
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: _JS on May 06, 2008, 07:48:44 PM

Title: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 06, 2008, 07:48:44 PM
There are some folks in here who do two things constantly:

1. They defend Israel no matter what that nation's government does.
2. They constantly use the terms Islamofascism or Islamo-nazi.

So we have a situation in Italy and the UK were real Fascists won elections. I'm not talking about right-wingers who get labeled "fascist" by their detractors. I'm talking about politicians who are Fascists and make no qualms about that fact.

In Rome the Jewish community protested the new mayor and PM Burlesconi's fascist references in his victory speech. The BNP picked up council seats in the UK, including a coveted seat on the GLA.

Real Fascists. No semantics. No invented terms to inspire hatred. True fascists who joined Fascist parties.

Yet, these same crusaders for Israel and courageous captains-of-the-guard, vigilantly pursuing Islamic militarism wherever it may hide - said nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

That leads me to ponder two points.

1. They really could give a damn less about the Jewish people. The important thing is the Israeli state and its usefulness. I'd go further and say that Ethiopian Jews, for example, are ultimately meaningless. They have no western values or European culture. The important thing is the Israeli state and how they can be used to kill Muslims.

2. Fascism isn't an enemy at all. The moniker is simply useful to tag onto the end of Islam because it degrades all of Islam. Fascists in Europe are perfectly acceptable, if not appreciated. After all, they are legitimate allies with the right-wing and no one loathes illegal immigration and absolutely loves uniculturalism more than true Fascists. Nationalism is their lynchpin, how bad can real European fascists be to the right wing?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 06, 2008, 08:38:30 PM
The moniker is simply useful to tag onto the end of Islam because it degrades all of Islam.

Quite the contrary, a label is needed to differentiarate between Islamic warmongers and the people of Islam who are not eager to make war . Islamo fascist is not absolutely correct , but it  is very descriptive of the subset and prevents the denegration of all Islam.

Perhaps some other term for violence loveing Islamists would work , but it certainly would not work to use no term that made the differentiation , untill a better nom de gurre is chosen Islamofacisist does quite well to prevent the denegration of all Islam together.

What is your suggestion for calling them?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 06, 2008, 08:43:23 PM
So we have a situation in Italy and the UK were real Fascists won elections. I'm not talking about right-wingers who get labeled "fascist" by their detractors. I'm talking about politicians who are Fascists and make no qualms about that fact.

That is a bit hard to understand , one would think that the party would have such baggage as would doom its every purpose, but you never know the Democrats were associated with the Confederacy for years after the tragic four years oif the War between the states. When they proposed Horace Greely for President their sponsorship practicly enshured his loss. But eventually they recuperated and today are recognised as legitamate .

Between Jefferson Davis and Woodro Wilson was fifty years give or take a decade , isn't the facist recuperation on bout the same order of magnitude?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on May 07, 2008, 01:35:53 AM
please let me know when italians do this (x 1000) in the name of italy












then i'll start worrying
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 07, 2008, 02:15:52 AM

please let me know when italians do this (x 1000) in the name of italy


then i'll start worrying

So you don't care about fascists so long as they're not terrorists?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 05:52:46 AM

please let me know when italians do this (x 1000) in the name of italy


then i'll start worrying

So you don't care about fascists so long as they're not terrorists?

Good point , a facist who minds his own business ought to have the right to freedom of thought , no matter how goofy the thoughts are.

An Islamofascist who ws not trying to fill infidel graves ought to be given the same consideration.

But a terrorist is someone who has gone beyond the pale, and at that point we care about his thinking for the sake of stopping him , catching him and preventing his recruitment.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 07, 2008, 06:48:38 AM

Good point , a facist who minds his own business ought to have the right to freedom of thought , no matter how goofy the thoughts are.

For the most part, I agree. However, we're not talking about fascists who are minding their own business. We're talking about fascists who have run for and been elected to public office, and are therefore intent on minding other people's business as well. So I ask again: you don't care about fascists so long as they're not terrorists?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 08:27:03 AM

Good point , a facist who minds his own business ought to have the right to freedom of thought , no matter how goofy the thoughts are.

For the most part, I agree. However, we're not talking about fascists who are minding their own business. We're talking about fascists who have run for and been elected to public office, and are therefore intent on minding other people's business as well. So I ask again: you don't care about fascists so long as they're not terrorists?

Peacefull facist seems sorta like an Oximoron , but if they are peacefull and fairly elected I don't see our intrest in opposeing them , other than to provide argument against their errors , if they are peacefull we can be too.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Rich on May 07, 2008, 10:10:48 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I think these fascists are probably a reaction to socialism and creeping communism. Which are also the enemy of all. Being a fascist doesn't mean you're automatically antisemitic.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 07, 2008, 10:56:58 AM
Berlesconi might be a reaction to socialism, but "creeping communism", oh please. Communism is largely defunct.

No one believes that Communists of the Soviet sort, or even the old-style Italian sort are a threat to anyone.

I agree that Fascism is not by nature anti-Semitic or even anti-Zionist.

And there is a huge difference between Semitism, which preaches that Jews need to be eliminated for a country to recapture economic control of itself from a conspiracy of Jewish bankers, Masons, etc., and and Zionism, which preaches that Jews are superior at least in Israel, and deserve their own country, even  that entails pushing Palestinians aside and/or treating them as second class people (not even entitled to citizenship in their ancestral homeland).

If you believe that all people have equal rights, I fail to see how you can favor Zionism.

Some Jews do, because they believe that their special arrangement with God makes them "special".
Some Fundie Christians do, because they believe that the prophecies in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament requires that (a) all Jews return to Israel, (2) that a Third Temple be built (about where the Dome of the Rock & Al Aksa Mosque are today) and (3) a large number, perhaps even all Jews will become Christians when (4) Jesus returns. There will be a Battle at Armageddon and God's guys will win, of course.

