Author Topic: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand  (Read 19878 times)

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #105 on: October 06, 2008, 01:26:27 PM »
Strange.....did I see any reference where you're being denied your opinion, or even that it should be??  Oh yea, I forgot, famous leftist tactic  --> complain that criticism of their criticism is tantamount to wanting to silence someone, or to call them unpatriotic.  Garbage like that
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Michael Tee

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2008, 01:32:40 PM »
<<Strange.....did I see any reference where you're being denied your opinion, or even that it should be??>>

No you did not.  So why are you raising it now?

<<  Oh yea, I forgot, famous leftist tactic  --> complain that criticism of their criticism is tantamount to wanting to silence someone, or to call them unpatriotic. >>

No, nobody suggested anything like that.  So why are you raising it now?

Yes, I know.  Typical sirs "debating" tactic.  Make shit up.  Garbage like that


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #107 on: October 06, 2008, 01:46:18 PM »
<<Strange.....did I see any reference where you're being denied your opinion, or even that it should be??>>

No you did not.  So why are you raising it now?

"Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion.", is pretty clear to me, as if I was criticising your right to an have an opinion.  Why else would you post such a response??

<<  Oh yea, I forgot, famous leftist tactic  --> complain that criticism of their criticism is tantamount to wanting to silence someone, or to call them unpatriotic. >>

No, nobody suggested anything like that.  So why are you raising it now?

See above for clarity.  Perhaps next time, you'll make yourself a little more clear

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2008, 01:57:40 PM »
<<"Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion.",   is pretty clear to me, as if I was criticising your right to an have an opinion. >>

Nobody's ever questioned my RIGHT to have an opinion on this board or anywhere else, so why on earth would I think you were at this point over such a relatively inconsequential matter?

"Excuse me" is a standard ironic response used hundreds of times a day by anyone who expresses an opinion for which someone else says he or she is insufficiently equipped to express an opinion on.

You're just like your Republican heroes, say one thing and when called on it, claim you meant something entirely different.  Or grossly mischaracterize whatever it was that you were responding to.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #109 on: October 06, 2008, 03:01:25 PM »
It's always intriguing to watch anti-Christian and/or anti-religious folk speak so ........... authoritatively about all facets Christianity

There is a lot of value in an outsiders POV.

It is a lot easyer for him to see the dirt on your forehead , you might not know is there.

Then you get to explain Lent to him.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #110 on: October 06, 2008, 03:29:07 PM »
<<"Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion.",   is pretty clear to me, as if I was criticising your right to an have an opinion. >>

Nobody's ever questioned my RIGHT to have an opinion on this board or anywhere else, so why on earth would I think you were at this point over such a relatively inconsequential matter? "Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion." doesn't really mean "Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion.".

It depends on what the meanin of is, is.  Gotcha

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #111 on: October 06, 2008, 03:33:57 PM »
Is it true that Christians actually believe that they are drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a god who died 2000 years ago?

Is it actually true that Christians actually worship three gods that they consider to be the same entity?

Is it true that Christians believe that insanity is caused by demonic possession, and that it has been cured by driving said demons into a herd of pigs, who then commit suicide?

Those are among the hardest things to believe about Christianity to me. Have you some favorites, slurs?
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #112 on: October 06, 2008, 03:35:56 PM »
Is it true that Christians actually believe that they are drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a god who died 2000 years ago?

Is it actually true that Christians actually worship three gods that they consider to be the same entity?

Is it true that Christians believe that insanity is caused by demonic possession, and that it has been cured by driving said demons into a herd of pigs, who then commit suicide?

Those are among the hardest things to believe about Christianity to me. Have you some favorites, slurs?

That God loves the likes of you and me?

That is a big one.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #113 on: October 06, 2008, 03:52:38 PM »
I fail to see how anyone could not love me.

My cat clearly has her moments when she does not even like me or acknowledge my existence, but I still love her.

I am thinking that an omniscient, omnipotent being that exudes goodness would have little difficulty in loving even those who do not believe in him.
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #114 on: October 06, 2008, 04:19:53 PM » "Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion."  doesn't really mean "Jeeze, excuse me for expressing my opinion.".

It depends on what the meanin of is, is.  Gotcha

LOL.  I forgot who I was dealing with here.  People incapable of grasping either irony or sarcasm.  Well, OK, going along with your Big Lie just for the moment, if you really took my words as literally as you claim you did, how come you didn't just say, "You're excused?" 


