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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2011, 12:19:07 PM »
Seriously xo, if you weren't going to take this debate seriously, you should have not responded from the beginning.  Every post you provide, in this thread in particular, that parrots exactly the type of insults and slurs you keep claiming that not answering allowed you to avoid, demonstrates just how hypocritically disingenuous you are
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2011, 12:37:27 PM »
And more dog barf from you, sirs.

Are you a grown up or a 5 year old?


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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #92 on: April 05, 2012, 01:34:29 PM »
Today Americans will witness an extraordinarily rare event.

The president will sign a bill that originated in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, the Jumpstart Our Business Startup Act.

Sadly, it is almost unheard of for Obama, who ran in 2008 on post-partisanship, to actually engage in such bipartisanship for the good of the economy. House Republicans have passed 27 other jobs bills (with some Democratic support) that Senate Democrats and the president have ignored.

When it comes to creating jobs and helping the economy, Democrats talk a good game. But that’s about it. The JOBS Act is a start, but we could have accomplished much more by now.

We could have…

• Helped entrepreneurs

• Reduced regulatory burdens

• Increased energy production

• Increased access to capital for job creators

• Provided middle class tax relief

That’s just a sampling. But all 27 bills would have helped create jobs and grow the economy. Thanks to Democrats’ intransigence, though, they are just 27 missed opportunities.

Make no mistake: Democrats’ inaction is politically motivated. Because of their failed record on jobs, the deficit, debt, healthcare, energy, and more, they have nothing to run on in 2012. So they decided that if they can’t run on their own record, they’ll distort Republicans’ record.

President Obama has made it clear that he wants to run against a do-nothing Congress. But there’s a problem with that strategy. The Republican House has been doing plenty. It’s the Democrat-controlled Senate that does nothing. They haven’t even passed a budget in three years.

Obama’s hypocrisy is astonishing. He attacks Republicans for—of all things—passing a budget. Meanwhile, his own 2013 budget went down in the House 0-414. The Senate voted down his 2012 budget 0-97.

President Obama went so far as to call Republicans’ Path to Prosperity budget “a Trojan Horse.” If he really wants to talk about Trojan Horses, let’s talk about his 2008 campaign. Americans who supported Obama in ’08 surely did not expect “hope and change” to become “fear and division.”

They would have expected the candidate who campaigned as a transformative, post-partisan uniter to work with House Republicans on bipartisan bills, instead of signing just one. They expected policies that were good for the economy and struggling families.

Yet Obama’s policies have not been in the interest of most Americans. In their efforts to grow government, raise taxes, over-regulate businesses, and coddle the special interests, Democrats have done plenty—all destructive, to be sure.

But on growing the economy, creating jobs, and reducing the deficit, they have been nothing but Do-Nothing Democrats. That’s something America can do without. Just wait till November.

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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #93 on: April 05, 2012, 06:28:57 PM »
Psst: Do-Nothing "Republican" Congress Strikes Again
Guy Benson
Apr 05, 2012

President Obama signed the bipartisan JOBS Act into law at a Rose Garden ceremony this afternoon:
President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law a bill that aims to make it easier for small companies to raise money from investors. The House voted last month to send the bill to Obama for final approval. Critics say the bill won't create jobs and puts investors at risk by loosening regulation. However, the Obama administration on Thursday also directed the Treasury Department, Small Business Administration and Justice Department to "closely" monitor the implementation of the legislation to ensure it maintains "appropriate investor protections."

The Republican-held House passed this bill in early March.  After some pointless foot-dragging, the Democratic Senate eventually approved the measure, and now it's law.  Let the record show that as of today, the "do nothing," "Republican" Congress has worked with the president by
- extending the payroll tax cut extension,
- passing patent reform,
- repealing a counter-productive withholding rule,
- and approving three free trade agreements. 

These were all elements of President Obama's jobs agenda.  Now he's signed a job creation bill championed by House Republicans.  Remember this roster of bipartisan accomplishments as our desperate president castigates his Congressional opponents as unflinching ideological obstructionists -- as he's guaranteed to do for the next seven months.  The truth is that Republicans cooperate with this president when it's sensible to do so; they attempt to jettison his worst ideas, like cap and trade, Obamacare, higher taxes, and a second slush fund stimulus.  And why is this president so bitter and desperate?  Well, there's this:
In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, Mitt Romney attracts 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns 45%. If Rick Santorum is the GOP nominee, the president leads 46% to 44%. Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) at least somewhat disapprove

Now, if only the Do-nothing Dems, would actually get off their arsses
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #94 on: April 05, 2012, 08:10:32 PM »
I'm guessing even our illustrious BsB isn't going to have much of a laundry list in Obama accomplishments that could headline some DNC commercials.  I'd expect more of the let's Blame Bush..&..Re-Elect Obama.  Oh, almost forgot.....Republicans want to prevent women from getting BC, garbage as well
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2012, 08:33:39 PM »
And Romney's accomplishments are?


