<<[The "pesky facts" are that]T we still have nothing more that hearsay as far as "sexual harrasment" . . . >>
true, but it's also a "pesky fact" that most male executives can complete their term of employment without ONE allegation of sexual harrassment that leads to a hefty settlement, let alone two.
<< . . . that Cain signed nothing as it relates to any settlement>>
a totally meaningless fact since the Association was in all probability defended by its insurers under a policy that would have covered at least the senior executives, so that if Cain didn't want to incur a shitload of legal defence costs, he would have been happy to let the Association's insurers' lawyers carry the ball for him. You can bet your ass that somewhere in the internal paperwork of the law firm or firms that defended the claims, there is a retainer signed by Cain that appoints them as his attorney(s) and authorizes them to settle the matter on his behalf.
<< . . . that, that its perfectly within reason to settle such cases out of court for such a small price compared to what litigation might cost, etc., etc., etc.>>
LOL. 80K is NOT a "small price" for two sexual harrassment claims that don't go beyond allegations of verbal-level comments that leave the victim feeling merely "uncomfortable" and the so-called "costs" of the litigation, where (a) there is, as you yourself point out, absolutely zero physical or documentary evidence and (b) a complete investigation already carried out by the employer, are most likely to be in the minimal-to-low range of the scale. In such circumstances, 80K would actually be kind of a high-end settlement.
<<That this is nothing more than a distration. a MSM circus of a witchunt, spending 24/7 news cycle going after nothing more than a 20+yr hold "harrasment" accusation . . . >>
Oh, I actually agree with you on that, this is purely political in the absence of evidence of any really egregious conducts, but that is not a "pesky fact" at all, that is merely your opinion (and mine) which has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of what Uncle Tom Cain did with those two victims.
<< . . . while messers "happily married" Obama & Clinton got nary a touch of anythimg even remotely approacing such tenacious scrutiny>>
Now why on earth would that surprise you? There isn't a shred of evidence that they sexually harrassed anyone ever, and the most you could ever say about Clinton was that he was a constant target of trophy hunters of all shapes and sizes.
<<Bill Ayers?? Jaunita Broaddrick? Rev Wright? Hello?? Media??>>
Hello media?? How the hell would you ever have heard even ONE of those names had it not been for the media? Hello? ? ? ? sirs? ? ? ? ?