I suppose other people favor Zionism because they are Muslims and at the present time, Israel is a enemy to many Muslims, and of course a enemy of an enemy is a friend.

The Zionists believe the  Fundie Christians are nuts, because they don't think Jesus was the Messiah or is returning. They won't say so, however, because one should never look the proverbial gift horse that does not shit on your proverbial rug in its proverbial mouth.

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 07, 2008, 11:17:49 AM
Wow. I am not in the least bit surprised.

I think that my two points were well confirmed.

CU4: I could show you pictures of what Italian Fascists have done in the name of Italy, but I'll spare the forum the ridiculousness of that tangent. Needless to say, the Roman Jewish population found it reprehensible enough to protest. Yet, you quite clearly know what's better for the Jewish people than they do.

Plane: It did not take Fascism long to recover from World War II at all. In fact, Franco survived the war just fine. Pinochet was a member of a Fascist party (again, a real Fascist party -not something simply called that as a derogatory comment) and you'll find people defending him here. The Peron family is even glorified in modern culture, yet they too were Fascists. Chiang Kai-Sheck was as well.

Being a fascist doesn't mean you're automatically antisemitic.

Not necessarily, that's true. In Italy it was alarming enough for the Jewish people there to protest. In Britain, the BNP is more racist than anti-semitic. They genuinely dislike anyone of Asian or African ancestry and homosexuals as well.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 07, 2008, 11:58:30 AM
The Peron family is even glorified in modern culture, yet they too were Fascists.

This certainy applies to Juan Domoingo Peron and perhaps Evita. His second wife Isabel was more of a weirdo than a Fascist. She followed the dictates of an astrologer named Jos? L?pez Rega. He fled to the US when the rightwing generals threw Isabel Peron out in a coup, and then was extradited and later died in BA in prison. He started out being a bodyguard to Peron and then became Isabel's secretary. If you wanted to see her, you had to go through Lopez Rega.

Peron called his part "Justicialista". It may have Fascist elements, such as nationalism and syndicalism, but it is not really Fascist these at least today with the Kirchners. Still, I doubt I'd vote for them if I were Argentine.

Hugo Banzer of Bolivia was a bit of a Fascist. More than a bit, actually. Alfredo Stoessner of Paraguay's Blanco Party was certainly Fascist in its methods.

Nationalism tends to make Jews feel excluded in most places, perhaps because they see themselves as Jews first and Italians, Chileans, Argentines or whatever, first. In the USSR, Jews were called "Cosmopolitan", which was not used in a flattering way.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Rich on May 07, 2008, 12:33:00 PM
>>Berlesconi might be a reaction to socialism, but "creeping communism", oh please. Communism is largely defunct.<<

I guess you've never heard of China, North Korea, or Cuba.

>>No one believes that Communists of the Soviet sort, or even the old-style Italian sort are a threat to anyone.<<

There are plenty of people who view China as a threat. Then there's North Korea and it's vixation with nuclear missles.

>>I agree that Fascism is not by nature anti-Semitic or even anti-Zionist.<<

Pigs do fly.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 12:42:17 PM
Communism is dead in the way that Facism is dead , that is to say ,not quite.

So it took the Democratic party more time to recover from their infamous trechery than it took the Facists?

So mare Americans more or less forgiveing of a party than are Europeans?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Maccus Germanis on May 07, 2008, 12:57:29 PM
Let's see, if I've been paying proper attention during the past five years, this is where I'm supposed to point out support -albeit token- of the BNP by Jewish communities, point out the fall-out between Center for Vigilant Freedom/Gates of Vienna with LGF/IBA over Vlaams Belang, and suggest that you've miscounted when you say that anti-jihad bloggers have, "said nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero." to express concerns over facism. I'm sure that these "crusaders" to which you refer, are just a "tiny minority of extremists."

But I'd much rather discuss real facism. Anyone who favors authoritarian enforcement of, however warm and fuzzy, ideals of "community property" is an actual facist. As such, some facists are more troubling than others. I do not mean to suggest that you have some "final solution" planned for dissenters that believe in private ownership. By similar comparison, I do choose Khateab over Hizbollah.

But then I've never been such a fan of suggesting that "terroism" or "facism" provided the impetus to attacks against us and other modern nations. I'm much more forthcoming in saying that islam, as defined by the koran, hadith, and life of a murderous pedophille did provide said impetus. "Islamofacist" gives a bad name to facism, rather than the other way around.

Facism is inherently dangerous, even when distinctions can be made between the most dangerous and most hypocritical. Facist parties will continue to gain support by the overuse and misuse of the word facist, and the inablity of individualists to suggest solutions to an actual problem of jihad. These facists, will likely by their own fire get burned, but that does not disprove that they are fighting fire.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 07, 2008, 01:22:46 PM
Islam predates Fascism by twelve centuries or so. The Koran is largely written in gibberish, which I am guessing is at least as unintelligible to most modern Muslims as the KJV of the Bible is to most Christians. Mohammad was a violent pedophile, but then again he lived in times that were even more violent than he was, and at least as pedophilic. But ritual is the most important feature of pretty much every religion after several centuries pass. What one wears to Church is certainly more of a concern to many Christians as giving all to the poor and following a guy in sandals, especially since there are few guys in sandals to follow.

I think you can trace the rise of Wahabbi fanaticism, which is at the core of the Islamic Fundie movement to two things: the failed attempt of the Soviets to take over Afghanistan in the 1970's and the sharp drop in oil prices in the 1980's. The Soviets, triggered by the Shiite revolution in Iran, decided that Afghanistan was a threat to them in their own "stans": Uzbekhistan, Tajikistan, Khirghistan and Azerbaijan. There are a lot of Azeris in Iran, and the Tajiks are poor cousins to the Persians.

