that you already believed what the article says what you believe even before you read it.  What exactly is critical about that?

Obviously not to myself nor the Reuters author.

And that makes you correct how?

No you just pretend it is not relevant because you don't like the information.

I'm not pretending anything.  You've yet to demonstrate the relevance, only that you feel it is relevant.  As for not liking the information, what information?  There's precious little of it in that article.  BTW, do you have a clue as to who I'm probably going to vote for?  Evidently not.

As if Bin Laden was campaigning for Obama it "wouldn't be relevant"
because Bin Laden is "unable to vote in the US elections"?

Another deflection into absurdity, but I'll bite.  Yes, exactly like that.  Are the candidates somehow allowed to pick their supporters?  I don't post articles about right wing freaks (and by freaks I mean the far out, faked moon landing, God is destroying America because of homosexuality fringe) voting Republican for precisely that reason.

In other
words being unable to vote does not equate to not being relevant.

Uh, yeah it does.  You've failed to demonstrate the relevance of your point.  Again.

Don't think so? Well then see if convicted felons endorsing your
candidate would help bring in alot of votes.

Actually, that would be your point of view, not mine.  I don't think that non voters are relevant.  You do.  A convicted felon who can't vote endorsing someone would fall into your camp, not mine. Most voters realize that a candidate can't pick their supporters.  Evidently you haven't reached that realization yet.  As an aside, most states have processes that convicted felons can use to restore their voting rights.  In some states, inmates can vote from prison.  Here in WA, a felon has 5 years after their release, then they can restore their voting rights.  Same works for firearms.

It is not a ploy, it's an honest logical deduction that I arrive at
as well it appears the author does.

It's not an honest logical deduction, it's illogical for the reasons stated previously.


Yeah.  If I "demonize" you, doesn't that make you a "victim"?

Can't handle?
I relish it.

Yeah?  Like you relished the debate with UP so much that you cut it off when he exposed your frauds and deflections?  That kind of relish?  Like how you turn to deflecting things into absurdity, and how if someone uses a swear word you're supposedly "winning" the argument?  Like how anyone who agrees with anyone else is a "cheerleader", worthy of posting obnoxious pictures about, but it's fine for you to do the same to some other members in this forum? Posting any triviality, but refusing to back up your points with any form of sourcing?  That's how you handle it, I couldn't tell that you relished it.


Because I rebutt it does not mean I am a victim.

You haven't rebutted one of my points yet.

You couldn't make me a victim of anything here or in person.

Only you can make yourself a victim.  That's why I said "playing" the victim.  Whenever I say something that you don't like, I'm inevitably either demonizing you or hinting that you're a racist.  You need to learn some new tactics, those ones are getting stale.

And another thing, I am not your "pal".


No I don't.

Prove it.  I'll wait, but I'm not holding my breath.


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Why is it a good idea to give Hugo Chavez a hard time?
Why is it in any reasonable to elect yet another clown as president whom the rest of the world will despise?

Should we elect the most loathsome politician possible?

This is what is called negative campaigning. Why not vote for the man who will be best for Americans, not worse for Venezuelans. 49 years of Cuban embargo has proven that this sort of crap will never work. Besides, it is hardly possible to embargo Venezuela. A clever person can easily note that it is not an island.

Hugo Chavez has never harmed me. I would prefer that Citgo would sell me diesel fuel for $2.00 a gallon or less, but no one else does, either.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Man Fatman you seem to be one angry person.

"Stupidity", "talking out your ass", "baseline of stupidity", "jack shit", "bullshit".

Is this more of the Stray Pooch doctrine you mentioned several days ago?

You've already apologized once today, do you have some anger issues?

To me that is the language of anger, that needs to "dress up" weak arguments.

I can not continue to microscope each & every sentence, every word ad nauseum
with you as a you try to deflect away from the obvious because the Reuters article
clearly makes your disgraceful candidates look bad.

From the Reuters article it's pretty evident that Hugo Chavez prefers either
Clinton and/or Obama. In the article, Chavez doesn't say anything negative
about Clinton or Obama but does about McCain. Those are the main three
people vying for the US presidency. ( Ron Paul  ::) )

In most people's eyes, if you complain about one person and not the others,
then it is logical to deduct you prefer the others more than the one person
you isolate for negative remarks. I think the Reuters author's title and my title
sums the article up.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 07:40:52 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: No surprise Hugo Chavez wants Obama or Hillary to be next US President
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2008, 07:32:35 PM »
Why is it a good idea to give Hugo Chavez a hard time?

Well if Hugo Chavez is funding/helping Marxist-Leninist revolutionary guerrilla insurgents(FARC)
who are considered a terrorist group by the Colombian government, the United States, Canada,
and the European Union trying to over-throw democratically elected allies of the United States
it could be a good idea to give Chavez a hard time.

