That's exactly what I mean about a barrage of facts proving nothing. The war couldn't be about oil because the oil isn't being guarded by the U.S. Proof? There's no controls over the oil and it's not all accounted for. And Ami produces official-sounding audits by impressively named bodies to back this all up. At the end of the day, what does it all prove?
1. Some huge American corporations like KBR are probably making a killing overcharging for every service rendered to the production zones.
2. Somebody is stealing the oil because there aren't any controls or there aren't sufficient controls. Whooooeee! Stealing oil. In the Middle East of all places. Who woulda thunk? Who could be stealing the oil? The puppet government? Naaaahh, they look like honest folk to me. Sell out their country to the Americans, sure, but steal their country's oil? Impossible. The puppets with the connivance of the Americans? Hey not a bad idea. For every dollar the puppets can get their hands on from unmetered oil, that's a dollar in support money that the American government doesn't have to pay them. If the missing oil is as big a deal as BT and Ami seem to think it is, that's a lot of money that the American taxpayer will never have to pony up for a war that's already cost way, way over budget. Or maybe it's the occupiers themselves. Could the American army and American multinationals be sharing in any of this missing oil? Don't ask me, WTF do I know?
3. Bottom line, nobody seems to be watching the oil right now. Somebody's getting it "off the books" and the most powerful force in the country, the U.S. Army, ain't doing nothing about it. Gee, wonder why?
Ami, you are doing good work. You don't know what the hell you are doing, but you dig up facts, factoids, etc. that you just aren't able to put into context. But that's OK, some of us here can figure it all out for you. You just keep digging, Ami, I like everything you found so far.
BT, the war's about oil. It's about securing oil sources for the long haul, for the day when China and India and the rest of the world all need more than all the wells in the world can produce. That day hasn't come yet. For the time being, the U.S. Army is on the ground on top of the oil and if it manages to stay there until the oil crunch finally arrives, it will have served its function. In the meantime, nobody gives a shit what happens to the oil - - officially. It is going somewhere, that's for sure, and probably somewhere the U.S. government turns a blind eye to. They have their reasons. A little scam is going on and a few people, all in the temporary good graces of the Bush administration if not actually members thereof, are getting rich from it, but in no way do those shenanigans in any way invalidate the basic truth: that the war is for oil.