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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #150 on: October 17, 2011, 05:19:12 AM »
More of that red is blue reporting, where Tee can claim the polar opposite

A Tale of Two Protests: Media Cheer Wall Street Occupiers But Jeered Tea Partiers
Study: ABC, CBS and NBC loaded their broadcasts with 33 full stories in just 11 days of coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests.
By: Geoffrey Dickens 
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street protestors have received overwhelmingly positive coverage from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) news networks, as they used their airtime to publicize and promote the aggressively leftist movement. In just the first eleven days of October, ABC, CBS and NBC flooded their morning and evening newscasts with a whopping 33 full stories or interview segments on the protesters. This was a far cry from the greeting the Tea Party received from the Big Three as that conservative protest movement was initially ignored (only 13 total stories in all of 2009) and then reviled.

Where the Tea Party was met with skeptical claims of their motivations -- with some reporters claiming they were merely corporate backed puppets and others implying they were spurred on by their racist opposition to the first black president – the Occupy Wall Street crowd was depicted as an almost genial “grassroots” movement.

While network reporters weren’t hesitant to describe the Tea Party as conservative, only once did a reporter attach even the “liberal” label to the overtly leftist Wall Street protestors.

Network anchors like Brian Williams couldn’t be bothered with ideological labeling of the occupiers as he was, on the October 5 NBC Nightly News, too busy celebrating the arrival of the “massive protest movement” that “could well turn out to be the protest of this current era.”

ABC’s Diane Sawyer was so excited she tripped herself up in hyperbole as she proclaimed, on the October 10 World News, that the movement had “spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries – every continent but Antarctica.” (Video) Sawyer would have to correct herself on a later edition of the program as she clarified it was “more than a thousand cities around the world – every continent but Antarctica.” That's still a tremendous exaggeration.

Most astoundingly, the networks’ Occupy Wall Street (OWS) stories were overwhelmingly sympathetic: Protesters and supporters of the movement dominated the soundbites, with 109 (87%) to just 8 critics (6%), with another 8 soundbites from neutral sources. Five of the eight soundbites unsympathetic to the protesters were brief clips of GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain blasting the occupiers. In addition to the 109 pro-OWS soundbites, seven times guests on the Big Three network morning shows expressed sympathy for the protestors. No guests opposed the protests.

MRC analysts tracked all the stories on the Big Three broadcast networks’ evening and morning news programs (ABC’s World News and Good Morning America, CBS’s Evening News and The Early Show, NBC’s Nightly News and Today show) and found that from October 1 through October 11 network anchors, and reporters, in addition to the 33 full stories, delivered 15 brief items and 14 mentions in other stories not devoted strictly to the Wall Street protest.

Very Few Liberal Labels for Lefty Protestors
In 2009 Tea Partiers were repeatedly but accurately described as conservative. Back on the April 15, 2009 Today show, NBC’s Chuck Todd’s labeling was typical when he introduced the Tea Party movement to viewers this way: “There’s been some grassroots conservatives who have organized so-called Tea Parties around the country, hoping the historical reference will help galvanize Americans against the President’s economic ideas. But, I tell you, the idea hasn’t really caught on.”

However, when it came to appropriately labeling the OWS crowd as leftist or liberals, it happened exactly one time, when on the October 11 edition of ABC’s Good Morning America, co-anchor George Stephanopoulous asked Obama campaign strategist David Plouffe if he thought the OWS protestors were the “liberal version of the Tea Party?” and wondered if that was a “good thing for the White House?”

The only other usages of the world “liberal” came when Columbia University’s Dorian Warren, on the October 1 NBC Nightly News asserted that the protesters were “a liberal version of the Tea Party” and obligingly offered: “I think this could potentially carry over into the 2012 elections and get people to the polls.” Then, on the October 9 edition of Sunday Morning, Rebecca Jarvis pegged Columbia University professor Todd Gitlin as “a liberal observer of the politics of the protest.”

In fact, as the MRC’s Business & Media’s Julia Seymour documented, not one network report has called the protesters "radical," "extreme," "left-wing," or "socialist."

