<<The mantra [that Bush lied the country into war] has been applied so often and left so consistently unchallenged by the mainscream media when made, that folks like Tee can simply declare victory (Bush lied us into war), and hit enter (not be required to actually substantiate the claim>>
See, that's where all your lies become undone. Because Bush lied to the whole country. People remember the weapons of mass destruction. That wasn't a part of the language till Bush and his gang made it a part of the language. And they remember the allegations that Saddam was hiding weapons of mass destruction, he did not account for them, so he must still have them.
They will remember Condoleeza Rice telling them that they couldn't keep looking for the smoking gun till the smoking gun became a mushroom cloud. People who are dumb enough to be fooled by that kind of argument are dumb enough to be scared by it. And people remember when they are scared. They remember who scared them and how.
So when you come out with this shit, it never happened, Bush never tried to scare America into supporting an invasion, they KNOW you are lying because they remember being scared by those very lines. So telling them it never happened is just compounding the lie.
I find that this habitual lying is probably the Achilles heel of the Republican Party. They HAVE to lie because they are the party of the rich and they need the votes of the poor. If you tell the poor the real truth (we're here to make our friends richer and you poorer) it will not get them elected. But the lies should be confined to fields they have more control over, where it's much harder to understand the subject matter, so that it's harder to prove them liars. When they start to lie over stuff like weapons of mass destruction or "We're gonna be greeted as liberators," they are lying about something they ultimately cannot control. BAD policy. But they seem to have this magical belief that they can keep repeating something - - "We are making great progress in Iraq," "There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" and it will BECOME true over time. But it never does.