Author Topic: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal  (Read 1569 times)

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How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« on: January 17, 2010, 08:39:11 PM »

betcha this heckler was a liberal trying to frame Republicans and energize Obama supporters for Coakley


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 03:03:05 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised, but the audio was simply too hard to discern, and the "heckler" was never caught on video.  Could have easily played their part though
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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 03:08:18 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised, but the audio was simply too hard to discern, and the "heckler" was never caught on video.  Could have easily played their part though

Since liberals have been caught doing such pranks, even vandalism to Democrat election offices, to TRY and make Republicans look like they did it, is always a consideration. I have never heard of the reverse though. But they will do anything to get their voter base energized even if it means deception or outright criminal behavior. It's right out of the playbook on page 352.

Michael Tee

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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 07:57:08 PM »

<< . . . I have never heard of the reverse though. >> 

Awww, you poor baby.  But if you won't take your head out of your own ass, somebody will have to do it for you.  Here.  [loud popping sound]  Now take a look at this:

When you finish Segretti, you can Google Watergate, Dirty Tricks and Saturday Night Massacre just for an introduction to scumbag  GOP methods. 


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2010, 08:01:06 PM »

<< . . . I have never heard of the reverse though. >> 

Awww, you poor baby.  But if you won't take your head out of your own ass, somebody will have to do it for you.  Here.  [loud popping sound]  Now take a look at this:

When you finish Segretti, you can Google Watergate, Dirty Tricks and Saturday Night Massacre just for an introduction to scumbag  GOP methods. 

how about something more current as in the last 5 or even 10 years.

Michael Tee

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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 10:30:38 PM »
<<how about something more current as in the last 5 or even 10 years.>>

Will stealing the Florida election in 2000 do it for you?


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2010, 10:34:26 PM »
<<how about something more current as in the last 5 or even 10 years.>>

Will stealing the Florida election in 2000 do it for you?

Gore doesn't count as a Republican.

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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2010, 10:40:09 PM »
Gore didn't steal the election.


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2010, 10:46:48 PM »
Gore didn't steal the election.

he tried and got caught


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2010, 12:05:09 AM »
Gore didn't steal the election.

He capitulated , changed his mind and sued, then tryed to get the ballots of only the districts he did well in to be recounted.

Then some of his people wanted to hand recount the ballots in private , no press no independant observers allowed .

After saying several times that every vote should be counted , he tried to block the counting of Military mail in votes that arrived late.

Then after no chichanery was suffecient , and the court didn't take his side, he capitulated.

Nixon was a better example .

Michael Tee

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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2010, 01:06:44 AM »
<<He capitulated , changed his mind and sued, >>

Which he had every right to do.

<<then tryed to get the ballots of only the districts he did well in to be recounted.>>

Naturally, those were the districts in which he was defrauded.  why in hell would the Republicans bother to steal votes in districts where they already had a majority?  Even Republicans wouldn't be that stupid.

<<Then some of his people wanted to hand recount the ballots in private , no press no independant observers allowed .>>

That is such obvious bullshit nobody would believe it.  Who in hell EVER counted ballots in secret without independent observers present.  Unless you produce proof of that statement, I would have to say you obviously misunderstood something to arrive at that conclusion.  Who are the "some of his people" who wanted such an absurdity?  Names please.

<<After saying several times that every vote should be counted , he tried to block the counting of Military mail in votes that arrived late.>>

He never said that late-arriving military votes should be counted.  Obviously if it came late, given the wide margin of time allowed to military voters, there is a great suspicion that such ballots were mailed in after the polls were closed.  rules are rules and the military don't get any special privileges at the election - - if there's a deadline for civilian absentee ballots, and it's enforced, then the same treatment must be given to the military.

<<Then after no chichanery was suffecient , and the court didn't take his side, he capitulated.>>

"Didn't take his side" - - bullshit, it split 5-4 on the essential issue of whether the Florida State courts should decide on the remedy for the irregularities or whether the election should just be handed to Bush.  A conservative majority that had previously decided for state control over its own process suddenly decided against the state having the final say in this one issue.  Bunch of fucking whores.