Of course, the Iranian Revolution was at least partially due to the US deposing the democratically elected secular Mohammad Mossadegh back in 1953. When the Shah of Shahs got colon cancer and no doctor dared examine his regal fundament to diagnose him ad treat him in time, then he got very ill, and the Ayatollah was standing in the wings to replace him with something that the CIA could not replace.
One could say that the Islamic "revival" is a case of the CIA's chickens coming home to roost.

The Saudis usually were able to provide make-work jobs for a lot of undereducated young men in various industries, but the the price of oil declined to where they could only subsidize jobs in what the Saudis call the Commission for the Protection of Virtue and the Suppression of Vice  (Mutawas), and instead of learning how to process bureaucratic forms or supervise Pakistani and Filipino immigrant workers, these young shebobs learned religious fanaticism. Imagine what the Klan or our local fundies (guys like Farrakhan or the 700 Club) might spawn if it were subsidized by the government .

It would be nice if the Saudis, now enriched like never before, would stop all government assistance to the Mutawas. I am not sure how the US could pressure them into doing so. But I think it would do more toward improving security for Americans than bombing Iran.

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on May 07, 2008, 01:27:40 PM
"CU4: I could show you pictures of what Italian Fascists have done in the name of Italy"

JS but I live in 2008, not in the 1940's.
Italian Fascists today are not doing anywhere near the damage IslamoFacist are.
You and others love to deny reality and pretend equatement.
But the present day, the day we live in, damage meter is not even close.

There are not governments all over the world spending billions
to combat a real threat from "Italian Facists/Italian Terror/Italian Radicals".
There are governments all over the world spending hundreds of millions
to combat Islamic Radicals. We have very recent track records with the
Muslim Facists (or whatever you wanna call them) blowing up shit almost
everyday all over the world, if we see that happen with the so called newly
elected "Italian Facists" then they would be roundly condemned and probably
voted out of office. Thats another difference, no one can vote out Bin Laden
in an election. There is NO COMPARISON in the present day world with
Bin Laden & Burlesconi & Company.

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 07, 2008, 01:49:22 PM
And that is my exact point.

It has nothing to do with Fascism, itself. Just as the infatuation with Israel has nothing to do with the Jewish people and the horrors of the Holocaust.

For the American right wing Israel is merely a means to an end as are the Jewish inhabitants. The same is true of Fascism. When you get down to the heart of it, Fascism is admired by the right. Or to be more fair, by a segment (though a large segment) of the right wing. BNP rhetoric and statements have crept into this very forum, used as ammunition against illegal immigration.

Both Judaism and Fascism are simply tools, a means to an end.

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 07, 2008, 02:32:39 PM
And that is my exact point.

It has nothing to do with Fascism, itself. Just as the infatuation with Israel has nothing to do with the Jewish people and the horrors of the Holocaust.

For the American right wing Israel is merely a means to an end as are the Jewish inhabitants. The same is true of Fascism. When you get down to the heart of it, Fascism is admired by the right. Or to be more fair, by a segment (though a large segment) of the right wing. BNP rhetoric and statements have crept into this very forum, used as ammunition against illegal immigration.

Both Judaism and Fascism are simply tools, a means to an end.

I'd be interested in hearing how you define "fascism", since it appears to me you're using the term rather loosely.

As per the BNP's success in Britain, do I need to point out that that probably could have been avoided had the government implemented reasonable restrictions on immigration, and implemented policies which encouraged assimilation, rather than crap-flooding the country with immigrants such that large populations of immigrants have created ghettos and known no-travel zones, and basically putting the native population in a position of being guests in their own country?

After decades of having the government turn a deaf ear to their concerns, are you really surprised that people are finally using the only political tool available to them?

I don't know how much farther this will go, but I suspect we haven't heard the last of such parties, and whatever happens next isn't likely to be pretty.

But let's remember who set the stage for it, mmkay?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 07, 2008, 05:19:16 PM
This is fascinating, and slightly frightening. I'm watching people who denounce so-called "Islamofascism" say that the rise of actual fascism in Italy and the U.K. is not only nothing to worry about but a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 07, 2008, 05:23:38 PM
So it took the Democratic party more time to recover from their infamous trechery than it took the Facists?

What infamous treachery?

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 05:32:15 PM
So it took the Democratic party more time to recover from their infamous treachery than it took the Fascists?

What infamous treachery?

From some points of view Secession and firing on Union soldiers at Ft. Sumter was not treacherous at all , they were often saying that "the union kept the flag but we kept the Constitution".

But the side that won was the side that defined the rebellion as treachery , and it is the winner that makes that call.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 05:37:56 PM
This is fascinating, and slightly frightening. I'm watching people who denounce so-called "Islamofascism" say that the rise of actual fascism in Italy and the U.K. is not only nothing to worry about but a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration.

Did you forget your own qualifier?
you don't care about fascists so long as they're not terrorists?

The election of the fascist candidate means that there is a public support for the party , how would you quash it?
As long as they are not violent we don't need to get violent either .

Back when they were violent , my father shot at Italian ,French and German sailors and airmen hoping to quash Fascism probably killed a couple of dozen , but till he needed to he wasn't interested .
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 05:39:11 PM
And that is my exact point.

It has nothing to do with Fascism, itself. Just as the infatuation with Israel has nothing to do with the Jewish people and the horrors of the Holocaust.

For the American right wing Israel is merely a means to an end as are the Jewish inhabitants. The same is true of Fascism. When you get down to the heart of it, Fascism is admired by the right. Or to be more fair, by a segment (though a large segment) of the right wing. BNP rhetoric and statements have crept into this very forum, used as ammunition against illegal immigration.

Both Judaism and Fascism are simply tools, a means to an end.

"The same is true of Fascism. When you get down to the heart of it, Fascism is admired by the right."

You do not know much about the Right.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 07, 2008, 05:51:26 PM

Did you forget your own qualifier?

No, I did not. And it wasn't a qualifier. It was a question. A question indicating incredulity.

The election of the fascist candidate means that there is a public support for the party , how would you quash it?
As long as they are not violent we don't need to get violent either .