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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #96 on: April 06, 2012, 01:03:09 AM »
As President?  Has to be elected 1st

As Private Citizen, he apparently co-founded Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm, with $37 million in private investment capital, and was re-recruited to help it out of bankruptcy, which he apparently was successful at
Was apparently asked to be President of the Winter Olympics, & oversaw a $1.32 billion budget, 700 employees, and 26,000 volunteers. By 2002, the Olympics were the most successful ever, going from near-bankruptcy to a $100 million profit
Became CEO and spokesman for the Free and Strong America PAC, an organization supporting conservative candidates across the nation

As Public Servant, he was elected by the people of to run their state of Mass, and eventually served as national Chairman of the Republican Governors Association

Anything else?
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #97 on: April 06, 2012, 01:30:08 AM »
So Obama has more experience in government than Romney. 10 year priors to election to the Presidency vs 4 for Romney. Running a business vs running a govt are completely different animals.


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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #98 on: April 06, 2012, 02:16:02 AM »
So Obama has more experience in government than Romney. 10 year priors to election to the Presidency vs 4 for Romney. Running a business vs running a govt are completely different animals.

While I'd opine someone successfully running a business, is PRECISELY what's needed to fix the Government.  The fact he also has executive experience, FAR more so than when Obama took office, also speaks volumes.  I'll take 4 years experience functioning as the head executive, vs 0 years for Obama, prior to election, in a heartbeat.  But nice spin
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 05:30:28 AM by sirs »
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #99 on: April 06, 2012, 03:12:46 AM »
This isn't about who you would choose.

Just looking at the big picture.

Let's see.

Obama ran for the Democratic nomination once and won.

This is Mitts second rodeo isn't it?

Does that say anything about leadership and the team of people surrounding each?


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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #100 on: April 06, 2012, 04:12:40 AM »
I realize you're no Mitt fan.  Lemme remind you....neither am I.  So, if the choice comes down to Mitt vs Obama......that's really no contest. 

You can spin and rationalize with the best of the DNC, but the facts still remain.....Obama has no record to run on, and as this thread has painfully demonstrated, has no serious accomplishments that Democrats can run on with the slogan of "4 more years of this".  He was elected with alot of "1st black president" coat-tails attached.  Perhaps if Romney were black, he'd only needed 1 rodeo himself. 

Thing is, I could care less about color or race.  I care about policy & intentions.  The "open-mic" incident pretty much sealed Obama's "intentions".  Mitt has a record to run on, both as a successful business person and as a chief executive, with far more experience than Obama.  He's someone who has led large throngs of people, and not as just some community organizer.  He's turned profits, he's saved enterprises, and he has executive experience......exactly what is needed to run as chief executive of the country.  Is he perfect?, nope.  Will he flip flop on various issues?, probably.  Is he the better choice vs another 4 years of Obamination?, HELL YES.  Joe the Plumber would be better, but he's not running
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #101 on: April 09, 2012, 06:26:50 PM »
I realize you're no Mitt fan.  Lemme remind you....neither am I.  So, if the choice comes down to Mitt vs Obama......that's really no contest.   

Thing is, I could care less about color or race.  I care about policy & intentions.  The "open-mic" incident pretty much sealed Obama's "intentions

Wait and see how flexible Obama will be

As Bob Hope and Bing Crosby observed in "The Road To Bali":

"He gets his shirts straight from Paris
Cigarettes from the Nile
He talks like a highbrow
But he plays Chicago style..."

I've no idea where President Barack Obama gets his shirts and smokes, but he certainly talks like a highbrow, sufficiently so to persuade presidential historian Michael Beschloss to pronounce him the day after the 2008 election "the smartest president ever." Yet, in the end, he plays Chicago style. You can take the community organizer out of Chicago, but you can't take the Chicago out of the community organizer. Or as the Agence France-Presse headline put it, "Combative Obama Warns Supreme Court On Health Law."

