When a company makes $X, and is taxed one way, then make $XX and taxed even more, that's being punished. When regulations, upon more regulations, upon more regulations are being imposed, especially at the behest of special interest groups, the effect is to punish businesses to act and perform a a certain way that others deem more appropriate. The effect is the same, removing incentives, and squelching any chance to grow business & the economy
A company or business should not be punished with higher taxes, just because they operate within the U.S. That's the definition of both unfair, and ironically also greedy.
Regardless of what you do or don't invest in, you have no fricken clue what my investments are in, or how diversified they are. And no one is claiming businesses should not pay taxes, the issue is the continued raising them directly, or indirectly with more mandates (i.e. Obamination Care & Enviromental Regulations), and expecting them to just ...pay more....because they can?? Is that the arguement you're trying to make??
You may have investments, but you have no fricken clue how businesses function, especially within a supply & demand state of capitalism. Your approach literally guts their incentives and ability to improve and hire more, all in the name of "they just make too much $$$, and by god, they shouldn't"
Profit is what drives both success and greater employment. It drives expansion and improvement. It doesn't all go into the pockets of the CEO & Board of Directors, contrary to leftist classwarfare tripe