<<Have you ever heard of any Palestinian Authority , Hamas , Hezbolla , Saddam's army , Saders militia, Chechen resistance or anything of the sort ever ever useing any sort of disapline to discourage its troops from abuseing its prisoners?>>
I would expect that it was as a result of discipline that Jessica whatsername (Lynd? Lynch?) was so well cared for by Saddam's army and army doctors. I would expect that the Israeli soldiers currently in Hamas and Hezbollah custody, who have been shown to be in good condition recently, are well treated as a result of discipline.
It is too bad that the same standard of care was not shown to the prisoners of Abu Ghraib, Baghram Base, Guantanamo and other torture centres now or formerly operated by US troops. I don't think the problem was one of discipline, since the U.S. army must be at least as well disciplined as the others, obviously it is a problem of leadership and command.