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #115 on: October 06, 2008, 04:33:30 PM »
LOL.....this coming from the same person who keeps claimimg the original intention of what HE believes someone meant to say, is end of story.  Clarifications, Sarcasm, and Irony, need not apply.  In fact, they're to be ignored

Delicious & Ironic indeed
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #116 on: October 06, 2008, 04:41:23 PM »
<<LOL.....this coming from the same person who keeps claimimg the original intention of what HE believes someone meant to say, is end of story.  Clarifications, Sarcasm, and Irony, need not apply.  In fact, they're to be ignored>>

If you're referring to my comments on Insane's frantic efforts to escape from his own foolish words on the state of the economy, let me remind you that even The Man himself did not attempt to justify his words as sarcasm or irony.  The "clarification" that he offered was clearly unbelievable.

I suppose you could argue that since I don't believe McCain's explanation of his own words, you don't have to believe my explanation of mine.  It's completely illogical and ridiculous, but pretty much everything you say is illogical and ridiculous anyway.  However, there is no way for me to stop you from believing what you believe and there is no way for me to stop you from lying about what you believe, so, having offered my explanation that "Excuse me" was meant sarcastically, I've contributed all that I can to the topic.  It's of no importance to me what you believe, and more to the point, it's of no importance to me that you continue to lie about what you believe.  My words are clear to anyone who chooses to read them, I'm perfectly happy with them and I don't intend to retract a single one of them.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #117 on: October 07, 2008, 12:43:02 AM »
Naaaa, I'm simply referring to your current hypocritical standard that anyone you disagree with, is concluded to have said something patently false, regardless the follow-up clarity that demonstrates it to be such, but you can say something that means anything you want it to, and simply plead sarcasm, when caught.  In other words, it's perfectly acceptable for you to explain what you meant, but anyone else who does, who you don't agree with, is basically lying in their attempt, because you've concluded what they really meant to say

ahhh, the irony
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 01:09:20 AM by sirs »
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #118 on: October 07, 2008, 12:55:35 AM »
There is a lot of value in an outsiders POV.

It is a lot easyer for him to see the dirt on your forehead , you might not know is there.

Then you get to explain Lent to him.

Very good

Michael Tee

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #119 on: October 07, 2008, 01:59:59 AM »
<<Naaaa, I'm simply referring to your current hypocritical standard that anyone you disagree with, is concluded to have said something patently false, regardless the follow-up clarity that demonstrates it to be such . . . >>

Well, if you accept the principle that sometimes people mis-speak and then wish to clarify their misstatement and sometimes people say something foolish and then try to lie their way out of it by inventing (after the fact) a different meaning for their words, then you would have to admit that one has to try to distinguish between the two situations.  In McCain's case, for example, you have to choose:  Did he really mean to say "the American worker is strong?"  Or is he lying in order to avoid the consequences of claiming that the fundamentals of the economy are strong?

For good reason, I choose to believe that McCain is lying in his explanation of what he said.  It's clear to me that he made a very foolish statement and then tried to give it a whole different meaning when he realized just how dumb the original statement was.  But hey, that is just my opinion (and probably the opinion of 90% of the people who heard him speak those words.)

 Similarly I explained my words, "Excuse me for expressing my opinion."  I believe most people would recognize the sarcasm in those words, even without my explanation of it.  Most of those who didn't catch the sarcasm the first time around would readily accept my word that the words were meant to be sarcastic.  Why?  Because it's not much of a stretch.  Because "Excuse me" is not only commonly recognized as sarcasm, it's probably used today, at least in written communications, more in its sarcastic sense than in its simple and straightforward sense.

You on the other hand, claim not to recognize the obvious sarcasm in the phrase and not to believe the explanation offered that the words were meant in sarcasm.  That's OK.  I think you are lying, i.e., you know very well that the words were intended sarcastically, but for your own reasons, choose to deny that they were.  Well, there is no point in debating a liar who persists in his lie, so I have no further interest in debating this point with you.  There is of course another possibility, which is that you are just too fucking stupid to see the sarcasm, but I do not believe you are that stupid.  I don't believe anyone in this group is that stupid, as a matter of fact.  So I'll stick with my original conclusion.