Author Topic: Another view on Obama  (Read 1976 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2008, 07:48:24 PM »
<<I had a White guy tell me that he couldn't vote for Obama because he thought Obama was too "cocky" .>>

Easiest translation in the world:  This n****r doesn't know his place.


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2008, 08:01:24 PM »
<<I had a White guy tell me that he couldn't vote for Obama because he thought Obama was too "cocky" .>>

Easiest translation in the world:  This n****r doesn't know his place.

That may be the easiest translation but I have said that about a billion times about Bush and he's white the last time I checked.

Michael Tee

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2008, 08:08:23 PM »
<<That may be the easiest translation but I have said that about a billion times about Bush and he's white the last time I checked.>>

Cockiness is only one of Bush's faults, and one of the smaller ones.  When the only reason advanced for not voting for Obama is "cockiness," I'd say that translates into "uppity n****r."


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2008, 08:33:56 PM »
<<That may be the easiest translation but I have said that about a billion times about Bush and he's white the last time I checked.>>

Cockiness is only one of Bush's faults, and one of the smaller ones.  When the only reason advanced for not voting for Obama is "cockiness," I'd say that translates into "uppity n****r."

Trust me, I like Obama A LOT but I think that calling Obama cocky is just calling him cocky unless you know the guy who said it before is a racist.

Michael Tee

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2008, 10:42:39 PM »
<<Trust me, I like Obama A LOT but I think that calling Obama cocky is just calling him cocky unless you know the guy who said it before is a racist.>>

I'd agree with you if the guy JUST called him cocky.  In fact, the guy said he wouldn't vote for him because he was cocky.

Cockiness never turned off anyone on a politician.  JFK was cocky and the people loved him.  FDR was cocky AND an "elitist" too.  But OBAMA turned this guy off for only one reason important enough to mention - - cockiness.  Draw your own conclusions, Brass - - I've drawn mine.


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2008, 10:43:13 PM »
Yeah, we all need guns, so we can overthrow a bad government and enforce civil rights vigilante-style. A government with all manner of high-tech weaponry can easily be taken out by citizens with pistols. Pretty much everyone in Iraq was armed to the teeth, and they somehow did not manage to convince Saddam to step down.
Canada has lots of duckhunters and is in many ways a more free society than the US, and yet has only a fraction of the crime and people locked up for threatening others with guns i robberies and such.

Below is a list of governments that have been overthrown by a populace armed with Glocks, Colts and Smith&Wessons:


Israel negotiates with Hamas and Hezbollah already. For a candidate to say he supports Israel and a two state solution means Israel (that has pretty much everything) will have to give up something before it is outnumbered by voting Palestinians, who will vote to make it something other than a Jewish state.

If McCain wins, it will be because of racism. It's that simple.

If Obama wins, it is because McCain's campaign either failed to make a case for four more years of pissing away bazillions on a stupid war and helping the megarich become supermegarich, or those advocating he be elected will do something so bloody racist that it backfires on them.

Being down on guns was plenty of reason for me to be down on Giulani. This is a good issue to bring up often against Senator Obama. How many people do thake the Second admendment seriously?

I agree with you that modern tanks and APCs , aircraft and ships are going to be hard to defeat with small arms , look at how badly Al Queda is getting spanked.

This suggests to me that the part of the Second admendment that calls for well regulated millitia needs to get more encouragement , People who are in State and county government ought to be required and citizens ought ot be recruited .