Author Topic: conservatives react to Palin  (Read 11718 times)

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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2008, 05:32:33 PM »
Hmmm.....Bush III or Carter II?..

That didn't take long

At least Carter didnt get US into a bullshit war.

Carters wars were not Bullshit?

I guess because they were small and we did not spend much on them.


Anyway , I was in Jimmy Carters Navy , and it was rapidly becomeing the number two navy as the Soviets built a lot and Carter did not , I liked the guy , but I really became a conservative while I worked for him.


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2008, 05:33:42 PM »
I don't expect McCain to die in office, but I do expect that, on account of his age, he'll be a one termer. I'll support McCain in '08 so I can vote for Palin in 2012.

For all her looks, Palin is one tough cookie. She's our best shot yet at developing an American Margaret Thatcher.

Imagine what the 2012 election is going to look like. I can just see Hillary kicking and screaming - "It's not fair! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!"

I wouldn't start printing Palin posters just yet.

President Obama's first term is going to completely bury the the GOP for another 20 years.

In the end, no matter how strong this woman is in front of the camera, it all comes down to policies that work.

I agree, Brass on this one.

What " policies that work  " are we speaking of?


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2008, 05:45:14 PM »
In the end, no matter how strong this woman is in front of the camera, it all comes down to policies that work.

What " policies that work  " are we speaking of?

EXCELLENT follow-up, Plane
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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2008, 05:47:26 PM »
I don't expect McCain to die in office, but I do expect that, on account of his age, he'll be a one termer. I'll support McCain in '08 so I can vote for Palin in 2012.

For all her looks, Palin is one tough cookie. She's our best shot yet at developing an American Margaret Thatcher.

Imagine what the 2012 election is going to look like. I can just see Hillary kicking and screaming - "It's not fair! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!"

I wouldn't start printing Palin posters just yet.

President Obama's first term is going to completely bury the the GOP for another 20 years.

In the end, no matter how strong this woman is in front of the camera, it all comes down to policies that work.

I agree, Brass on this one.

What " policies that work  " are we speaking of?

We? ???

I was speaking of the policies that are important to all Americans. You name one, there will be those elements that have worked and those that have not...overall, anything Obama changes in his administration will probably end up to find a ground floor of success compared to the last eight years of waste and death under Bush.


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2008, 05:51:49 PM »
I don't expect McCain to die in office, but I do expect that, on account of his age, he'll be a one termer. I'll support McCain in '08 so I can vote for Palin in 2012.

For all her looks, Palin is one tough cookie. She's our best shot yet at developing an American Margaret Thatcher.

Imagine what the 2012 election is going to look like. I can just see Hillary kicking and screaming - "It's not fair! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!"

I wouldn't start printing Palin posters just yet.

President Obama's first term is going to completely bury the the GOP for another 20 years.

In the end, no matter how strong this woman is in front of the camera, it all comes down to policies that work.

I agree, Brass on this one.

What " policies that work  " are we speaking of?

We? ???

I was speaking of the policies that are important to all Americans. You name one, there will be those elements that have worked and those that have not...overall, anything Obama changes in his administration will probably end up to find a ground floor of success compared to the last eight years of waste and death under Bush.

 How about a policy that prevents attacks like the 9-11 attacks . Or even a policy that really harms Al Queda?

Is that in the offing?

What is the part that will make his work better?


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2008, 05:54:42 PM »
I don't expect McCain to die in office, but I do expect that, on account of his age, he'll be a one termer. I'll support McCain in '08 so I can vote for Palin in 2012.

For all her looks, Palin is one tough cookie. She's our best shot yet at developing an American Margaret Thatcher.

Imagine what the 2012 election is going to look like. I can just see Hillary kicking and screaming - "It's not fair! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!"

I wouldn't start printing Palin posters just yet.

President Obama's first term is going to completely bury the the GOP for another 20 years.

In the end, no matter how strong this woman is in front of the camera, it all comes down to policies that work.

I agree, Brass on this one.

What " policies that work  " are we speaking of?