I don't recall demanding anyone become violent. But I am noticing not just a distinct lack of criticism of the fascism in Italy and the U.K. but an actual defense of it. I'm watching people defend fascism as a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration. That this troubles me does not mean I expect people to call for the bombing of Italy or the U.K. It means I find the defense of fascism to be troubling. I'm surprised that you do not.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Maccus Germanis on May 07, 2008, 06:01:40 PM
This is fascinating, and slightly frightening. I'm watching people who denounce so-called "Islamofascism" say that the rise of actual fascism in Italy and the U.K. is not only nothing to worry about but a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration.

I for one am not saying that fascism is "nothing to worry about." I am saying that it is "perfectly understandable." The weak response of liberal democracies to one form of fascism has bred another fascist response. Shall those concerned try to cut under and take the wind from the sails of facists, or continue to calm themselves with fantasies about "tiny minorities of extemists?"
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 06:05:34 PM

Did you forget your own qualifier?

No, I did not. And it wasn't a qualifier. It was a question. A question indicating incredulity.

The election of the fascist candidate means that there is a public support for the party , how would you quash it?
As long as they are not violent we don't need to get violent either .

I don't recall demanding anyone become violent. But I am noticing not just a distinct lack of criticism of the fascism in Italy and the U.K. but an actual defense of it. I'm watching people defend fascism as a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration. That this troubles me does not mean I expect people to call for the bombing of Italy or the U.K. It means I find the defense of fascism to be troubling. I'm surprised that you do not.

I am not defending fascism , so don't be facile.
I am defending a peacefull persons right to be wrong.
I don't like Fascism any better than I like Islam , but in any person or group that is not motivated to violence , theft or harm ,I do not feel I have the right to enforce correction on their attitude.
Irregardless their thinking , their being peacefull counts.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Maccus Germanis on May 07, 2008, 06:18:46 PM
Islam predates Fascism by twelve centuries or so.
True. Unless you wish to argue that froms of fascism did exist which were not then known as facist.

The Koran is largely written in gibberish, which I am guessing is at least as unintelligible to most modern Muslims as the KJV of the Bible is to most Christians.
Indeed Geber did likely write also in Arabic, though probably not the same classical form, but nevertheless perfectly readable translations are available to the curious infidel.

Mohammad was a violent pedophile, but then again he lived in times that were even more violent than he was, and at least as pedophilic.
Have you the long sought after proof of this? If this is true then why did Aisha's father object to mo's advances toward his six year old daughter? It would seem that at least one person present was a more just man than mo'. And do you really want to suggest that mo' was more enlightened than Cyrus? This assumption that you pass along is borne of the islamic doctrine of announcing everything before islam as ignorance. This is why cultural treasures such as the Tomb of Cyrus and the Bamayan Buddhas are given so little respect.

I think you can trace the rise of Wahabbi fanaticism, which is at the core of the Islamic Fundie movement to two things: the failed attempt of the Soviets to take over Afghanistan in the 1970's and the sharp drop in oil prices in the 1980's. The Soviets, triggered by the Shiite revolution in Iran, decided that Afghanistan was a threat to them in their own "stans": Uzbekhistan, Tajikistan, Khirghistan and Azerbaijan. There are a lot of Azeris in Iran, and the Tajiks are poor cousins to the Persians.
Or when jihadist quote Sayyid Qutb (1909-1966) and Sayyid Jamāl-al-dīn al-Afghānī (1838-1897) then you may get the wild idea that jihadism did predate the events listed.

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 07, 2008, 06:24:52 PM

I am not defending fascism

I didn't say you were.

so don't be facile.

Physician, heal thyself.

I am defending a peacefull persons right to be wrong.

I'm not denouncing a peaceful person's right to be wrong, ahem, so don't be facile.

I don't like Fascism any better than I like Islam , but in any person or group that is not motivated to violence , theft or harm ,I do not feel I have the right to enforce correction on their attitude.
Irregardless their thinking , their being peacefull counts.

Their being put into public office also counts.

I'm not arguing that people don't have a right to be wrong. Of course they do. I am, however, arguing that watching people, not you but some people, defend the wrong of fascism is troubling.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 07, 2008, 06:40:31 PM

I don't like Fascism any better than I like Islam , but in any person or group that is not motivated to violence , theft or harm ,I do not feel I have the right to enforce correction on their attitude.
Irregardless their thinking , their being peacefull counts.

Their being put into public office also counts.

I'm not arguing that people don't have a right to be wrong. Of course they do. I am, however, arguing that watching people, not you but some people, defend the wrong of fascism is troubling.

Elected people have an equal right to be wrong as the unelected , and a group has no less right to be wrong than an individual.
There are alternatives to majority rule , but  they are no more likely to be intelligent.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: hnumpah on May 07, 2008, 07:31:10 PM
But the side that won was the side that defined the rebellion as treachery , and it is the winner that makes that call.

Still don't make the damnyankee bastids right.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 08, 2008, 12:25:27 AM

Elected people have an equal right to be wrong as the unelected , and a group has no less right to be wrong than an individual.
There are alternatives to majority rule , but  they are no more likely to be intelligent.

I'm not denouncing a peaceful person's right to be wrong, ahem, so don't be facile.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 08, 2008, 05:07:19 AM
Indeed Geber did likely write also in Arabic, though probably not the same classical form, but nevertheless perfectly readable translations are available to the curious infidel.

I did not say the Koran was unreadable, I said it is written in gibberish, and much of it makes no sense. There is also the fact that it s arranged in a very curious way, starting with the shortest verses and proceeding to the longest. If one arranges any book like this, I think it will seem incoherent.

Pedophilia was common in Mo's time, but it surely was not acceptable to everyone. I think it is natural for a father to resent some ancient dude having the hots for a six-year old daughter, even if everyone accepts this as "normal" for ancient dudes.