Headlines in which the executive "warns" the courts are usually the province of places like Balochistan, where powerful Cabinet ministers are currently fuming at the Chief Justice's determination to stop them kidnapping citizens and holding them for ransom – literally, that is, not merely figuratively, as in America. But, here as there, when Obama "warns" the Supreme Court "over health law," it's their health prospects he has in mind. He cautioned the justices – "an unelected group of people" – not to take the "unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."

The eunuchs of the palace media gleefully piled on: as the New York Times sees it, were the justices to take an "unprecedented" step so unprecedented there are two centuries' worth of precedents going back to 1803, they would be fatally damaging "the Court's legitimacy."

All that's unprecedented here is the spectacle of the president of the United States, while the judges are deliberating, idly swinging his tire iron and saying, "Nice little Supreme Court you got here. Shame if anything were to happen to it."

A nation can have formal "checks and balances," but in the end free societies depend on a certain deference to the proprieties. If you're willing to disdain those, you can drive a coach and horses through accepted norms very easily. The bit about "a democratically elected Congress" was an especially exquisite touch given Obama's recently professed respect for the democratic process: as he assured Vladimir Putin's sock puppet the other day, he'll have "more flexibility" to accommodate foreign interests after he's got his "last election" and all that tedious democracy business out of the way. His "last election," I hasten to add, not America's.

Aside from his contempt for judicial review and those rube voters, what other checks and balances doesn't he have time for? Well, he makes "recess appointments" when the Senate isn't in recess, thus circumventing the dreary business of confirmation by that "democratically elected" legislature he likes so much. But, hey, it's only members of the National Labor Relations Board and the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, so why get hung up on constitutional niceties?

By the way, have you heard of this Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? No? Don't worry, no big deal, it's just a new federal agency. Because we can always use another of those, right? What's one more acronym jostling in the ever more crowded alphabet soup of federal regulation? CFTC, CPSC, CNPP and now CFPB. Not to be confused with CFPB-FM, the Inuit radio station just south of the Arctic Circle in the Nunavut village of Kugaaruk, where in 1975 the world's all-time coldest wind chill was recorded: minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit.

Where was I? Oh, yes: the world's all-time coldest wind chill. That's what you're going to be feeling at this point in an Obama second term. If you like his contempt for judicial review, parliamentary scrutiny and representative democracy now, wait'll you see how "flexible" he'll get starting in January 2013. The CFPB appointment is not a small thing. Indeed, its new director, one Richard Cordray, embodies what's gone so disastrously wrong with American government: you'll have to be in compliance with him, but he doesn't have to be in compliance with anybody, whether the Senate or the Constitution. As I say somewhere in my recent book, you don't need a president-for-life if you've got a bureaucracy-for-life. More and more aspects of the citizen's daily existence are regulated by rules and officials both of which are ever more disconnected from any meaningful accountability to the people's representatives. As the president says, look for even more "flexibility" in a second term:
- more non-recess recess appointments,
- more executive orders,
- more bewildering innovations from the commissars of the hyper-regulatory state.

Which brings us to another aspect of government that Obama apparently finds a frightful bore: budgets. In free societies, the executive is subject to the creative tensions of popular restraint, legislative restraint, judicial restraint and fiscal restraint. All these the president has artfully sidestepped. In the past three years, the United States has ceased to have any meaningful budgeting at the national level, with the consequence that Washington piles on roughly a trillion dollars of new debt every seven or eight months. This week, before the fawning toadies at the Associated Press luncheon, Obama attacked Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to prevent America plunging into the debt abyss and at least keep its fingernails clawing at the clumps on the cliff edge for a couple more decades. Don't believe him, sneered the president. "Hundreds of national parks" will close. Parts of the country will see "complete elimination of air traffic control." We will be unable to "combat violent crime." Two million mothers and young children will wind up without "access to healthy food". Anything else? You bet. The Ryan plan will doom everything everywhere – "the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food that we eat."

"This is not conjecture," said the president. "These are facts."

Speaking of facts, in the past year the federal government has added the equivalent of the GDP of Canada in new debt. Who's buying it? The Chinese? Not so much. They've got pretty much all the Washington IOU's they need. Sixty-one percent of debt issued by the Treasury is bought by the Federal Reserve – which is to say the left hand of the U.S. Government is lending money to the right hand of the US Government. That's one reason the dollar is in steep decline against every major currency. Indeed, had it not been for the French and Germans et al inaugurating the new century by inventing a currency for an artificial jurisdiction with even less connection to economic reality (the European Union), it's likely that the markets would have yanked the rug out from under the dollar by now.