We? ???

I was speaking of the policies that are important to all Americans. You name one, there will be those elements that have worked and those that have not...overall, anything Obama changes in his administration will probably end up to find a ground floor of success compared to the last eight years of waste and death under Bush.

 How about a policy that prevents attacks like the 9-11 attacks . Or even a policy that really harms Al Queda?

Is that in the offing?

What is the part that will make his work better?

Do you really think that Obama can not protect our nation, plane?


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2008, 05:56:35 PM »
I don't expect McCain to die in office, but I do expect that, on account of his age, he'll be a one termer. I'll support McCain in '08 so I can vote for Palin in 2012.

For all her looks, Palin is one tough cookie. She's our best shot yet at developing an American Margaret Thatcher.

Imagine what the 2012 election is going to look like. I can just see Hillary kicking and screaming - "It's not fair! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!"

I wouldn't start printing Palin posters just yet.

President Obama's first term is going to completely bury the the GOP for another 20 years.

In the end, no matter how strong this woman is in front of the camera, it all comes down to policies that work.

I agree, Brass on this one.

What " policies that work  " are we speaking of?

We? ???

I was speaking of the policies that are important to all Americans. You name one, there will be those elements that have worked and those that have not...overall, anything Obama changes in his administration will probably end up to find a ground floor of success compared to the last eight years of waste and death under Bush.

 How about a policy that prevents attacks like the 9-11 attacks . Or even a policy that really harms Al Queda?

Is that in the offing?

What is the part that will make his work better?

Do you really think that Obama can not protect our nation, plane?

I am asking about better.

He is promiseing change , but if it isn't better I don't want it.

So how will his protection of the USA be better?


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2008, 06:25:32 PM »
Do you really think that Obama can not protect our nation, plane?

I am asking about better.  He is promiseing change , but if it isn't better I don't want it.  So how will his protection of the USA be better?

Again, excellent.  I see I'm going to be asking many of my questions to Miss Cynthia, using you as a surrogate, Plane.  I hope you don't mind      8)
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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2008, 06:31:21 PM »
Do you really think that Obama can not protect our nation, plane?

I am asking about better.  He is promiseing change , but if it isn't better I don't want it.  So how will his protection of the USA be better?

Again, excellent.  I see I'm going to be asking many of my questions to Miss Cynthia, using you as a surrogate, Plane.  I hope you don't mind      8)

You should be carefull, I could turn on you.


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2008, 06:36:12 PM »
Given your track record, I'll take my chances
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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2008, 09:48:45 PM »
We're looking at a full-blown meltdown.  Let's kick things off with Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review:  

"She Just Is Not Ready to Be Commander-in-Chief" [said] Pat Buchanan on MSNBC just now, about Sarah Palin. I'm liable to agree.

Lopez also posted this as a typical email she's gotten:

As much as I loathe Obama-Biden, I can't in good conscience vote for a McCain-Palin ticket. Palin has absolutely no experience in foreign affairs. Considering both McCain's advanced age and the state of the world today, it is essential that the veep be exceedingly qualified to assume the office of president. I simply don't have any confidence in Palin's ability to deal effectively with Iran, Russia, China, etc. I certainly will not cast a vote for Obama-Biden, but nor will I vote for McCain-Palin. Looks like I'll either sit this one out or vote for Bob Barr. Why, o, why, didn't McCain listen to Rove and just pick Romney?

cityduck's diary :: ::
From the National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru:

Inexperience. Palin has been governor for about two minutes. Thanks to McCain’s decision, Palin could be commander-in-chief next year. That may strike people as a reckless choice; it strikes me that way. And McCain's age raised the stakes on this issue.

As a political matter, it undercuts the case against Obama. Conservatives are pointing out that it is tricky for the Obama campaign to raise the issue of her inexperience given his own, and note that the presidency matters more than the vice-presidency. But that gets things backward. To the extent the experience, qualifications, and national-security arguments are taken off the table, Obama wins.