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 08, 2008, 05:56:58 AM

Elected people have an equal right to be wrong as the unelected , and a group has no less right to be wrong than an individual.
There are alternatives to majority rule , but they are no more likely to be intelligent.

I'm not denouncing a peaceful person's right to be wrong, ahem, so don't be facile.

I don't see anyone actually saying that Fascism is a great thing either . Why do you suppose the public on the scene is turning twards fascist candidates when there are presumably other partys running?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Maccus Germanis on May 08, 2008, 10:45:23 AM
Indeed Geber did likely write also in Arabic, though probably not the same classical form, but nevertheless perfectly readable translations are available to the curious infidel.

I did not say the Koran was unreadable, I said it is written in gibberish, and much of it makes no sense. There is also the fact that it s arranged in a very curious way, starting with the shortest verses and proceeding to the longest. If one arranges any book like this, I think it will seem incoherent.

Pedophilia was common in Mo's time, but it surely was not acceptable to everyone. I think it is natural for a father to resent some ancient dude having the hots for a six-year old daughter, even if everyone accepts this as "normal" for ancient dudes.

You think it may seem incoherent? I think that does seem a self-fulfilling prophesy. The order is as you say, but that only makes hadith more central in understanding the proper order. Various hadith themselves being full of a perfectly understandable hatred toward all unbelievers. So have you a decoder ring that can show us this often looked for but never realized, "religion of peace?"

If pedophillia was so common during mo's time then surely you'll have no trouble in naming another documented associate or contemporary that consumated marriage with a nine year old. The hadith that relates how a compatriot of mo was asked, by mo' oddly enough, why the young man had married a matron rather than a girl is probably not the best place to start.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 08, 2008, 11:28:52 AM

I don't see anyone actually saying that Fascism is a great thing either

I don't see people denouncing it much either. Mostly they seem to be interested in defending it. And apparently I'm wrong to find that troubling, but other than you telling me not to be facile and how people have a right to be wrong, something I never denied, no one seems able to tell me why I'm wrong to find that troubling.

Why do you suppose the public on the scene is turning twards fascist candidates when there are presumably other partys running?

As best I can tell, because they are telling increasingly fearful people what the people want to hear. They promise security and a crack down on immigration. As more and more people in the West beat the drum of how all our problems are caused by Muslims and immigrants, I expect we'll see more fascists gaining positions of power.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 08, 2008, 08:01:33 PM
As more and more people in the West beat the drum of how all our problems are caused by Muslims and immigrants, I expect we'll see more fascists gaining positions of power.[/color]

Who is doing that?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 12:38:10 AM

Who is doing that?

As best I can tell, the fascists trying to gain power in Europe. I personally have watched people complain that the problems with our government run social programs are not the programs themselves, but the fact that illegal immigrants are here taking advantage of the system. And I've watched people defend a rise in fascism as a reasonable response to influxes of immigrants and Muslims. But please, go ahead and tell me I'm the one overreacting. I'm sure (in a sarcastic way naturally) we can all learn to get along with peaceful fascism.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 01:42:10 AM

Who is doing that?

As best I can tell, the fascists trying to gain power in Europe. I personally have watched people complain that the problems with our government run social programs are not the programs themselves, but the fact that illegal immigrants are here taking advantage of the system. And I've watched people defend a rise in fascism as a reasonable response to influxes of immigrants and Muslims. But please, go ahead and tell me I'm the one overreacting. I'm sure (in a sarcastic way naturally) we can all learn to get along with peaceful fascism.

reasonableor predictable?

I think that a lot of the Fascist supporters would be better pleased with more moderate parties , except that on this issue they are getting no satisfaction from the other available parties .

I agree that the social programs include their own problems , independent of immigration , but the programs in some measure attract immigration and exacerbate the flaws they already featured by overuse and by becoming unexpectedly expensive for the taxpayer.

I am proud of my father ,who shot some Fascists , for shooting fascists , is there a criticism of fascism more powerfull than actually shooting them down in flames?  If Fascism has developed a peacefull variant then we need not get so drastic. If they need the World War type treatment again , they know who to ask for it.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 02:16:22 AM

reasonableor predictable?

Well, let's just say I'm not seeing too many folks argue that it's the wrong response.

is there a criticism of fascism more powerfull than actually shooting them down in flames?  If Fascism has developed a peacefull variant then we need not get so drastic. If they need the World War type treatment again , they know who to ask for it.

As I said before, I don't recall demanding anyone become violent.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 02:23:02 AM

reasonableor predictable?

Well, let's just say I'm not seeing too many folks argue that it's the wrong response.

is there a criticism of fascism more powerfull than actually shooting them down in flames?  If Fascism has developed a peacefull variant then we need not get so drastic. If they need the World War type treatment again , they know who to ask for it.

As I said before, I don't recall demanding anyone become violent.

What are you asking for?

I hope I would be willing to emulate the courage of my father and join in to shoot the dangerous sort of Facisist , but short of such danger why should I be interested?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 03:01:55 AM

What are you asking for?

As I recall, I wasn't asking for anything. I was responding to what I consider to be troubling responses to news of the rise of fascism in Europe.

I hope I would be willing to emulate the courage of my father and join in to shoot the dangerous sort of Facisist , but short of such danger why should I be interested?

Why should you be interested in the rise of fascism in Europe? Well, golly gee, Plane, given that it has never amounted to anything in the past, I guess there really is nothing to worry about. (That's almost too sarcastic even for me. Almost.)
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: BT on May 09, 2008, 03:50:17 AM
Fascist and racist are probably two of the most overused pejoratives in the English language today.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 05:08:49 AM

Fascist and racist are probably two of the most overused pejoratives in the English language today.

I'm sure they are. I generally try to refrain from using them for that reason. That doesn't mean there is not a rise of fascism in Europe.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 08:37:30 AM
"more and more people in the West beat the drum of how all our problems are caused by Muslims and immigrants"

Who is doing that?

