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Re: One down
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2017, 12:06:30 AM »
Yep, nothing changed. Pity.
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Re: One down
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2017, 05:18:05 PM »
If by nothing has changed you mean that partisans play politics like it is a bloodsport you are indeed correct.


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Re: One down
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2017, 08:31:17 PM »
Be the change you want to see.


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Re: One down
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2017, 08:59:49 PM »
Be nice to know what kind of change, H is looking for.  Full on Dump on Trump fest?  Leave all differing POV at the door?  That'd be a true pity.  Inquiring minds and all that
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Re: One down
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2017, 12:03:36 AM »
Thought I might get some actual comments or discussion of Flynn's resignation, firing, whichever way they want to spin it. All I saw was the same old recycled crap...Obama blah blah blah...Clinton blah blah blah...'S okay, you all keep pissing and moaning the same old line. There's a lot going on out there right NOW, but if you have no interest in discussing it, so be it. I'm guessing now X is gone and it's just the good ol' boys, that's good enough for you.
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Re: One down
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2017, 03:14:55 AM »
That's funny....I thought we were talking about Flynn's resignation. But as soon as it was noted that its really no different than other resignations, under other administrations, all of a sudden its the "same old $#!^?  Really?

What else would you like to discuss about it?  Trump accepted his resignation, as he should have.  While others I know actually believe he was within his legal right to do what he did, I disagree...he wasn't yet part of any administration, and a private person is not at liberty to be discussing sanctions, he may be privy to, with another country's Government

What intrigues me though, is your title....."1 down" if inferring that you're expecting, perhaps even looking forward to more "going down".  Is that more of a discussion, you're hoping to have?
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Re: One down
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2017, 06:03:51 PM »
  Yes X seems to be gone.

   I am sorry guys , but I agree with you guys too often to be much of a debater.


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Re: One down
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2017, 06:10:45 PM »
Yes X seems to be gone.

And I am sure it is a total coincidence that XO bailed and hasn't come back as the election days were coming to an end and Trump became President!

 For someone that repeatedly claimed "Trump would never be President" must be hard to swallow.

If Hillary had crushed Trump....XO and other poor losers would be here!
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Re: One down
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2017, 03:19:46 AM »
....In spades....rubbing it in

What I don't get is H.  He's generally pretty level headed, usually objective, able to bash both parties pretty accurately.  Why he thinks this is some sort of "good 'ol boys" club defies logic.  It also defies logic that when he decides to rant on the latest Trump issue, he then takes exception to when its been shown to happen in pretty much every other administration.  I just don't get it
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Re: One down
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2017, 07:31:20 PM »
....In spades....rubbing it in

What I don't get is H.  He's generally pretty level headed, usually objective, able to bash both parties pretty accurately.  Why he thinks this is some sort of "good 'ol boys" club defies logic.  It also defies logic that when he decides to rant on the latest Trump issue, he then takes exception to when its been shown to happen in pretty much every other administration.  I just don't get it

I see your point , but an unfortunate thing has indeed happened , however we see the cause we are now too few and too alike.

Kimba is more different but not different enough to be the opposite all the time.

XO deserves some gratitude for representing a seriously different POV including when the tide was going the other way.

I like you guys and I know I can learn things from you , but I can't learn what the opposite sort of thinking is like here anymore.

Facebook is suffering the same way as people "unfriend " irritants.

This could get worse and cause a nationwide gulf between people who more and more cannot speak each others language.


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Re: One down
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2017, 08:35:52 AM »
...I like you guys and I know I can learn things from you , but I can't learn what the opposite sort of thinking is like here anymore....

Why do you think that is?

I come in with a post about Flynn. Sure, I was happy he left. But instead of getting an actual discussion about Flynn, I get a bunch of links to old stories meant to show, hey, it happened to so-and-so during Obama's watch, blah blah blah - but nothing about Flynn himself. Was what happened to him right or wrong? Should he have been more honest and open about what happened? Should he have been fired? Was his explanation satisfactory?

Instead - links to old stories. It's the Trumpy fallback position, run around in circles yelling "Obama!", "Clinton!", whatever comes to mind to deflect from the subject at hand. That's why I haven't been back to discuss the Russian ties, Sessions, or the latest full retard tweet fest about being wiretapped - why bother?
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Re: One down
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2017, 07:33:38 PM »
I learn from hearing bothsides but I`m definately do not  have a preference. but I do have opinion on why it`s becoming singular in view here. I stated conservatives are more likely to sit down have a meal with anyone. but the liberals have gone so extreme they behave like the stereotype enemy they revile. having a dialog is not in thier wheelhouse anymore. xo gives me perspective that at times surprises me . he will be missed.


