<<Some KKK victims were carpetbaggers too.>>
Yeah, well the "carpetbaggers" in Afghanistan are the "contractors" and they'll get theirs too.
<<It isn't a much diffrent appeal , I don't want to say that driving off an occasional carpetbagger justifies any of their less savory habits.>>
Who gives a shit what happens to a mercenary?
<<The Taliban are beastly to their own people their best clam to fame in the past was that they could defeat some rivals that were even worse.>>
They play by the local rules. They never heard of the Geneva Conventions and they don't give a shit. Home turf, home rules. Worse yet are the Americans, who know all about the Geneva Conventions, and just write 'em off as "quaint and old-fashioned."
<<The People of Afganistan have an oppurtunity to live without them , I hope thay can. >>
plane, it is THEIR fucking problem, not yours.