<<Nixon was a better example .>>

Of what?  Of a law-breaking crook who abused the powers of his office?  Indeed he was.


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2010, 01:45:19 AM »
<<He capitulated , changed his mind and sued, >>

Which he had every right to do.

    Yes but  stupid and selfish. .

<<then tryed to get the ballots of only the districts he did well in to be recounted.>>

Naturally, those were the districts in which he was defrauded.  why in hell would the Republicans bother to steal votes in districts where they already had a majority?  Even Republicans wouldn't be that stupid.
    No evidence that he was defrauded anywhere has ever been put forward , but how indeed was he defrauded in only the districts in which the election comissions were run by Democrats?  Didn't even the Democrats like him? .

<<Then some of his people wanted to hand recount the ballots in private , no press no independant observers allowed .>>

That is such obvious bullshit nobody would believe it.  Who in hell EVER counted ballots in secret without independent observers present.  Unless you produce proof of that statement, I would have to say you obviously misunderstood something to arrive at that conclusion.  Who are the "some of his people" who wanted such an absurdity?  Names please.
    What , you slept through it? The Republicans were standing in the hallway screaming like murder, the election comission ( all Democrats)tried to take the Ballots into a room away from the press and observers. It will take a while to find reference to this incident , since it was an offence to Republicans and  rule of law and justice , the main street media was not really interested in it..

<<After saying several times that every vote should be counted , he tried to block the counting of Military mail in votes that arrived late.>>

He never said that late-arriving military votes should be counted.  Obviously if it came late, given the wide margin of time allowed to military voters, there is a great suspicion that such ballots were mailed in after the polls were closed.  rules are rules and the military don't get any special privileges at the election - - if there's a deadline for civilian absentee ballots, and it's enforced, then the same treatment must be given to the military.
    His lawyers successfully blocked the counting of all military absentee ballots arriveing late  -no matter when they were postmarked. .

<<Then after no chichanery was suffecient , and the court didn't take his side, he capitulated.>>

"Didn't take his side" - - bullshit, it split 5-4 on the essential issue of whether the Florida State courts should decide on the remedy for the irregularities or whether the election should just be handed to Bush.  A conservative majority that had previously decided for state control over its own process suddenly decided against the state having the final say in this one issue.  Bunch of fucking whores.

    The uninamous Supreme court of Florida was ignoreing the law, the law at the time of the election should be the law that applies to the election , not a law made on the fly intended to hand the election to the courts favoriate. .

<<Nixon was a better example .>>

Of what?  Of a law-breaking crook who abused the powers of his office?  Indeed he was.

There was a lot of evidence that Nixons votes in Illinois were undercounted and that Chicagos votes were fradullent , but Nixon didi not try to take office in court, Gore commes off second best in comparison with Nixon , Gore is more  stupid and selfish. .


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2010, 02:01:04 AM »
These are Democrat freindly sorces , so the spin they put on a Canvassing board voteing to do their counting in private is hilarious and the Times seems disapointed to find no fraud on the Republican side, even with a huge team of searchers .

How the Consortium of News Organizations Conducted the Ballot Review

The Republicans got considerable public relations mileage from the revelation of a memo from Gore attorney Mark Herron outlining various ways in which absentee ballots could be disqualified. Although there was some expectation that ballots from Americans living in Israel would likely favor Gore, the majority of Florida absentee ballots are from military personnel who were expected to favor Bush. (This is course is ironic given Bush's history of draft dodging by way of the Texas Air National Guard.) Republicans obtained the memo and were able to exploit the conflict between the Gore campaign calling for every vote to be counted while planning ways to disqualify military absentee ballots.


When the canvassing board voted to do a partial recount behind closed doors, Republican operatives were ordered to "close it down." A couple dozen demonstrators, eventually growing to eighty people, stormed the floor where the board had set up. Claiming to be "angry voters," the crowd actually included a policy adviser for House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, a DeLay fund raiser, an aide to congressman Hilleray of Tennessee, and aide to Republican Party Chairman Don Young, other political staffers for the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, etc. The protesters, through intimidation or simply by causing sufficient delay, led the canvassing board eventually to abandon their efforts at a partial recount, concluding that they could not meet the deadline established by the Florida Supreme Court. Tapper observes, "To the Gorebies, clearly, the Miami-Dade incident is the turning point…."