Nonetheless, in a land where every mewling babe in the American nursery is born with a debt burden of just under $200,000, the president brags that only his party is "compassionate" to have no plan whatsoever even to attempt to do anything about this, no way, no how, not now, not ever.

Last week, the head of the General Services Administration, the federal agency that picks out the office furniture for the other federal agencies, had to resign after a bureaucrats' junket to Vegas that included a lavish party with clowns and a $3,200 mind reader. The clowns seem surplus to requirements, but I'd love to know what that mind reader found.

Obama-sized government ends nowhere good, and in his Chicago-style contempt for checks and balances he's telling us that, if you enjoyed the first term, you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #102 on: April 10, 2012, 08:12:15 PM »
I think I can deduce why so many on the left and self proclaimed know-it-all's are so absent when it comes to discussing the issue of Obama and any "accomplishments".  Not only are there none to hang their hat on, as it relates to commercials to run highlighting "vote Obama and get four more years of .....this".  But that they truely may be geting quie fatigued at trying to defend his overt lack of education, when it comes to Constitutional matters, and horrible lack of leadership when it comes to ..... just about everything else

Now, what the left is......left with, is simply going on the attack.  This will be perhaps one of the ugliest elections in a long time.  Yes, the MSM will circle their Obama-coolaide wagons, but at least more and more GOP politicans & conservative pundits aren't allowing the MSM to dictate the template of questioning.  Instead of sitting their with deer-in-the-headlights look and trying to be polite trying to explain away the question(s), they're starting to take cues from messers Palin & Newt, on how to turn the tables on such loaded questions, designed to try and make the right and/or Romney look bad.  And what the right and Romney have at the top of their arsenal is....... Obama's record and "accomplishments" to throw right back at them

It's the Republicans to lose.  Let's see what they do
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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #103 on: April 12, 2012, 01:44:42 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: OK, let's list his "accomplishments"
« Reply #104 on: May 18, 2012, 03:57:45 PM »
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts." -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Conservatives and liberals may disagree on reasons, motivations, and excuses for Barack Obama's performance, but the facts are still facts. There may be many reasons that a pro football coach goes 1-15, but everyone can agree that his record is still 1-15, right? Well, here are some basic facts about how the country is faring with Barack Obama in the White House. Take a look at the numbers, sans commentary, and make your own judgment about whether Barack Obama deserves another term in office.

1) Real median household income is down $4300 since Obama took office.

2) The percentage of unemployed workers who've been out of a job for more than a year is over 30%.

3) The country has had the longest streak of +8% unemployment since the Depression under Obama: 39 months and counting.

4) In 2011 under Barack Obama, nearly one out of every seven Americans was on food stamps. That's a 70 percent increase from 2007.

5) Fifty percent of new college graduates are underemployed or unemployed.

6) U.S. home ownership is at a decade long low. So is the number of Americans who say their home is worth more than they paid for it. Home prices are the lowest they've been since 2002.

7) Barack Obama ended NASA's manned space program.

8 ) Going into this election cycle, Barack Obama had raised more money from Wall Street than any President in history. He has also raised more money from Wall Street than all of the GOP presidential contenders combined in this election cycle.

9) Under Barack Obama's leadership, the last time Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats passed a budget was April 9, 2009.

10) Barack Obama's budget was defeated 414-0 in the House and 99-0 in the Senate.

11) When he was running for President in 2008, Barack Obama pledged not to raise taxes on families making less than 250,000 dollars per year. He broke that promise with the tanning salon tax and with Obamacare, which raises almost 500 billion dollars in new taxes, a significant portion of which would be paid by people making less than 250,000 dollars per year.

12) When Barack Obama took office, gas was $1.95 per gallon. Today gas is $3.72 per gallon.

13) In February of this year, the federal government had a 229 billion dollar deficit. That was the largest deficit in the history of the United States.

14) America lost its AAA credit rating (which it had held since 1917) on Obama's watch despite the fact that Timothy Geithner publicly said there was "no risk" of that happening.

15) Barack Obama added more to the debt in just 38 months than George Bush did in two full terms as President
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle