What would the egregious ramifications be?
Where to start.
- 1st and foremost, it's an Amnesty Program
- there is no continuous work requirement for amnesty
- It would have allowed illegal immigrants to ask anybody to attest that they have been employed, inviting rampant fraud, as the government cannot realistically investigate all these cases
- It would have restricted the ability of Citizenship and Immigration Services to share information on illegal alien guest worker applicants who are criminals and/or terrorists (for exanple, if an illegal alien writes in their applications that they are related to Osama Bin Laden, then our government cannot use that information.) and what's worse, if a federal agent does use information provided by an illegal alien in an application for amnesty the agent would be fined $10,000. This is five times more than the alien has to pay to get amnesty
- Illegal Immigrants would have the option to only have to pay three of their last five years in back taxes, and the total amount of the "fine" is preposterously low ($2000) when you consider how many years they have to pay it.
- Illegal Immigrants are allowed not only to become citizens, but also to legally live and work here while they wait, unlike all the other immigrants that went thru the process legally
- Illegal Immigrants are not prohibited from getting credit for the money they’ve put into the Social Security system if they’ve worked in the U.S.
illegally and using a bogus SS#
- There was no serious enforcement in the bill. Who's going to enforce that they learn English? What are the repercussions if they fail to pay their back taxes?
- Businesses that hired illegal workers would have gotten off scott-free from paying the taxes that they owe the government. In addition to not having to pay their taxes, employers are also off the hook for providing illegal immigrants with records or evidence that they have worked in the U.S
- Currently, the State Department requires most applicants to submit to interviews, and waives them only for children and the elderly. Under the Senate bill, illegal immigrants in the 2nd tier who are required to leave the country can re-enter the United States on a visa. but not be required to be interviewed
There are many more examples of how egregious the senate bill was, but these were many of the biggies to start off with. Of course I'm confident how you'll torpedo many of the measures in a mode of painting me as so uncaring, so unsympathetic to those "who just want to come to america and work". Sarcastiscally declaring "
Yea, how dare we consider retroactivly giving them credit on SS taxes"...... when they illegally used bogus SS#'s. Or "
ea, how dare we allow them to work here as their immigration status goes thu the process".....when legal immigrant applicants didn't have such a luxury. Which is fine, as you're perfectly entitled to that opinion, as tweaked as it may be. I love this country, and the immigrants that made it what it is. And I love what makes it great, or at least what made it great.
To quote JD Hayworth,
"The idea that this plan would be onerous for illegals is insulting, especially to legal immigrants who have patiently gone through the laborious process of lawfully coming into this country."