<<Let me put it to you this way -- we have Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, etc Ivy School educated Wall-streaters, CEO's, presidents, congressman, police chiefs, 5 star generals and admirals yet THEY royally fucked up just about everything from finance to national security in this great country.>>
Geeze, Kramer, sounds like you've been reading David Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest. Good for you! I will agree with you. An Ivy League university education and top-of-the-class standing are no guarantee against incredibly stupid and disastrous policies. Good point.
<<I say let's dump the so-called educated people and put in small business owners, plumbers and electricians, nurses, janitors, ditch diggers, Chief Petty Officers, etc. >>
Let me put it this way. Suppose you were coaching a football team and you were putting in the meanest, biggest, strongest linebackers and defensive linemen you could find, but other teams were still breaking through your defence. Would you conclude, "Let's dump all these big, strong, tough guys and replace them with 120-lb. weaklings, elderly accountants and high-school cheerleaders?" If smart guys are fucking up, the solution isn't to replace them with dumb guys, it's to analyze the failures, see where they fucked up and revise the strategy accordingly.
<<I want people running my country that went to Hard Knocks not Harvard. >>
Where do you expect to find these guys? Who are they? Sounds to me now like you'd want guys like Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez, the Presidents of Bolivia and Venezuela, running your country, but can that be right? Actually, Josef Stalin would probably fit your job description to a T. I think it's hilarious, if you ever met a true son of the working class running for the Presidency, you'd undoubtedly run as fast as your legs could carry you in the opposite direction.
<<People that haven't been brainwashed by elite communist professors or leftist Marxist socialist teachers. >>
Apart from Obama, what other Presidents do you think were "brainwashed by elite communist professors or leftist Marxist socialist teachers," and who do you think were the profs and teachers who did the brainwashing?
Here's another question for you: do you think that the students of either great or obscure institutions of learning should be sheltered from the views of communist professors or leftist Marxists? Do you think those POVs should be rigorously excluded from all teaching faculties?
<<Then you will see great things happen. >>
Well, Sarah Palin sure sounds like one of those fucking morons that you are describing. Nobody will ever accuse her of having been educated at an elite and prestigious university. How would "great things happen" if she were elected President? What "great things" happened in Alaska during her suddenly-curtailed term as Governor?
<<If you can't grasp that point then you are pretty stupid. >>
Excuse me? Moi, stupid? Aow, Kramer, you really know how to hurt a guy.
<<Let's face it that is the same principal used by many communist nations when they had their revolutions. >>
You realize, of course, that both Lenin and Fidel Castro were lawyers, don't you?
<<My twist is use the workers in conjunction with opportunity, prosperity & capitalism not oppress them and hold them back.>>
Well, then if I were in your shoes, I'd be pretty damn careful which workers you select, because most workers in most industries are pretty well fucked over by their capitalist employers, and if they're not total fucking idiots, have a very good idea how the system works, who exactly is exploiting them, and how it's done. I'm not all that sure that those are the guys you'd want to be running your little capitalist paradise.