Author Topic: Obama is President of the United States of America  (Read 4300 times)

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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2008, 03:30:46 AM »
For proper acknowledgement, current misery idex at 8.01.  Carter's was 16.27, with a high of 21.98

Oh, and HI Miss Henny    8)

Oh, and hi to you too, Sirs!  ;D

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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2008, 03:47:28 AM »
As a conservative, I'm disappointed, of course. But I'd like to offer congratulations to President Obama, and I really don't think he'll be as horrible as some of his detractors think. He's an intelligent man, and if he makes mistakes I'm sure he'll learn from them.

But let's be honest - this is, by nature, a center-right country, and the left didn't win so much as the right lost. I'll leave the last delightfully mean-spirited word to John Derbyshire:

Quote from: John Derbyshire
Sour Loser   [John Derbyshire]

Just watched Wonder Boy?s speech. Hmph. ?Callused hands?? When did he ever have callused hands?

All right, I'm sour. The most liberal member of the U.S. Senate! And that shakedown-artist of a wife, with the permanent frown! And Joe Biden! ?

I'm sour about the GOP too. What did it all get us, those 8 years of pandering and spending? If GWB had turned his face against new entitlements, closed the borders, deported the illegals, held the line on calls to loosen mortgage-lending standards, starved the Department of Education, and declined those invitations to mosque functions, would the GOP be in any worse shape now?

What won this election was the packaging skills of David Axelrod, the swooning complicity of the media, the ruthless opportunism of Barack Obama, and the unprincipled thuggishness of his supporters.

What lost this election was the cloth-eared cluelessness of George W. Bush, the timid squeamishness of John McCain, and the deep lack of interest in conservative principles among Republican primary voters.

Sour? You bet I?m sour. Where was conservatism in this election? Where was restraint in government? Where was national sovereignty? Where was liberty? Where was self-support? And where are those things now? Where are they headed this next four years? Down the toilet, that?s where. Pah!
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2008, 04:08:07 AM »
This morning, the wife and I (with the boy in tow) went to our local polling place.  It's usually empty except for the sleepy and bored pollworkers who all live in my neighborhood.  This morning, however, there were at least 30 people in a line that stretched out the door.

The boy has been sick the last couple of days and was not entirely happy with having to wait for nearly an hour for us to vote for Barack Obama but he was nice enough to not throw a fit or have a meltdown.

My wife went to her machine right before me.  And I had the boy come with me to the touchscreen.  He remembered that we had to put the white card into the machine and was excited to do that.  I was delighted that he initiated what I had thought I might have to trick him into doing or cajol him into doing.

After we put the card in that starts the touchscreen up, I whispered in his ear and asked him to do me a favor and touch that little box right there where it says Barack Obama.  He did and when he saw the X appear in the box, he was a little delighted and wanted to help me finish out the whole thing.

I let him.

When we got out to the car, before I put him in and strapped him down, I knelt down and told him, "Buddy, you may not understand what I'm about to tell you but you will someday.  When you were filling in that box with your finger, you did something very important.  And someday, when you're a little older, you'll understand that you were part of history."

He just looked at me and said, "Ok, daddy, can I get in the car now?"

Not exactly a Hallmark moment but I hoped it was more than a lot of dads would think to do or have the opportunity to do.

In all my life, I can think of only two historic events that had to do with my country and were overwhelmingly positive. That is, I can only think of two before tonight.

The first would be the moon landing. That was July, 1969 and I was about to turn four. I have no remembrance of it per se but it was in my lifetime.

The second would be the Berlin Wall coming down. That was in November of 1989. At that time, I had no inkling of what that meant but I remember listening to Tom Brokaw describing it and feeling like it was a good thing.

Now, I can add November, 2008 to that list. That was when an African-American, for the first time in our nation's history, was elected President of the United States.

At this late hour, it is difficult to encompass the enormity of the event with a simple blog post. Suffice to say, I'm proud of our country for having taken the leap. I'm proud to have cast my vote for Obama after supporting him for the last few months.

Now, two or three generations have something positive with which to define themselves as Americans. For the two positive historical events prior to tonight they can be matched, even outstripped by the tragedies of the dual assassinations of MLK and RFK, the Nixon resignation, the Iranian hostage situation, numerous scandals in Washington, OJ, Challenger and 9.11.

This puts one in the positive column for sure.


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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2008, 03:11:27 PM »
Henny!! It's so nice to see's been far too long. 

My baby is 18 now...sigh.  She's going to the local junior college and working at 6 Flags/Marine World, and is exploring the idea of finding some sort of work/study program in Europe. The summer before her senior year, she toured Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and France as part of the People to People Student Ambassador program.  She absolutely loved it, and would really like to go back to Italy.

How fantastic that your son is learning so many languages!  You're so right about kids and their ability to pick up languages when they're young.  That's one aspect of American education that I've always found lacking; we should be exposing our kids to foreign languages from the moment they start school.  It's never ceased to amaze me how so many people from other countries speak English fluently, while Americans can't be bothered to learn another language...and what's worse is that so many high school seniors are barely proficient in English (both reading and grammar skills) when they graduate. 

