She is pro life and pro contraceptive.
Hey, that's what I am! But I also want women to have control over their own property i.e. their body so abortions should be legal, rare and safe and I heard that she thinks women shouldn't be allowed to control their own property and make their own decisions about their bodies and lifes.
She doesn't demand that creationism be taught in schools. She say if students bring it up, their concerns should be addressed.
Hey, that's what I think! I agree that students should definitely be told that creationism is a myth like how some lesser informed societies actually believed the earth was being carried around on the back of a turtle. Kooky, huh?
She is for all of the above on energy issues. Drilling, natural gas, coal and coal gassification, solar, wind and tidal.
Ooooo, I don't know.

Drilling wouldn't start for ten years even if we did want to pollute the oceans off our shores and would have zero affect on the price of gas. Natural gas is a good thing. It's abundant and burns clean and T Boone says that we could use it as a bridge away from gas to electric cars. Coal and coal gassification did sound ok at first but I understand it releases a lot of garbage into the air. Solar, wind and tidal! Hey, I like that! Yay!
That should do for starters.