And it’s not just foreign policy. Palin has no experience dealing with national domestic issues, either. (On the other hand, as Kate O’Beirne just told me, we know that Palin will be ready for that 3 a.m. phone call: She’ll already be up with her baby.)

Tokenism. Can anyone say with a straight face that Palin would have gotten picked if she were a man?

Compatibility. It doesn’t seem as though McCain knows Palin well. Do we have much reason to think they would work well together?

Debates. Maybe, as Jonah said the other day, Biden will look like a bully going up against her—and maybe she’ll shine. But I can think of a lot of other picks who would have been lower-risk.

I am not even sure that the pick will have quite the galvanizing effect on conservatives that it seems to be having now as it sinks in. The concerns I’ve mentioned here—about her readiness and her credentials—are the kind of thing that many conservative voters take seriously.

From the National Review's Jonah Goldberg:

Downside: She may not be ready for primetime. The heartbeat-from-the-presidency issue is a real one.

From the National Review's Jonathon Adler:

I recognize that were McCain to select Palin as his Veep it disrupts the Obama Lacks Foreign Policy Experience" talking point, but I was never thought that argument was all that powerful.

From Town Hall's Ron Fournier:

If Obama is an empty suit, as McCain has suggested, is Palin suited for the Oval Office herself?

She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. Just 20 months ago, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest annual worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

From MSNBC's Joe Scarborough:

It Sounds Like a Harriet Miers Decision. Let's Find a Woman, Whether She's Experienced or Not.

Dream on bitch -- obama is screwed

Michael Tee

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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2008, 10:25:30 PM »
I've looked at this from every angle, and I only see one conclusion:  with this one appointment, McCain has shot himself in the foot - - fatally.

McCain's campaign rests on two primary emotions, hate and fear.  Only McCain was strong enough to protect America from the "Islamofascist" "threat" which loomed like a tidal wave over every decent American home; only McCain was qualified to serve as C-in-C of the nation's military, which could be called upon to protect America at any hour of the day or night against sudden and deadly attacks from the "Axis of Evil," from North Korea, from Iraq, from (for the real cognoscenti) Saudi Arabia or Sudan or even the Philippines.

Even if the call came at 3:00 A.M., dependable "war hero" John McCain would be there on the other end of the line, snapping out orders, protecting you, defending you.

And now this senile 72-year-old geezer with some weird growth protruding from the left side of his face, the survivor of several past bouts with the Big C, picks someone to replace him as C-in-C, in the not-so-unlikely event of God calling him home a little ahead of schedule, a runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant and a Governor who hasn't even served out two full years and tells America (after months of lambasting Obama's "inexperience"), "Here, this babe'll take care of you if anything happens to me.  SHE'S fully qualified to assume command of our armed forces any time.  Obama isn't, but she is."

Is ANYONE left, even of his most faithful followers, who is willing to believe that while Obama is unfit due to "inexperience" to assume command of the U.S. military, Miss Alaska (almost) who hasn't even served out a full term as Governor, IS fit?  McCain stoked the fires of fear, scared his followers with the prospect of the "inexperienced" Obama as C-in-C, psyched them to the point where they were convinced that only he (McCain) had the "experience" to provide the protection they so desperately needed, and then tells these thoroughly frightened people that if anything happens to him, they're in the good hands of Ms. Palin???  Please.

Long and short of it:  McCain blew it.


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2008, 10:34:34 PM »
We're looking at a full-blown meltdown.  Let's kick things off with Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review:  

"She Just Is Not Ready to Be Commander-in-Chief" [said] Pat Buchanan on MSNBC just now, about Sarah Palin. I'm liable to agree.

