This is like the Reichstag Fire all over again. Whoever the lying bastards decide to pin this on WILL be (IMHO) native-born to Pakistani immigrant parents. Why native-born? It will provide more phony reasons for the incipient police state to spy on American citizens, and further erode their Constitutional rights. It is absolutely amazing to me that the state can already execute an American citizen outside the U.S.A. simply by declaring "outside" to be a "battle zone," the citizen to be a "combatant" and from that point forward, if they can find him, that American citizen is TOAST: no charges, no trial, no conviction and no appeal. And the really amazing part of it (IMHO) is that there is absolutely no backlash from the public.
Mark my words, the U.S.A. is heading one small step at a time into a fascist dictatorship. All that they're waiting for is for further economic tsunamis to dispense with "quaint and old-fashioned" concepts such as the Bill of Rights, and meantime Obama, who surely knows better, doesn't have the balls to stand in the way of the parade. Just as the U.S. government has flouted international law with impunity, you can be sure that the next laws they will flout will be the U.S. Constitution itself, on which they have already conducted a brazen assault without any adverse consequences, and certainly with nothing to fear from the phony quadrennial Presidential "elections."