My guess is that most survival food will be thrown out with the trash and never eaten at all.
Preston Slater was the owner of my home town Western Auto store. He was the father of a classmate. We built a homecoming float at his home in 1958. That was when his daughter showed us his bomb shelter under the garage. It was stocked with dried food and had its own generator. He was determined to see to it that his family survived the coming Nuclear Holocaust. He died of a heart attack in 1962. Of course he had insurance, so he passed the house on to his daughter. She died of a heart attack in 2000. Eventually the house was sold, and there was an article in the local paper about the bomb shelter. The Realtor® of course, knew nothing about it, and neither did any of the neighbors. They ran several photos of all the stockpiles of food and supplies, including the Geiger counter.