<<I rest my case [on me, Michael Tee, saying that I don't want the U.S. to win its illegal war of aggression and self-aggrandizement.] ..
I have to say, that's a pretty weak reed on which to rest ANY case. Any normal, decent, law-abiding, straight-thinking person would want the U.S. to lose this war. What gives them the right to invade any country they choose and take control of its natural resources for their own benefit? Who but a fascist thug would ever want them to win?
<<Thus everything that leads to that conclusion is thus justfied and/or rationalized. Not just is, but must be, in order to follow the predisposed template. >>
Well, first of all, I didn't say that either Cole or Cockburn "must be" right, just that the U.S. government version was obvious bullshit. They lie all the time, what would have happened to suddenly convert them into purveyors of pure truth for this one single massacre?
<< Insurgents, heavily armed, moving at night, MUST be Religious pilgrims heading for a.....? >>
PROBABLY were religious pilgrims because it's a holy festival time and the alternative explanation (a guerrilla band) doesn't match the lop-sided casualty count or the stand-and-fight rather than melt away tactics of the typical guerrilla band.
<<(what's the big AM celebration they were heading for again, Tee?)>>
How the fuck would I know, what am I, part of their religion now? I speculated that they might be heading for dawn prayers on a day that was holy to them in a place that was holy to them. The first prayer of the Muslim day is before sunrise. What the hell is so unlikely that a group of pilgrims headed for a holy place want to make a pre-dawn prayer there or maybe a full cycle of all their daily prayers there?
<<, who just happened to be armed to the teeth. >>
WOW!!!!! ARMED TO THE TEETH. And in IRAQ, of all places. I could see religious pilgrims being armed to the teeth in the Vatican Library, maybe, but in IRAQ?
Man is that Tee crazy. I'll bet the next thing he tries to tellya is that Iraq is a violent place. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH.
<<They're simply religious folk because....well because they would have had pre-arranged escape routes otherwise. >>
No, they're NOT GUERRILLAS because guerrillas don't attack superior forces and then stand and fight - - especially when the superior forces can call in U.S. air support.
<< It's the only explaination. They're heavily armed because.....well, because the U.S. military is a bunch of murdering rapists, so they have to protect themselves. >>
Yeah, what a radical thought. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis blown to bits, kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the U.S. forces and these guys want to arm themselves for protection? Whoa, incredible. Why don't they just lie down on their backs in the middle of the road and ask the U.S. army to bayonet them in the gut like any normal reasonable man would do? Why fight the inevitable?
sirs, your knowledge and grasp of the real world continue to amaze me.