‘Grassroots’ Wall Street Protestors vs. ‘Corporate’ Tea Partiers
Digging deeper into the stories, a clear double standard emerges. Where the Tea Party’s motives were met with skepticism, with some stories questioning if they were not a grassroots movement but rather an Astro-turf movement backed by corporations, the Occupy Wall Street crowd was repeatedly classified as “grassroots.”

Back on the April 15, 2009 edition of ABC’s World News, reporter Dan Harris told viewers that “critics on the Left say” the Tea Party was not “a real grassroots phenomenon at all, that it’s actually largely orchestrated by people fronting for corporate interests.”

But when labor unions started joining the OWS protests, reporters didn’t greet that information with jaundiced skepticism of a movement being taken over by well-funded, well-heeled union organizers, but treated it as recognition of the growing respect and influence they were gaining.

On the October 5 Today show, Mara Schiavocampo alerted viewers that on “Tuesday, several labor unions, including transit workers and teachers, joined activists for a march to Wall Street. Today they plan to join protesters in what could be their largest event yet, a rally and march in lower Manhattan.” In the very next sentence the NBC correspondent was careful to remind her viewers: “The grassroots movement has no official leaders.”

Racist Tea Partiers vs. Cookie Baking Grandmas
While the Tea Partiers were portrayed as racist and rude yokels, the OWS crowd has been portrayed in a decidedly more positive light with reporters highlighting cute school kids, spending their Columbus Day holiday holding up signs in opposition to corporate America and even featured a kindly grandmother baking cookies for the crowd.

On the October 10, NBC Nightly News, Mara Schiavocampo highlighted: “From school to the streets. On Day 24 of the Occupy Wall Street protest demonstrators were joined by a group of students on their day off.” Viewers were then presented clips of little children holding signs that read: “Tax the one percent, not the 99 percent!” and “Tax the greedy, feed the needy!”

Despite hundreds of arrests, the media have painted the Occupy Wall Street crowd as friendly, genial, even industrious folk who started their own newspapers, and taught Yoga classes to pass the time

Over images of protestors stretching, on the October 10 Evening News, an impressed Jim Axelrod glowingly noticed: “The Occupy Wall Street protestors have set up a camp with a food court, newspaper, medical unit, Internet café, even yoga practice.”

Yep, more evidence on how the MSM was "blacking out" the protests, then portraying them in a supposed "unfavorable light"     ::)
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #151 on: October 17, 2011, 06:56:36 AM »
Look, CU4, I have already conceded that there is a significant role for the iPhone4S or similar devices to play in the EMS field.  I hope you're not suggesting that all those droves of people turning out in droves to get the 4S are mainly EMS workers, which they are surely not.  They are consumers, most of whom are buying it for social communications (cu@dive 8 2nite,) sending pictures (Look, Ma, I'm standing on the Great Wall,)  surfing the web from anywhere the urge might strike them (who was that actor who . . . ?) and similar nonsensical bullshit.  I said I was probably be getting one, but at least I admit it's a TOY for everyone but a handful of EMS workers and a few neurotic parents (as soon as word gets out, the first thing any perv will do is take the kid's iPhone and smash it to bits.)

Almost all of your descriptions of when the phone can be "life-changing" or even more useful than the older technology (digital cameras) range from the fanciful to the ludicrous.  The fact that camera stores are going out of business means almost nothing - - a LOT of stores are going out of business, why not camera stores?  More broadly, it gives you an indication of the DISADVANTAGES of an economy without central planning as opposed to a centrally planned economy.  Where corporate America can make huge profits by making (in China) and selling (to America) worthless shit like this, the fast buck dominates and - - while six million homes are foreclosed to date and counting, millions can't pay for health insurance, 45,000 die every year for lack of health insurance  and the true jobless rate approaches 20%, the economy is directed primarily towards producing frivolous toys like this for the mass market of the upper 1% or 2% who can afford this shit, or the dumb schmucks who can't and buy it anyway.