As best I can tell, the fascists trying to gain power in Europe. .
Tha certainly makes it understandable, Was Theo Van Gough a fasist?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 08:41:12 AM

Fascist and racist are probably two of the most overused pejoratives in the English language today.

I'm sure they are. I generally try to refrain from using them for that reason. That doesn't mean there is not a rise of fascism in Europe.

Have we reache a consensus then that there is a rise in Facism , and that it has been driven by a rise un ethnic troubbles , most specificly a public unease with the rise of Islam?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 04:42:44 PM

Tha certainly makes it understandable, Was Theo Van Gough a fasist?

I don't know anything about his politics.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 04:45:26 PM

Have we reache a consensus then that there is a rise in Facism , and that it has been driven by a rise un ethnic troubbles , most specificly a public unease with the rise of Islam?

If I were being highly diplomatic (not that usually am) I might put it that way, but in fact I'm not sure that we have reached any sort of consensus at all.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 09, 2008, 05:26:05 PM

Have we reache a consensus then that there is a rise in Facism , and that it has been driven by a rise un ethnic troubbles , most specificly a public unease with the rise of Islam?

If I were being highly diplomatic (not that usually am) I might put it that way, but in fact I'm not sure that we have reached any sort of consensus at all.

It might be nice to arrive on a consensus on what "fascism" is. This thread began with a complaint about the BNP having won some seats in the recent British elections. While the BNP is certainly a nationalist and nativist party, I take a skeptical view that nationalism and nativism in themselves amount to fascism.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 05:43:56 PM

It might be nice to arrive on a consensus on what "fascism" is. This thread began with a complaint about the BNP having won some seats in the recent British elections. While the BNP is certainly a nationalist and nativist party, I take a skeptical view that nationalism and nativism in themselves amount to fascism.

So is this accurate:

      The British National Party (BNP) is a whites only far-right political party in the United Kingdom. It has around 100 councillors in local government in England and holds a seat on the London Assembly, but is not represented in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. In the 2005 UK general election, the BNP received 0.7% of the popular vote, finishing eighth overall and in the Welsh Assembly Election 2007 they came fifth in terms of votes for the regional lists, though failing to win any seats.

According to its constitution, the BNP is "committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948." The BNP proposes "firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home." It advocates the repeal of all anti-discrimination legislation, and restricts party membership to "indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ?Indigenous Caucasian?". The BNP also accepts white immigrants that are assimilated into one of those ethnicities.

The BNP asserts that there are biological racial differences that determine the behaviour and character of individuals of different races. The party claims that preference for one's own ethnicity is a part of human nature. Historically, under John Tyndall's leadership, the BNP was overtly anti-Semitic; however, under the leadership of Nick Griffin, the BNP has focused on Muslims. The party has said that they do not consider the Jewish, Hindu or Sikh religions to have a significantly detrimental or threatening effect, although the BNP doesn't accept practicing Sikhs, Jews and Hindus as culturally or ethnically British although they do have members with Jewish ancestry. The BNP has been known to work with extremist Hindu and Sikh groups opposing Islam and has actively tried to win Jewish votes by supporting Israel.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 05:50:20 PM
Fascist and racist are probably two of the most overused pejoratives in the English language today.

In fairness Bt, the Fascists of which I spoke in the original post are self-identified fascists. I was very careful to point that out. In fact, that's one of my points. The same people who use "Islamofascism" to defame Islam have no real interest in fighting actual Fascism at all.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 05:52:41 PM
This is fascinating, and slightly frightening. I'm watching people who denounce so-called "Islamofascism" say that the rise of actual fascism in Italy and the U.K. is not only nothing to worry about but a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration.

I think my point was well proven.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 05:55:59 PM
"The same is true of Fascism. When you get down to the heart of it, Fascism is admired by the right."

You do not know much about the Right.

Sure it is. I see many aspects of fascism popularized by the right wing in the United States.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 09, 2008, 06:24:50 PM

It might be nice to arrive on a consensus on what "fascism" is. This thread began with a complaint about the BNP having won some seats in the recent British elections. While the BNP is certainly a nationalist and nativist party, I take a skeptical view that nationalism and nativism in themselves amount to fascism.

So is this accurate:

      The British National Party (BNP) is a whites only far-right political party in the United Kingdom. It has around 100 councillors in local government in England and holds a seat on the London Assembly, but is not represented in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. In the 2005 UK general election, the BNP received 0.7% of the popular vote, finishing eighth overall and in the Welsh Assembly Election 2007 they came fifth in terms of votes for the regional lists, though failing to win any seats.

According to its constitution, the BNP is "committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948." The BNP proposes "firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home." It advocates the repeal of all anti-discrimination legislation, and restricts party membership to "indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ?Indigenous Caucasian?". The BNP also accepts white immigrants that are assimilated into one of those ethnicities.

The BNP asserts that there are biological racial differences that determine the behaviour and character of individuals of different races. The party claims that preference for one's own ethnicity is a part of human nature. Historically, under John Tyndall's leadership, the BNP was overtly anti-Semitic; however, under the leadership of Nick Griffin, the BNP has focused on Muslims. The party has said that they do not consider the Jewish, Hindu or Sikh religions to have a significantly detrimental or threatening effect, although the BNP doesn't accept practicing Sikhs, Jews and Hindus as culturally or ethnically British although they do have members with Jewish ancestry. The BNP has been known to work with extremist Hindu and Sikh groups opposing Islam and has actively tried to win Jewish votes by supporting Israel.

Possibly. But I would note the disclaimer at the top of the article:
The neutrality and factual accuracy of this article are disputed.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 06:28:13 PM
Read a biography on Nick Griffin, or documents from the BNP themselves. That should be enough to make a decision. They should have a manifesto posted online, most major UK parties do.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 06:32:33 PM
BNP launches election manifesto
The British National Party has launched its general election manifesto with a call to abolish multi-culturalism.

