Plane actually helping to reinforce a point I made quite a while back. While the left, libs, Socialists, and Communists attempt to decry greed and money as the evil of all evils, the true evil is power.....the power to dictate who, what, when, how much, how little, anyone can do, earn, be allowed to... whatever.
It's one thing to have laws to defend one person from infringing on the rights of another. Quite another kettle of fish, when you have a 3rd party power (the Government, be it led by a King, Dictator, or Party), have such power to tell you where you can and can't live, what you can and can't own, how much you can and can't make, what you can and can't eat (not because its supposedly cancer causing, but because you might get fat). Even getting to the point on how much carbon dioxide one is allowed, or have to pay for extra carbon credits
The true evil is Power, and its what the hard left craves. Not that there aren't any RW extremists that would want to use the Government to enforce their version of morals, but they are exponentially far fewer than what the current crop of leftists in the country inhabit, in Government