Getting back to your business, for all the examples you mentioned of guys dodging service, I was unable to find even one case where an iPhone would be any more effective than a digital camera, which private investigators and process servers have been using for years now.  There is absolutely no need to submit the pictures of a dodger "at lightning speed" anywhere, because the court system does not move "at lightning speed" and still requires an affidavit, a hearing date, etc.  "Lightning speed" in an environment where there is absolutely no need for "lightning speed" is a frivolous and wasteful expense, one more reason why your economy is headed towards the drain while China's centrally planned (let's produce what we actually need instead of endless consumer shit for the rich) economy is headed for the stars.

You keep going over a long list of possible uses for these things, but let's face it, both of us know who's buying them and what they're buying them for.   The number of serious needs being met by these nifty little devices must be the reason behind about one-tenth of one per cent of all purchases to date.  Actually, some of them are being bought for re-sale to third-world countries that don't have an Apple outlet, where young members of the local elites will pay a premium over US retail just to become early adopters.  They're basically still toys, CU4.

When I say fanciful, I'm thinking of the snake-bite case - I suppose it's possible, but hardly an everyday occurrence.     The kid would have to be bitten in broad daylight when it's possible to grab a camera and shoot the snake before or after the bite and yet in conditions where nobody can see enough of the snake to identify significant physical features that would identify the species.  You're really looking at a once-in-a-lifetime scenario.

Wikipedia has a very interesting article on snake-bite.  I had no idea that tens of thousands of people die of it annually, but relatively few in North America, Australia or Europe.  The article contained the following statement:  <<However in regions where polyvalent antivenoms are available, such as North America, identification of snake is not a high-priority item.>>  I seriously doubt that any of the iPhones sold to date have been purchased on behalf of potential Third World snake-bite victims for future snake-ID, and apparently they're not such a valuable resource for American snake-bite victims after all.

I think you've made a heroic effort to turn something that is basically an entertainment device or a toy into some kind of useful, life-changing utility, which it clearly is not.  It's a toy, CU4.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #152 on: October 17, 2011, 09:14:57 AM »
Camera stores are likely going out of business because of digital photography taking over from film photography. A lot of their business was in processing film: no longer necessary, and photoshop can do more than a film technician ever could to make an average photo a great one. No one is buying film, developer chemicals and supplies, and all that they do buy is available online at a lower price.

Phone cameras are not the main reason that camera stores are closing. Digital cameras are much more responsible for this.

There is nothing wrong with buying a hi-tech phone toy, but buying the absolute latest version for $400 or more every time they come out, THAT is obsessive.
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #153 on: October 17, 2011, 11:24:43 AM »
just another example of how innovation changes peoples lives!

Earthquake Survivor Calls iPhone a Life Saver

Man said he used health app on his iPhone to treat his injury while stuck under rubble

By Todd Wright |  Thursday, Jun 30, 2011 

Dan Wooley survived under the rubble of a hotel in Haiti after the earthquake by consulting a medical iPhone app to treat his wounds.

He used a medical app saved on his phone to treat a leg injury after the Hotel Montana in Port-au-Prince collapsed around him.

Woolley, who is from Colorado Springs, is one of the Americans who survived the massive earthquake that hit Haiti last week, and he did it with an iPhone application. Woolley is now recovering at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, but it was his fast actions with the app that may have saved his life.

Woolley used the light from his iPhone to show him his injuries and diagnosed it properly as a broken foot. Then, he used the instructions from the app to treat the excessive bleeding from cuts on his legs and the back of his head.

Woolley used his shirt to tie off the three-inch gash that was opened on his leg and a sock to bandage the back of his head. He said he also looked up ways to stop from going into shock.

"I kind of had some time to do some self-diagnosis down there," Woolley said. "God was with me."

Not bad for a film producer who was in Haiti filming a documentary on efforts to help the nation's poverty-stricken children.

Woolley also used his camera to take pictures of the surrounding rubble to piece together a way out. He eventually took refuge in an elevator shaft until rescue crews found him 65 hours after the earthquake.

"I took pictures all around me, then I would hold up the back of the camera to me and I could see what the picture was of a little," he said. "I was able to find an elevator in one of the pictures and that is where I decided to hobble to be in a more safe location."

On Tuesday, Woolley told The Today Show he knew he was going to die and decided to write a journal on his notepad to his wife and young kids in the event someone found his corpse under the rubble.