Lopez also posted this as a typical email she's gotten:

As much as I loathe Obama-Biden, I can't in good conscience vote for a McCain-Palin ticket. Palin has absolutely no experience in foreign affairs. Considering both McCain's advanced age and the state of the world today, it is essential that the veep be exceedingly qualified to assume the office of president. I simply don't have any confidence in Palin's ability to deal effectively with Iran, Russia, China, etc. I certainly will not cast a vote for Obama-Biden, but nor will I vote for McCain-Palin. Looks like I'll either sit this one out or vote for Bob Barr. Why, o, why, didn't McCain listen to Rove and just pick Romney?

cityduck's diary :: ::
From the National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru:

Inexperience. Palin has been governor for about two minutes. Thanks to McCain’s decision, Palin could be commander-in-chief next year. That may strike people as a reckless choice; it strikes me that way. And McCain's age raised the stakes on this issue.

As a political matter, it undercuts the case against Obama. Conservatives are pointing out that it is tricky for the Obama campaign to raise the issue of her inexperience given his own, and note that the presidency matters more than the vice-presidency. But that gets things backward. To the extent the experience, qualifications, and national-security arguments are taken off the table, Obama wins.

And it’s not just foreign policy. Palin has no experience dealing with national domestic issues, either. (On the other hand, as Kate O’Beirne just told me, we know that Palin will be ready for that 3 a.m. phone call: She’ll already be up with her baby.)

Tokenism. Can anyone say with a straight face that Palin would have gotten picked if she were a man?

Compatibility. It doesn’t seem as though McCain knows Palin well. Do we have much reason to think they would work well together?

Debates. Maybe, as Jonah said the other day, Biden will look like a bully going up against her—and maybe she’ll shine. But I can think of a lot of other picks who would have been lower-risk.

I am not even sure that the pick will have quite the galvanizing effect on conservatives that it seems to be having now as it sinks in. The concerns I’ve mentioned here—about her readiness and her credentials—are the kind of thing that many conservative voters take seriously.

From the National Review's Jonah Goldberg:

Downside: She may not be ready for primetime. The heartbeat-from-the-presidency issue is a real one.

From the National Review's Jonathon Adler:

I recognize that were McCain to select Palin as his Veep it disrupts the Obama Lacks Foreign Policy Experience" talking point, but I was never thought that argument was all that powerful.

From Town Hall's Ron Fournier:

If Obama is an empty suit, as McCain has suggested, is Palin suited for the Oval Office herself?

She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. Just 20 months ago, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest annual worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

From MSNBC's Joe Scarborough:

It Sounds Like a Harriet Miers Decision. Let's Find a Woman, Whether She's Experienced or Not.

Dream on bitch -- obama is screwed

Obama looks tired and seems depressed about Sarah Palin. He looks like Bambi in the headlights of a truck. Sorry know-it-all Mikey but you are wrong and I'm right about Palin. Don't forget I picked her about a month ago....

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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2008, 10:48:43 PM »
<<Obama looks tired and seems depressed about Sarah Palin. He looks like Bambi in the headlights of a truck. Sorry know-it-all Mikey but you are wrong and I'm right about Palin. Don't forget I picked her about a month ago....>>

So how do you think a security-obsessed voter who picked McCain because he was best qualified to be commander in chief is gonna feel about the prospects of Palin becoming C-in-C if anything happens to McCain?


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Re: conservatives react to Palin
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2008, 11:06:25 PM »
So how do you think a security-obsessed voter who picked McCain because he was best qualified to be commander in chief is gonna feel about the prospects of Palin becoming C-in-C if anything happens to McCain?

They'll be fine with it. She's a woman and security is high on the agenda for women.

She has a reputation for taking on the entrenched interests. I don't think she will be perceived as one who will blink first. Hillary would have been better than Obama on security too. She was tough. She just had high negatives. And Bill didn't help her any on the trail.

Obama already has a reputation for when things get tense of throwing former allies under the bus.

Back to Palin, as VP she'll have a seat on the NSC. She'll be brought up to speed quick enough.
She is also well versed in energy independence, which in many voters minds is a huge security issue,  running pipelines from the North Slope and leading the way in converting the govt fleet to natural gas

Remember Truman was clueless when he was selected, most American's think he did OK, in retrospect. Of course Truman was selected to neuter Henry Wallace. FDR thought he was leaning too far to the left, wasn't he suspected of being a communist at one point?

Ah politics, the games within the games within the games.