Leader Nick Griffin also called for EU withdrawal, the restoration of capital punishment and an end to immigration.

He said British troops should be pulled out of Iraq and used to patrol Dover and the Channel Tunnel to keep out illegal immigrants and asylum seekers.

And he pledged to introduce "firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home".

Assault rifle

He said the main issue at this election was for the British to regain control of their own country.

Mr Griffin also wants the reintroduction of national service and said everyone who had undergone it should be required to keep a modern assault rifle at home.

"It's there to shoot burglars with if they want, it's there to shoot people who invade this country if they want, and if in the end a tyrannical government wants to usurp the rights and freedoms of the people it is there to use against the government as well," he said.

He added that this would disprove the "smear" that his party was totalitarian.

The BNP is fielding more than 100 candidates in this election - four times as many as it did in the last general election.

BNP 2005 Manifesto (
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 09, 2008, 06:32:38 PM
This is fascinating, and slightly frightening. I'm watching people who denounce so-called "Islamofascism" say that the rise of actual fascism in Italy and the U.K. is not only nothing to worry about but a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration.

To the best of my knowledge, the most anyone said was that the reaction was no surprise. In fact, anyone who wasn't blind with sunglasses on should have seen this coming for decades.

So which part of this do you find troubling - that anybody with any common sense wasn't surprised by a perfectly predictable outcome, or that you were?

Exactly, what other outcome were you expecting?

Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 09, 2008, 06:49:52 PM
BNP launches election manifesto
The British National Party has launched its general election manifesto with a call to abolish multi-culturalism.

Leader Nick Griffin also called for EU withdrawal, the restoration of capital punishment and an end to immigration.

He said British troops should be pulled out of Iraq and used to patrol Dover and the Channel Tunnel to keep out illegal immigrants and asylum seekers.

And he pledged to introduce "firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home".

Assault rifle

He said the main issue at this election was for the British to regain control of their own country.

Mr Griffin also wants the reintroduction of national service and said everyone who had undergone it should be required to keep a modern assault rifle at home.

"It's there to shoot burglars with if they want, it's there to shoot people who invade this country if they want, and if in the end a tyrannical government wants to usurp the rights and freedoms of the people it is there to use against the government as well," he said.

He added that this would disprove the "smear" that his party was totalitarian.

The BNP is fielding more than 100 candidates in this election - four times as many as it did in the last general election.

BNP 2005 Manifesto (

I'm still waiting for a definition of "fascism". Are you calling an opposition to immigration and multi-culturalism intrinsically fascist?

As he pointed out, the incentives they're advocating are voluntary. Taking them at their word, I'd have to say I don't quite smell the whiff of the gas chambers yet...
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 07:07:13 PM
"The same is true of Fascism. When you get down to the heart of it, Fascism is admired by the right."

You do not know much about the Right.

Sure it is. I see many aspects of fascism popularized by the right wing in the United States.

I wonder how you see this marage.
 You do not know much about the right,
so I will give you a clue,
 you will never learn much about the right from the Huffington post.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 07:08:49 PM
Gas chambers aren't intrinsically fascist either. I find that point rather bizarre.

I have no need to define fascism for this discussion because the BNP and the Italian fascists are self-identified. Nick Griffin was a member of the National Front which beget the BNP.

Giovanni Alemanno was a leader of a neo-fascist youth movement, has fascist supporters salute him with a straight arm salute (sig heil!), and is even called "Il Duce." He began a faction of his party called the "Social Right" well known for their fascist beliefs.

In other words, I'm not the one making the judgment. These folks are fascists by their own standards. You may argue with them about the merits of their fascism if you like, but that's purposefully not my game here.

I've simply pointed out two very blatant hypocrisies of the right-wing in the states.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: _JS on May 09, 2008, 07:11:28 PM
I wonder how you see this marage.
 You do not know much about the right,
so I will give you a clue,
 you will never learn much about the right from the Huffington post.

Interesting Plane. I've honestly never read that.

I'll ask you a question, how could I not know much about the right? There is no left here.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 08:37:13 PM
I wonder how you see this marage.
 You do not know much about the right,
so I will give you a clue,
 you will never learn much about the right from the Huffington post.

Interesting Plane. I've honestly never read that.

I'll ask you a question, how could I not know much about the right? There is no left here.

I don't know , but you demonstrated an appalling ignorance when you stated that the US Right has admiration for Facism.

Quite the contrary , we admire John Wane , , Steve McQueen, Gregory Peck ,Ronald Reagan,James Coburn, Lee J. Cobb,Roger Moore,Sean Connery,, David Niven, Anthony Quinn etc. The number of Fascist bodys these guys piled up probly outnumbers the actual number of Natzi party membership.

We even like Robert Mitchim and Jimmy Stewart who probly killed some Fascists in real life.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 09:35:24 PM

So which part of this do you find troubling - that anybody with any common sense wasn't surprised by a perfectly predictable outcome, or that you were?

Neither. And I never said I was surprised by the outcome in Europe. I believe what I said was, "I'm watching people who denounce so-called 'Islamofascism' say that the rise of actual fascism in Italy and the U.K. is not only nothing to worry about but a perfectly understandable response to supposedly uncontrolled immigration." I'm not seeing a lot of, say, "well this predictable outcome is a bad one." What I am seeing is more along the lines of, "Well of course that is the outcome because the liberals were letting the immigrants ruin everything." The reactions seem highly sympathetic. None of them seem remotely close to criticisms of people turning to fascism. That is what I find troubling. I am no fan of socialism, but turning to fascism to counter it is like turning to a tyrant to counter a despot.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 09, 2008, 10:30:37 PM
What I am seeing is more along the lines of, "Well of course that is the outcome because the liberals were letting the immigrants ruin everything." The reactions seem highly sympathetic. None of them seem remotely close to criticisms of people turning to fascism. That is what I find troubling. I am no fan of socialism, but turning to fascism to counter it is like turning to a tyrant to counter a despot.[/color]

Ok, given that the native population isn't getting much sympathy from the mainstream political establishment, what would you recommend that they do? I don't think they're going find "Bend over, grab your ankles and take it!" an acceptable alternative....
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 09, 2008, 10:35:43 PM

 is like turning to a tyrant to counter a despot.