"I was in a big accident. Don't be upset at God. He always provides for his children even in hard times," Woolley wrote in the dim light. "I'm still praying that God will get me out but he may not but He will always take care of ya."
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #154 on: October 17, 2011, 11:28:34 AM »
Innovative iPhone App Tracks Wild Fires, Saves Lives


October 3, 2011

FireWhat App supplies firefighters with critical information about wildland fires across the nation.

Dunsmuir, CA

The FireWhat Inc. and Pusher teams are proud to announce the launch of the FireWhat iPhone app in the Apple App Store. Together, the two companies have developed a truly revolutionary product for wildland firefighting. The FireWhat App puts critical incident information into the palm of the wildland firefighter's hand. Today's firefighters receive little to no information prior to arriving at the scene of a wildland fire, but with the game-changing FireWhat App, fire information, maps, reference guides and calculators are at the first responder's fingertips.

Spearheaded by professional firefighters Jeremy Orozco and Sam Lanier, the FireWhat iPhone app gives the user everything he or she needs to respond to wildland fire incidents. Orozco and Lanier, two of FireWhat Inc.'s co-founders, modeled the app to be a valuable tool on the fire ground where quick decision-making and rapid response are critical. FireWhat's third co-founder, MIT grad and data specialist, Sondra Suazo, streamlined the data collection process so that timely and accurate fire information is made available through the app. Nathan Johnston (Stanford & Harvard grad and former Apple employee) and Bryce Craig (visual artist and master designer) led the Pusher team in the technical development and design of the app. The result of this hodgepodge of industry experts? An app that is at once beautiful, innovative, data-rich and incredibly useful to its users.

The FireWhat App's key features are:

?    Detailed wildland fire incident information from
?    Active fire perimeter mapping.
?    Fire calculators including Weather and FDFM/PIG.
?    Quick reference guides for Safety, Weather, Operations, and Size Up reports.
?    Fire maps with custom overlays including Severe Weather Warnings, Smoke Cover, and NEXRAD Radar.

The app provides life-saving information for firefighters, responders, and residents of fire prone areas. Current weather conditions at the scene of major incidents, perimeter tracking and Google Map imagery are provided to direct responders and commanders to areas in highest danger. These features give responders visibility of homes in the area, creeks for water sources and areas for staging before they even arrive on scene. With this app, firefighters and commanders will be able to make pre-arrival considerations, allowing more time for critical life-saving decisions. The vital information provided by this app will save lives and property and will reduce responder errors in a critical time of need.

The app also features a suite of wildland applications for firefighters in the field. Common guides, safety check lists and procedures, and fire calculators have been built into the app.

FireWhat and Pusher have been working to prepare for the next versions and updates. One of the most exciting future additions is the Fire Behavior Calculator which will help firefighters understand how the fire will burn, in what direction, and how intense the expected fire behavior may be based on manual data input.

For more information about the FireWhat App, visit
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #155 on: October 17, 2011, 11:34:50 AM »
iPhone AED Locator May Help Save Lives in a Hurry

by Gene Ostrovsky on Jan 28, 2010 ? 11:06 am

First Aid Corps, an organization working on helping the public respond to sudden cardiac arrests, has unveiled an iPhone app that can pinpoint the location of the closest automatic external defibrillator (AED) within seconds.

Currently the database is just beginning to fill up but First Aid Corps has partnered with The Extraordinaries, a volunteer organization, to have people locate and photograph AED?s in their community.

The app is free and you can download it and get started mapping AED?s and maybe help save someone?s life.

Here?s a promo video for the project:

AED Nearby

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #156 on: October 17, 2011, 11:49:32 AM »
CU4, I don't think you're getting my point.  You already convinced me that this thing has some useful applications, although I started off believing it to be 100% toy.

In principle, I conceded that there was obviously a place for devices like this in limited fields of application, e.g., EMS.  The guy in the Haiti earthquake - - and I'm very glad, with due credit to iPhone, that he got out OK - - was just an extension of this principle, but in real life, how many of us are ever going to be trapped in rubble and forced to treat our own injuries?  How many people are flocking to buy the 4S because, jeeze this thing could save my life in an earthquake?