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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2010, 02:41:04 AM »
<<then tryed to get the ballots of only the districts he did well in to be recounted.>>

Naturally, those were the districts in which he was defrauded.  why in hell would the Republicans bother to steal votes in districts where they already had a majority?  Even Republicans wouldn't be that stupid.

    No evidence that he was defrauded anywhere has ever been put forward , but how indeed was he defrauded in only the districts in which the election comissions were run by Democrats?  Didn't even the Democrats like him? .

touche', Plane     8)

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: How Much You Want to Bet This Heckler Was a Liberal
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2010, 11:41:42 AM »
<<No evidence that he was defrauded anywhere has ever been put forward . . . .>>

What bullshit, the Vanity Fair article by three investigative reporters, which was fully reproduced in this very forum provided a ton of evidence of the fraud, but you just keep repeating the same old mantra, "there was no evidence" as if the mantra itself, with enough repetition, can make the evidence disappear from the face of the earth.  Sorry, but it doesn't.

<<, but how indeed was he defrauded in only the districts in which the election comissions were run by Democrats?  Didn't even the Democrats like him? >>

He was defrauded by cops, by the state government's "felon removal" program sub-contracted out to a Republican corporation which operated basically as a "Democrat removal" program when it came to purging the voter registration rolls - - the "errors" they made in removing qualified voters were overwhelmingly against what the corporation believed were Democrats, and that was obvious in that "errors" usually involved misidentified Blacks, rather than misidentified Hispanics, because the corporation figured on average the Hispanics would vote Republican anyway, the blacks would not.  This was all detailed in the Vanity Fair article, not that it would ever stop any of your fellow Republicans from chanting "No Evidence.  No Evidence.  No Evidence" in chorus for ever, as if there really were no evidence of the fraud.

In short, the election commissions had little if anything to do with the fraud, which was accomplished through a purge of the voter rolls and a "coincidentally scheduled" state police (boss:  Jeb Bush) order to check for illegally driven or registered vehicles by random stops on  . . .   on . . .   on . . .  You got it!  On the very day of the election!!!  Fantastic coincidence, nothing at all to do with black voter intimidation and suppression, hell no, just a pure coincidence.  How were that state police to know that an election would be held on that very day?

The theft of the election was the most blatant and fraudulent theft I've ever heard of, and it's notorious how it was done.  To pretend ignorance or innocence either of the theft or of how it was accomplished, at this point is absolutely unbelievable.

    <<What , you slept through it? The Republicans were standing in the hallway screaming like murder, the election comission ( all Democrats)tried to take the Ballots into a room away from the press and observers. It will take a while to find reference to this incident , since it was an offence to Republicans and  rule of law and justice , the main street media was not really interested in it..>>

More fucking bullshit.  It's unbelievable how you take a notorious incident of GOP voter fraud and attempt to reverse it into a story of DEMOCRATIC  malfeasance.  No, I didn't sleep through it at all, I was very aware of the incident.  It never occurred to me that anyone could portray THAT as evidence of Democratic fraud, so it's no wonder at all that I didn't get your reference.  As the ballots were being recounted, a Republican rent-a-mob suddenly appeared, very similar to the tea-party rent-a-mobs of today.  A very interesting article appeared just in the past year, vis-a-vis the Tea Parties, where this particular Florida rent-a-mob of 2000 was analyzed and at least half a dozen members of the "spontaneous" mob were identified (through matched photos) with national GOP operatives.

Here's what really happened - - the mob was chaotic and appeared to be out of control, clearly an attempt to intimidate the ballot counting, so the persons involved in the counting wanted to move to a secured location away from the mob.  There was no attempt to exclude properly designated GOP poll-watchers from the move.  What a fucking crock of shit.  You guys shovel it out by the ton, dontcha?