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Re: One down
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2017, 01:40:00 PM »
...I like you guys and I know I can learn things from you , but I can't learn what the opposite sort of thinking is like here anymore....

Why do you think that is?

I come in with a post about Flynn. Sure, I was happy he left. But instead of getting an actual discussion about Flynn, I get a bunch of links to old stories meant to show, hey, it happened to so-and-so during Obama's watch, blah blah blah - but nothing about Flynn himself. .....That's why I haven't been back to discuss the Russian ties, Sessions, or the latest full retard tweet fest about being wiretapped - why bother?

Because its informative.  That's why bother.  Trump's tweeting on this wiretapping is ridiculous.  If he suspects something, just send a memo to the FBI.  There probably is something there, but simply throwing out an accusation where there's no evidence is much like..... claiming the Russians were in cahoots with the Trump administration during the the elections.   But somehow you think that not sticking to Flynn is tantamount to not wanting to discuss the issues??  oy vey.  That's weak, H.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 02:36:30 PM by sirs »
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Re: One down
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2017, 01:48:30 PM »
..... So what else would you like to talk about Flynn?
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Re: One down
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2017, 04:26:54 PM »
SIRS...this is nothing but a war between the People and the Deep State...and Flynn was an early victim of this crime.

NSA Whistleblower Backs Trump Up on Wiretap Claims

Bill Binney, who resigned from NSA in 2001, did not elaborate on President Obama?s specific role in surveilling Trump.

By Curt Mills, Staff Writer
March 7, 2017

A veteran of the NSA has said President Donald Trump is righ to claim he was wiretapped and monitored. (ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES)
President Donald Trump is "absolutely right" to claim he was wiretapped and monitored, a former NSA official claimed Monday, adding that the administration risks falling victim to further leaks if it continues to run afoul of the intelligence community.

"I think the president is absolutely right. His phone calls, everything he did electronically, was being monitored," Bill Binney, a 36-year veteran of the National Security Agency who resigned in protest from the organization in 2001, told Fox Business on Monday. Everyone's conversations are being monitored and stored, Binney said.

Binney resigned from NSA shortly after the U.S. approach to intelligence changed following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He "became a whistleblower after discovering that elements of a data-monitoring program he had helped develop -- nicknamed ThinThread -- were being used to spy on Americans," PBS reported.

On Monday he came to the defense of the president, whose allegations on social media over the weekend that outgoing President Barack Obama tapped his phones during the 2016 campaign have rankled Washington.

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!" Trump tweeted.

"Is it legal for a sitting President to be 'wire tapping' a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!... I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!," he continued.

Binney seemed to go further than the assessment of former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, a George W. Bush administration official, who offered a tacit defense of Trump to ABC on Sunday.

"This is the difference between being correct and right," Mukasey said. "The president was not correct in saying President Obama ordered a tap on a server in Trump Tower. However, I think he's right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general at the Justice Department through the FISA court."

But Binney told Sean Hannity's radio show earlier Monday, "I think the FISA court's basically totally irrelevant."

The judges on the FISA court are "not even concerned, nor are they involved in any way with the Executive Order 12333 collection," Binney said during the radio interview. "That's all done outside of the courts. And outside of the Congress."

Binney told Fox the laws that fall under the FISA court's jurisdiction are "simply out there for show" and "trying to show that the government is following the law, and being looked at and overseen by the Senate and House intelligence committees and the courts."

"That's not the main collection program for NSA," Binney said.

What Binney did not delve into, however, was if President Obama directed surveillance on Trump for political purposes during the campaign, a core accusation of Trump's. But Binney did say events such as publication of details of private calls between President Trump and the Australian prime minister, as well as with the Mexican president, are evidence the intelligence community is playing hardball with the White House.

"I think that's what happened here," Binney told Fox. "The evidence of the conversation of the president of the U.S., President Trump, and the [prime minister] of Australia and the president of Mexico. Releasing those conversations. Those are conversations that are picked up by the FAIRVIEW program, primarily, by NSA."
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