Author Topic: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout  (Read 33936 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #105 on: October 15, 2011, 10:44:37 PM »
<<This post just goes to show how little you understand about the tea party. Many are downright isolationist. >>

I understand them perfectly.  Some are isolationist but they never were a majority and their influence in the movement is being steadily reduced.   As a matter of fact, Occupy! speakers have mentioned the possibility of reaching out to TP rank-and-file, one of the bridge issues being anti-war or military downsizing.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #106 on: October 15, 2011, 10:46:38 PM »
Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #107 on: October 15, 2011, 10:51:10 PM »
Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA

Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #108 on: October 15, 2011, 10:53:33 PM »


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #109 on: October 15, 2011, 11:01:49 PM »
Meanwhile Sean Penn Calls Tea Party the ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House Party’ Which Wants to ‘Lynch’ Obama” while Herman Cain is the leading beneficiary of the anyone but Romney crowd.

go figure

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #110 on: October 15, 2011, 11:02:57 PM »
Really, BT, who did you expect the Communists would throw their support to?  The banks?  Wall Street.  The YCL had to be in on this almost from the start, as soon as local organizers began building around the ideas emanating from Adbusters in Vancouver.

The Nazis were already on the fringe of this thing - - Kramer already posted a video of some guy in the Wall Street Occ yelling that the Jews own Wall Street.  (Actively denounced by every other demonstrator in sight, I might add.)  Any protest that attacks banks, speculators, Wall Street, etc. will naturally attract Nazis and other anti-Semites, simply because the protest is aimed at a system, and Nazi ideology preaches that the Jews are behind the system.  The problem with the Nazis is, they just want the Jews out of the system and the Aryans in, so the system remains intact, only with Aryan bloodsuckers replacing Jewish bloodsuckers.   Of course, in real life (as opposed to Nazi theory) the system already had plenty of room for everybody, Jews, Aryans, Turks, Chinese, etc., so the bloodsuckers are already multi-racial and include plenty of Aryans.  The demonstrators will have a problem marginalizing the Nazis and keeping them out of the limelight, but I think (from Kramer's video) they're already doing a pretty good job of it - - they just shout down the guy's message and make it clear that the Nazis aren't a part of the movement.

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #111 on: October 15, 2011, 11:08:07 PM »
<< . . .while Herman Cain is the leading beneficiary of the anyone but Romney crowd.

<<go figure>>

Go figure?  It's a no-brainer. 

If the white racist Tea Party needs to run an Uncle Tom to beat Obama by peeling off his last firm support, the black vote, then Herman's their uncle.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #112 on: October 15, 2011, 11:10:57 PM »
<< . . .while Herman Cain is the leading beneficiary of the anyone but Romney crowd.

<<go figure>>

Go figure?  It's a no-brainer. 

If the white racist Tea Party needs to run an Uncle Tom to beat Obama by peeling off his last firm support, the black vote, then Herman's their uncle.

It worked so well for the Democrats , in exactly these terms.
So you are trying out a little racism now?

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #113 on: October 15, 2011, 11:18:37 PM »
It worked well for the Democrats?  What are you talking about?  When were the Democrats trying to beat a black incumbent?  When did the Democrats need to peel black votes off a GOP rival?  I just don't get it.  You'll have to explain this to me, if you don't mind.

And no, I'd never try racism.  I leave that to the Tea Party, to the GOP and to its Southern Strategy.  They can keep it and they can go to Hell with it.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #114 on: October 15, 2011, 11:32:48 PM »
It worked well for the Democrats?  What are you talking about?  When were the Democrats trying to beat a black incumbent?  When did the Democrats need to peel black votes off a GOP rival?  I just don't get it.  You'll have to explain this to me, if you don't mind.

And no, I'd never try racism.  I leave that to the Tea Party, to the GOP and to its Southern Strategy.  They can keep it and they can go to Hell with it.

You just did. Referring to a black man as an uncle tom is presumptive of a certain standard of behavior and belief based simply on skin color and any deviation from a prescribed norm is worthy of derision.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 12:50:17 AM by BT »


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #115 on: October 15, 2011, 11:35:31 PM »
  If you don't like Herman Cain , it is more than just likely that it is your racism at the core of your dislike and all the rest is after the fact excuses.

   Matter of fact you seem to be a very hard case , you don't really like any of the black canadates , this is the main thing that Obama and Cain have in common and you like neither of them? Next step is wearing a sheet in the parade.

(THAT is what worked so well for the Democrats)


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #116 on: October 16, 2011, 12:13:47 AM »
CU4, first I gotta admit.....that said, I have to tell you I laughed all the way through the video. 
Don't you get that iPhones are just little toys? 
They don't change anyone's lives. 
To talk of shit like this changing lives is obscene. really seem a bit out of touch.
You've got to be kidding?
The iphone and other wireless devices are much more that mere "toys".
The iphone and handheld devices all conceived in free capitalist countries are indeed
changing people's lives.