The forest fire app is brilliant.  I wish them all the best.  It's a great app - -if you are in the business of fighting forest fires.

The principle is something like the Hummer.  Hummers are great if you're taking a fishing party into the bush in northern Alberta and other man-against-nature scenarios, but that doesn't explain their popularity among chartered accountants, lawyers and dentists.   It's way more technology than they have any real need for, but regardless of that, you used to see them and their clones clogging city streets. 

You're taking a product of very limited and specialized utility and citing its massive sales as proof of the vitality of the American economy.  Wrong on several counts - - first because it seems to be made and assembled mostly in Asia, so most of the purchase price goes out of the country as payments to subcontractors, second because for 99% of the buyers, it serves no useful purpose, third because as I've previously stated, it shows a massive misallocation of resources and planning.  To speak of this as life-changing when people need jobs (it's a classic illustration of outsourced jobs) or housing (it does nothing for the millions kicked out of their own homes) or health care (it's a boon for emergency health care, but that's just a small part of total health care needs) is just plain foolish.  It helps in ways that at best are non-critical, and is symptomatic of some of the major social ills (joblessness) that ARE plaguing the country.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #157 on: October 17, 2011, 11:53:41 AM »
"I was in a big accident. Don't be upset at God. He always provides for his children even in hard times," Woolley wrote in the dim light. "I'm still praying that God will get me out but he may not but He will always take care of ya."

And imagine, he did not even have the 4s version iPhone. He was lucky to have that iPhone. If I were in Haiti, I'd have one, too.

It always amazes me that people in disasters of this sort never think that God had anything to do with the disaster, but continue to rely on God as omnipotent to put things caused by disasters that by definition were divinely preventable back in order.
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #158 on: October 17, 2011, 12:13:00 PM »
process server at house knocks on door trying to serve a time sensitive
subpoena to a "Michael T. Communisti" for a Monday court case.

Guy that answers door claims "Michael T Communisti" "doesn't live here anymore".

Process Server takes quick i-phone pick at door of guy and sends picture immediately
via i-phone internet to client attorney who then forwards pic to Michael T. Communisti's
soon to be ex-wife who can immediately verify that the guy denying he is
Michael T. Communisti is actually Michael T. Communisti.

So the process server can go ahead and serve the guy at the door and
the hearing can be carried out on Monday as scheduled and the court
system has one less failure and postponement.

a process server countless times is told....
"Jim Smith just moved over a few blocks"
from his car the process server can access
data banks with his iPhone that allows him
to look up a Jim Smith's relatives house a
few blocks away....the process server
can access vehicle license plates from
a data bank from his iPhone...

the list really is endless on how these
devices change our every day lives....

many of these millions of great applications on an i-phone or
wireless device may or may not be earth shattering actions
by themselves...some are...some are not....but taken in their
totality which is enormous, they certainly are life changing for
millions of people that use their i-phones in lots of different
facets of their lives including business, education, entertainment,
fun, family.....of course thats no surprise to most people and that
why we just saw 4 million unit sales in the first weekend alone
of the newest iphone.

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #159 on: October 17, 2011, 12:27:28 PM »
You're taking a product of very limited and specialized utility and citing its massive sales as proof of the vitality of the American economy. 

Not really.....I am using it as an example of American ingenuity and innovation.
Non-pro-business societies will never have that level of innovation.

The fools protesting Wall Street are using devices like computers and wireless
devices that Wall Street played a huge part in capitalizing and make the devices
available for widespread use. They "hate" Wall Street while they talk on their
wireless phones and type on the laptops that Wall Street capitalized to make