Why is it in any reasonable to elect yet another clown as president whom
the rest of the world will despise?

The US President is president of the United States.
Hatred of the US has been around for decades.

Obviously the American people did not view President Bush
as your hate term "clown" because the Amerian people
re-elected President Bush by the most votes in US history.
If the most votes in US history were tabulated for
President Bush obviously it didnt really matter to
the American people what some foreign countries thought.

Should we elect the most loathsome politician possible?

We should elect the best person to look out for the national interests
of the United States.

This is what is called negative campaigning. Why not vote for the man
who will be best for Americans

Oh I agree.
In my opinion that is no doubt John McCain.
The "enemy prefers Obama/Hillary" is more of an interesting side-note.

49 years of Cuban embargo has proven that this sort of crap will never work.

I agree Kennedy's Cuban Embargo has not freed the Cuban people from the mess they are in.
In hindsight a Nixon China opening would have worked better.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: No surprise Hugo Chavez wants Obama or Hillary to be next US President
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2008, 07:36:10 PM »
Man Fatman you seem to be one angry person.

Whether I'm angry or not is irrelevant to the discussion.  Further, unless you've got a degree in psychology, or psychiatry, I'd just as soon you didn't start assuming things about my emotional condition, of which you know nothing about.

Of course, this is nothing more than another transparent deflection from the real issue at hand.

"Stupidity", "talking out your ass", "baseline of stupidity", "jack shit", "bullshit".

If the shoe fits...  but again, you're still deflecting.

Is this more of the Stray Pooch doctrine you mentioned several days ago?

The doctrine you found laughable?  No, but it is calling a spade a spade.  And you're still deflecting.

You've already apologized once today, do you have some anger issues?

I apologize when I feel that I've done something wrong.  I feel no need to apologize for my responses in this thread.  And once again, still deflecting.

To me that is the language of anger, that needs to "dress up" weak arguments.

I don't feel the need to change my language to suit your judgements.  Live with it.

I can not continue to microscope each & every sentence, every word ad nauseum
with you as a you try to deflect away from the obvious because the Reuters article
clearly makes your disgraceful candidates look bad.

See, this is where I can call you stupid, because you are.  You're passing a judgement that they're "my candidates", when I've already stated several times in this forum that if the election were held now I'd vote for McCain.  So why don't you go and grab a fucking clue, before you start stuffing words in my mouth that I've already refuted on this board?  Christ, I'd ask if you were born that dumb or if you grew into it, but I'm afraid of the answer.

Further, how does the article make the Democrats look bad?  Because Chavez supposedly supports them?  Even if Chavez did uncategorically support the Democrats, it's fucking retarded to think that the candidate should take the blame for that.  If a child molestor supports John McCain, does that mean that I can say that John McCain panders to child molestors?  Grab a fucking clue and quit being stupid.

From the Reuters article it's pretty evident that Hugo Chavez prefers either
Clinton and/or Obama.

It's not evident, nor have you made any attempt to reveal this so-called evidence.  But I'm not the least bit surprised.

In the article, Chavez doesn't say anything negative
about Clinton or Obama but does about McCain.

He said nothing positive about Clinton or Obama either, a fact that conveniently seems to slip out of that sieve of a mind that you possess.  For that matter, he made a qualifying remark about McCain, which a lot of voters in this country also believe.  You make it sound like he called McCain Satan incarnate. 

What a bunch of bullshit.

Those are the main three
people vying for the US presidency.

Wow, thanks Captain Oblivious.

In most people's eyes,
if you complain about one person and not the others, then it is logical to deduct
you prefer the others more than the one person you isolate to for negative remarks.

It is NOT logical if you make NO remarks about the others.  For fucks sake, you couldn't even be bothered to look up logic in the Wikipedia, and you're still talking out of your ass.

I think the Reuters author's title and my title sums the article up.

And yet again, you offer nothing in support of your statement, other than "in most people's eyes".  What a fucking crock.  Get back to me when you're ready to be intelligent, otherwise don't bother.  If I wanted to talk to a moron all day I'd get my brother on the phone.


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Re: No surprise Hugo Chavez wants Obama or Hillary to be next US President
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2008, 07:45:43 PM »
"grab a fucking clue" "What a fucking crock"
Get back to me when you're ready to be intelligent, otherwise don't bother.

Yeah sure whatever you say!

« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 09:18:19 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: No surprise Hugo Chavez wants Obama or Hillary to be next US President
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2008, 08:42:02 PM »
Yeah sure buddy whatever you say!

So I can assume that it's going to be a long wait?



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Re: No surprise Hugo Chavez wants Obama or Hillary to be next US President
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2008, 09:31:30 PM »
"So I can assume that it's going to be a long wait?"

"grab a fucking clue"

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987