A historical event that happens with some regularity .

I don't have any appreciation for Fascism , nor am I a fan of socialism but Americans have a perfect right to become either as much as they fail to understand any better.

I can extend this to Europeans , who I would have thought learned this lesson two or four generations ago , but they have a right to their goofy thinking as Americans do to.  Of course in some European countries the Fascist party is verboten , I don't think that this is actually a good way to deal with them , they go underground and thrive with the "persecution".

But the Islamofascist is presently less a party or a philosophy than an international conspiracy guilty for several thousand murders , many of them people chosen randomly , some others chosen to die for reasons of race.

The European Fascists may have this potential in their future , but they may develop otherwise , remember the Democrats are presently the favorite party of the Afro-American demographic , even though this is the same party that sponsored Jeff Davis. Peacefull Fasism seems like an oxymoron but stranger things have happened .

The Islamo Fascist has no potential to get worse  , the only way for them to be worse would be for them to grow more numerous and successfull they can't get more evil , they are already pegging the needle on the evil gage.

So comparing the Islamo Fascist with the Italian elected fascist is comparing someone who may be contemplating evil with someone who has accomplished the evil .
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 09, 2008, 11:55:04 PM

Ok, given that the native population isn't getting much sympathy from the mainstream political establishment, what would you recommend that they do? I don't think they're going find "Bend over, grab your ankles and take it!" an acceptable alternative....

So fascism is their only alternative? Hm.

We're back to thinking about groups rather than individuals again. The native population are all in 100% agreement are they?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 10, 2008, 01:02:21 AM

So comparing the Islamo Fascist with the Italian elected fascist is comparing someone who may be contemplating evil with someone who has accomplished the evil .

Treating non-terrorist and generally moderate Muslims as a terrorist fifth column is somehow okay, but criticizing elected fascists is unfair?
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Religious Dick on May 10, 2008, 02:01:42 AM

So fascism is their only alternative? Hm.

Well, you've had your opportunity to offer an alternative. So far I'm not hearing anything.

We're back to thinking about groups rather than individuals again. The native population are all in 100% agreement are they?[/color]

Apparently enough of them are that you and JS are up in arms about fascists taking over Europe because the BNP won a handful of seats.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: modestyblase on May 10, 2008, 02:03:19 AM
There are some folks in here who do two things constantly:

1. They defend Israel no matter what that nation's government does.
2. They constantly use the terms Islamofascism or Islamo-nazi.

So we have a situation in Italy and the UK were real Fascists won elections. I'm not talking about right-wingers who get labeled "fascist" by their detractors. I'm talking about politicians who are Fascists and make no qualms about that fact.

In Rome the Jewish community protested the new mayor and PM Burlesconi's fascist references in his victory speech. The BNP picked up council seats in the UK, including a coveted seat on the GLA.

Real Fascists. No semantics. No invented terms to inspire hatred. True fascists who joined Fascist parties.

Yet, these same crusaders for Israel and courageous captains-of-the-guard, vigilantly pursuing Islamic militarism wherever it may hide - said nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

That leads me to ponder two points.

1. They really could give a damn less about the Jewish people. The important thing is the Israeli state and its usefulness. I'd go further and say that Ethiopian Jews, for example, are ultimately meaningless. They have no western values or European culture. The important thing is the Israeli state and how they can be used to kill Muslims.

2. Fascism isn't an enemy at all. The moniker is simply useful to tag onto the end of Islam because it degrades all of Islam. Fascists in Europe are perfectly acceptable, if not appreciated. After all, they are legitimate allies with the right-wing and no one loathes illegal immigration and absolutely loves uniculturalism more than true Fascists. Nationalism is their lynchpin, how bad can real European fascists be to the right wing?

Haven't read Berlusconi's speech, though there is no comparison in the fascism in Italy's modern history and the genocidal religion-fueled warring in the Middle East.

So to address otherwise:

1. Why do you say that the support expressed for the Israeli state is to "kill Muslims"?

2. Why do you perceive the term "Islamofascism"(which I have never used, though I regularly use other terms)as degrading all of Islam? Why is not indicative of simply the extremists, the militants, the fundamentalists-you know, those who slam thirty rockets into Israel daily, or those who deny women any decent and basic right? I would venture a guess that your perception is what is the issue. Just as if I heard someone ranting about crackheads, or methheads, or cokeheads, even if their respective statistically-proven race was put before the drug of choice, I would not immediately presume that rant to color the whole of the race, simply that one segment.

I can't recall your opinions from the heated debates of some months ago, but your indication that those of us who support Israel do so simply because we want them to kill Muslims is fairly extreme(and troubling).
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Universe Prince on May 10, 2008, 02:15:44 AM

Well, you've had your opportunity to offer an alternative. So far I'm not hearing anything.

Well, I could talk about alternatives like trade and whatnot, but do you really want to read all that? Aren't you just asking so you can be derisive about it and tell me how unrealistic I am?

Apparently enough of them are that you and JS are up in arms about fascists taking over Europe because the BNP won a handful of seats.

I don't think either of us said fascists were taking over Europe.
Title: Re: For Love of Judaism
Post by: Plane on May 10, 2008, 02:41:19 AM
I wonder how you see this marage.
 You do not know much about the right,
so I will give you a clue,
 you will never learn much about the right from the Huffington post.

Interesting Plane. I've honestly never read that.

I'll ask you a question, how could I not know much about the right? There is no left here.

Wait one , mean you havent read the Huffington post?

You really ought to check it out.

Not a clue in the bushell about the Right , but I do get a clue from there what the Left is talking about.

I am not posting there though , this is my favoriate show.