The only thing that Chinese are inferior at in the US is self-promotion.
I am a huge believer in Asians, their success, hard-work, and high IQ's,
but i would not say that self-promotion is their
only area of weakness.
I think Asians in general are great, hard working, smart "
copy-cats". They didn't invent the modern car, but they make some of the best.
They didnt invent the modern computer but they make some of the best.
I would say Asians excel in many things but they are not the greatest innovators in the world.
They have not changed the world in the way people of Anglo-American/European decent
have in the last 100 years. But who-knows that could certainly change especially
if China unleashes it's full potential by abandoning Communism and fully unleashes it's people.
thats just my opinion about the macro.