It's like the dumbass IslamoNazis hate Western Democracy, Freedom, and Democracy
and then they use technology mainly invented by the West to carry out their hatred
and attacks on the West.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #160 on: October 17, 2011, 12:35:20 PM »
Hatred of the bankers and mortgage peddlers getting huge bonuses for selling worthless bundles of mortgages is not the same as a repudiation of technologically advanced products. There is little connection between the two. AIG was incompetent at what it did and should have failed. Apple may be selling overpriced phones to people who do not actually need them, but Apple has an excellent business model, and certainly selling iPhones and iPods dose not harm to the economy as AIG's fraudulent transactions did. Just as an automobile can be both essential and fatal, capitalism can be both useful and fatal. T claim that we must accept AIG and Goldman Sachs and the TBTF banks in order to have IiPhones is simply absurd.
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #161 on: October 17, 2011, 01:37:03 PM »
<<Process Server takes quick i-phone pick at door of guy and sends picture immediately
via i-phone internet to client attorney who then forwards pic to Michael T. Communisti's
soon to be ex-wife who [ID's the pic.]>>

Yeah, CU4, I got that.  I got that before you wrote it.

What YOU don't get is that there's almost never any need to flash the picture around at the speed of light.  The process server still has to come to the lawyer or notary to swear an affidavit, "this is the guy I served."  The guy's ex-wife still has to come in to swear an affidavit, "this is Michael T. Communisti."  When the process server comes in to swear the affidavit is when the photo in his camera can be printed out and attached as an exhibit to the affidavit the guy is going to swear.   Both the affidavit and the Exhibit sheet to which the photo will be attached will have already been printed out as a result of information phoned into the office by the server.

It would be nice if the ex-wife had an iPhone too because it would save the server the extra time taken to swing by her place at the end of the day and show her the picture in the camera, but usually one of the lawyer's clients knows the guy who is being sued and the client, not the ex-wife, is the one who makes the photo ID.  Digital cameras are fine in 99.9999% of all cases.  In the remainder, a simple cell phone camera, not a 4S, will do the trick.  In the once-in-a-lifetime scenario where the only person who can ID the process server's photo lives in a remote cabin in Appalachia and doesn't want to fly all the way to California only to find it's a picture of the wrong guy, there are plenty of cell phones short of the 4S that will do the trick and the pic can go cell phone to cell phone.  In any case, innovations in the process serving business are hardly life-changing.  This business has been around for centuries and in one way or another, good lawyers and good process servers always managed to get their man.  Still do, and only in the most exceptional cases do they need any kind of photo ID to assist them.

You are just busting a gut trying to find scenarios in justification of the 4S as a business must-have, but it ain't working.  You're just coming up with once-in-a-lifetime scenarios that make no real sense, like a guy trying to justify the use of a pocket Bible by claiming how one in his shirt pocket once stopped a bullet.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 01:49:38 PM by Michael Tee »

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #162 on: October 17, 2011, 02:19:23 PM »
<<I am using it as an example of American ingenuity and invention.>>

Well, it's a perfect example of misdirected ingenuity and invention.  You have a society with massive unemployment, health-care deficits, homelessness and foreclosures and instead of applying capital and ingenuity to solve the problems that hurt the most, somebody is getting rich developing a toy that can also double as a life-saver if you're caught in the rubble of an earthquake, etc.

I'll give you an example of real, non-capitalist ingenuity and invention.
1.  During the Vietnam war, US B52 bombers coming in at very high altitudes could surprise the peasant guerrillas who had no warning they were coming until their bombs started exploding on the ground.  What hi-tech sophisticated electronic early warning systems did the guerrillas devise to counter these attacks?  They found out that by digging conical depressions into the ground and positioning a man or woman at the point of the cone deep in the ground, he or she could hear the advance of the B52s from a long way off, warning the intended targets of the coming strike.  Reports from different pits gave away the American line of attack.
2.  To counter the illegal use of poison gas by the US invasion forces, what sophisticated chemical antdotes did the people's guerrillas develop in their underground laboratories?  Gas masks made of simple plastic garbage bags with a breathing slit, and in the slit, two layers of surgical gauze sandwiching a layer of crushed activated charcoal made from simple wood fires.

Americans don't have the monopoly they like to think they have on ingenuity and invention.  What talent they have in that area needs direction, so that it's not wasted on frivolous bullshit.  This is the advantage of a centralized economy.  This explains why greed-driven capitalism is so obviously failing everywhere, and why socially driven systems like communism or even socialism are surpassing it.