I'm sure you're enjoying every second of being a mom...however, I'm warning you - the older you get, the faster time flies by.  It's unbelievable that when I first started chatting back in the old Yahoo days, Anna had just turned 8.  She gets a kick out of the fact that I sometimes have trouble remembering certain events or dates from the past and delights in reminding me that old age does that to people, but it's not old age; it's just that all those years sped by in a blur. How could I be expected to remember stuff that hit my brain at the speed of light?

That's my story, anyway.  And I'm sticking to it.


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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2008, 07:32:33 PM »
It's never ceased to amaze me how so many people from other countries speak English fluently, while Americans can't be bothered to learn another language...and what's worse is that so many high school seniors are barely proficient in English (both reading and grammar skills) when they graduate.

We spend plenty on football equipment for about 40 students a year though. Most HS's have no decent language lab, but they sure pay a ton for football uniforms and insurance. No one ever gets killed learning a FL, but every year football kills several dozen HS kids and wounds many more for the rest of their lives.

Basketball and baseball are far safer.

Americans do not care if their kids learn a FL, by and large. They se it as a frill, like ballet or a musical instrument that one does not play while marching in uniform. Learning a FL should begin no later than grade 4, but we do this in the Soph year of HS, which guarantees that no large number of students will ever become fluent. In many years of teaching I never met a principal or a superintendent who had learned a FL in school, though in Miami we do hae several who grew up bilingual.
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2008, 07:34:53 PM »
Catholic run schools tend to teach foreign languages, starting at 1st or 2nd grade.
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2008, 07:41:40 PM »
Catholic run schools tend to teach foreign languages, starting at 1st or 2nd grade.

This may be true, but they aren't much good at it. I have yet to see a parochial school with a decent language lab.

When I first joined the AATSP, about half the members had entirely non Hispanic, non Portuguese surnames. Now it's around 90%.
EEOC made it difficult for any Spanish teacher with a non-Hispanic surname to get a job: administrators like to fill those quotas, and even Argentines with German, Irish or English names have trouble getting hired.

Most languages are taught by recent immigrants in the US. In Sweden, Swedish teachers of English are in the majority.
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2008, 07:49:25 PM »
Language instruction is sadly neglected in the US , I would like to see it emphasised 100% more.

Math too.


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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2008, 08:44:42 PM »
Language instruction is sadly neglected in the US , I would like to see it emphasised 100% more.

Math too.

America is basically an island, and Americans dislike the idea of people speaking foreign languages. Only Australians are worse at FL instruction in the developed world. Another island.

Math, well, there is just no excuse. True, learning math is boring, maybe even more so than FL's, but jeez, everyone needs math. About 80% of the faculty at my college seems to need someone else to do their income taxes. With the programs that are available, that is just pathetic.

True, I never mastered calculus, but I never figured out how I might need it. But just plain old arithmetic & algebra-- I cannot understand why we are so awful at teaching these.

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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2008, 09:04:45 PM »
Language instruction is sadly neglected in the US , I would like to see it emphasised 100% more.

Math too.

America is basically an island, and Americans dislike the idea of people speaking foreign languages. Only Australians are worse at FL instruction in the developed world. Another island.

Math, well, there is just no excuse. True, learning math is boring, maybe even more so than FL's, but jeez, everyone needs math. About 80% of the faculty at my college seems to need someone else to do their income taxes. With the programs that are available, that is just pathetic.

True, I never mastered calculus, but I never figured out how I might need it. But just plain old arithmetic & algebra-- I cannot understand why we are so awful at teaching these.

We are wasteing too much time on teaching stuff that is political.

The Scopes trial should hjave settled the Evolution question , why are all of our students familliar with petrodactil and Trilobite when so few can ask where they are in Spanish or tell the diffrence between asmuth and asymptote.

I think you have everything it takes to master Calculus , perhaps you should think of it as a language , it is a language , and simpler than most.


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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2008, 09:49:52 PM »
True, I never mastered calculus, but I never figured out how I might need it.

Then you had a poor teacher. Let me guess - all the example problems were stuff like stresses on suspension bridges and stuff?

One of my calculus teachers used business models for all examples, not engineering. Calculus can be very useful on a nearly daily basis if you are taught to apply it to more than just engineering. It's widely used in finance as well.
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2008, 11:19:34 PM »
Actually, I never took calculus at all.
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2008, 11:28:00 PM »
There's a company that advertises fairly regularly in the Wall Street Journal on university level courses for about $72 on CDs.  One course was on The Great Philosophers and one was on Calculus.   I remember the calculus ad said that all calculus was based on two very simple ideas, but that it explained lots of things.  The course is associated with an Ivy League university, IIRC Columbia, and it looked very interesting.  The lecturers are all from the university that sponsors the course, or whose name is on the course.  If I were going to start anywhere with calculus, that's where I'd start.


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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2008, 11:44:04 PM »
I remember the calculus ad said that all calculus was based on two very simple ideas, but that it explained lots of things.

I'm guessing they mean limits and infinite series.

Most texts also include derivatives and integrals as a basis for calculus.
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Re: Obama is President of the United States of America
« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2008, 11:46:47 PM »
I've also heard the book Godel, Escher, Bach described as "the calculus of intelligent thought."

I highly recommend it.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)