Michael at my company customers, management, employees can all track shipments,
track the status of process servings, bill orders, recieve orders,
put in "proof of deliveries" all over their i-phones or other wireless devices.
Our process servers send clients pictures of houses or vehicles in driveways of people
they are most likely dodging service or to give a client a "better clear picture". Sometimes
they can show a judge pictures that allows a Judge a better picture before the Judge
issues a "106".

I have a friend that works for the Fire Department and he says often
at the scene of fires, accidents, and while treating emergency patients
they can send info/pictures to allow doctors or the central Fire Station
vital info to help them make a better informed critical decision.

Anyone that has a car accident these days takes pictures with their phones
of the accident scene to support their version of the accident.

Anyone lost or needing directions can Google map any location.

People can watch incoming weather conditions and avoid
danger from their phones when a television or radio is
not handy.

People can access important email from almost anywhere
and get emergency news via email, text, or voice on their
wireless devices.

Plumbers, electricians, real estate agents, workers
in all industries can send pictures of high importance
in lightening speed back to their home office that
can lead to a better informed decision that has to
be made.

There are tons of applications like
"Close Call" that has a person or kids
emergency medical info that can help
emergency responders know for example
in seconds "this kid is having a peanut allergy
emergency breathing situation".

"Silent Bodyguard" iphone app is a silent alarm
that alerts your emergency contacts of your location
without alerting an onlooker or an attacker.
The SOS distress signal is sent along with GPS coordinate
to help potential rescuers find you if you're lost, hurt or kidnapped.

iDistress for iPhone Makes Getting Help More Efficient
Sudden heart attack
Old-fashioned robbery
A psycho shooter
A terrible car accident
An unexpected injury while in the outdoors
A child away at college who is in a dangerous situation

Imagine a loved one in any of these scenarios. How can these victims increase their chances of receiving assistance more quickly? "There's an app for that." Dubbed "The app we hope you never have to use" iDistress provides users with comfort that if something terrible should occur, they have a chance of notifying authorities and three loved ones with a slide of a button.

iDistress features
-Sends an SMS (text message) and email to three loved-ones along with the user's location for added response time.
-Dials a pre-selected number avoiding the need to find the contact in the address book.
-If no number is selected, the country's emergency number will become the default number, eliminating the need to know each country's emergency number.
-Great subtle backup alarm for transit workers, police officers, and bank managers among other professions.
-Highly recommended for travelers, wilderness lovers, the physically challenged, users with health issues, college students, and anybody looking for added peace-of-mind with their loved ones.
iDistress is available on the Apple iTunes store and for $2.99.

The list of applications that are changing people's lives could go on really could.

Lives are changed when the homeless get a home,
when the sick and dying poor get the medical care they deserve,
 THAT is how "lives are changed."

Michael of all the things you list nothing has led to more life changing medical breakthroughs,
people without homes getting a home, and the betterment of people's standards of living
more than free enterprise, democracy, and capitalism.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #117 on: October 16, 2011, 12:37:50 AM »
<<Referring to a black man as an uncle tom is presumptive of a certain standard of behavior and belief based simple on skin color and any deviation from a prescribed norm is worthy of derision.>>

I don't expect a black man to advance his own position in life by siding with Whitey against his own people any more than I expect a Jew to aid anti-Semites or Nazis.  It's just plain despicable.  It has to be called out and calling it out is not racism.  Not according to how I define racism, and I don't accept your definition of racism.  It's ridiculous.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #118 on: October 16, 2011, 12:41:10 AM »
<<Referring to a black man as an uncle tom is presumptive of a certain standard of behavior and belief based simple on skin color and any deviation from a prescribed norm is worthy of derision.>>

I don't expect a black man to advance his own position in life by siding with Whitey against his own people any more than I expect a Jew to aid anti-Semites or Nazis.  It's just plain despicable.  It has to be called out and calling it out is not racism.  Not according to how I define racism, and I don't accept your definition of racism.  It's ridiculous.

It is racism!

A belief that each race has a duty to its own race is the very definition of racism.

How could you define racism better?


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #119 on: October 16, 2011, 01:01:16 AM »
<<Referring to a black man as an uncle tom is presumptive of a certain standard of behavior and belief based simple on skin color and any deviation from a prescribed norm is worthy of derision.>>

I don't expect a black man to advance his own position in life by siding with Whitey against his own people any more than I expect a Jew to aid anti-Semites or Nazis.  It's just plain despicable.  It has to be called out and calling it out is not racism.  Not according to how I define racism, and I don't accept your definition of racism.  It's ridiculous.

It's not your call to judge the behavior of a black man based simply on some stereotype of how that black man should act. A white man calling a black man uncle tom is as racist as calling him a nigger.