<<They "hate" Wall Street while they talk on their wireless phones and [use laptops] that Wall Street capitalized to make possible.>>

They use Wall Street toys because they have access to them.  But they recognize that jobs, homes and health are more important than toys.  Some fucking bunch of crooks take away their jobs, kick them into the street and raise the cost of health-care to the point where it either extorts all their spare cash or simply becomes unavailable to them, but, "Here kid, play with these toys after we've fucked you up the ass and stolen everything we can steal."  Are the kids dumb enough to fall for it?  No.

<< . . . dumbass IslamoNazis hate Western Democracy, Freedom, and Democracy and then they use technology mainly invented by the West to carry out their hatred and attacks on the West.>>

That is total bullshit.  They hate the West for its theft of Muslim lands, its invasions, its arrests, torture and murder of all who resist the Western invasion, and the exploitation by the West of Muslim natural resources.  They hate the West for its interference in their domestic lives, the support of tyrannical dictators and the support it gives Israel.  They have every logical reason on earth to hate the West, not the bullshit reasons you claim they have.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #163 on: October 17, 2011, 03:00:43 PM »
You are just busting a gut trying to find scenarios in justification of the 4S as a business must-have, but it ain't working.  You're just coming up with once-in-a-lifetime scenarios that make no real sense, like a guy trying to justify the use of a pocket Bible by claiming how one in his shirt pocket once stopped a bullet.

Michael you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
I am not trying to justify anything because I in fact personally
have first hand knowledge and experience of how wireless
devices and the iPhone in particular has changed my business
operation. Process servers, couriers, legal copy experts,
real estate prep workers, dispatching, order tracking,
lost order recovery, offsite inventory control, routing
and directions....really just in my own case the examples
go on and on and on....I am one one tiny little company!

Many of my business associates rave about how wireless
devices have in fact changed their business as well.

A good friend of mine owns a roofing company.
She told me all her inspectors now can take pictures
of hail damage or other roof problems send in the pictures
immediately from the field and plug data and pics into
template forms for customers or insurance companies
instead of wasting fossil fuel driving back to the office.
Also her work crews can send data and image updates
back to the office throughout the day.

Another wife and husband team need to be out in the
field most of the day but they also need to buy and
sell products on e-bay and CraigsList as a part of
their business. They can list, buy, sell products
and answer inquiries all day from out in the field
on their i-Phone. They say this has made a huge
difference in the way they can operate.

Data, document, image, inventory management
has never been easier for large and small companies
using devices like the iPhone. Small 1,2,3 man operations
can utilize the i-phone or other wireless devices to
be like a virtual office....they can literally be working
in the field and be in the office at the same time.

There are literally millions of examples of how these
cutting edge devices invented within the capitalist
world that change the way we live our lives in
work, play, and countless others parts of our lives.

Sure we could live without them just like we
lived with out the airplane, car, MRI machine,
telephone, computer and countless other
devices that have been invented.....but who wants to?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:15:27 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #164 on: October 17, 2011, 03:13:53 PM »
CU4, all I can see from the examples that you yourself provided is that the iPhone is more of a gimmick than anything else.  Specifically with regard to supposed difficulties in ID of persons to be served, in most cases there is almost no advantage of the iPhone over a digital camera.  The only part that made sense was where the outside party who needs to identify the photo doesn't have to come down to the lawyer's office until she knows that the picture is the right guy.  And even there, a cell-phone-to-cell-phone transmission is all it takes, the iPhone itself adds nothing into the equation.  And without it, so BFD - - in one case out of 1,000, somebody's gotta take a trip down to the lawyer's office only to find the photo is not the right guy.  The overwhelming majority of all process serving is done without any photography at all.

Simple telephone calls back and forth would be enough for your roofing friend's business, the iPhone adds little extras that are probably more of a BYC phenomenon than filling a genuine need.

All the "problems" that the iPhone supposedly "solves" are not problems that should be high on the national agenda:  you are basically ignoring the big problems while focusing on the problems of the guy caught in the rubble of an earthquake, or the home-office roofer who needs a photo because she can't understand what the on-site guy is trying to tell her.